Game Talk
Announcements Updates on development of the core branch will be posted here. The Toolbox Wondering how something in the code works? Need some help to get a mod started? Want to learn how to contribute? Find it here. Translations Team Discussion This is the place to discuss translation of Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead into other languages. The Warehouse The Warehouse is the place to discuss managing information about Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. Wikis, websites, databases, this is the place to discuss them all. The Drawing Board This is the category to use to tell everyone about your awesome new idea for features or development direction, and to elicit feedback about the same. The Bunker The Bunker is the place to talk about the game, share your experiences and ask for help about how to play. The Garage If somethings not working right in the game, or you even think something’s not working right, this is the place to post about it. The Lab Adding resources? An awesome fix or change? Rebuilding the game from scratch? Share your progress and get feedback here.