We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

The main problem would be to find long enough patch of road/bridge to test it. Even with just one meager GT engine, 2 overmap screens isn’t enough to achieve max speed.

Let there be a clown virus, which randomly happens without knowing. Only detectable symptoms are cravings for doing hilarious and stupid things. Such as a zombie Canon, banana peels, the taste for human flesh. These symptoms will get worse with more dangerous acts till they become out right manic and suicidal.

Only cure is depression.


Add a new faction gods chosen: zealous militias that believe they are gods chosen few since they survived the cataclysm until now.

They always have guns/ammo/explosives they stockpiled before the cataclysm. They go around in groups of atleast 5 people to protheletize and “finish god’s work”. They will always ask the player as soon as they see them what they believe in. The wrong answer will case them to shot you directly and the answers athiest, agnostic and “Why do you ask” are always wrong. Having visable mutations will case them to shoot you on sight screaming “demon!!!” and “devil!!”. If you give the right answer they will begin to preach about how we are god’s chosen and how the heretics, unfaithfull, and non-believers cased the apocalypse and must be purged. If you move a single tile while they are preaching you will be shoot. This preaching is at least 6 hours of game time and they will do it anywhere and shot any hostile monster that gets close (hope the city dwellers like sermons).

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Having recently taken over a dairy farm and for the first time keeping the cows alive for milk instead of immediately butchering them for smoked meat, I’m running into a… poo problem. They go like I was feeding them prunes dipped in castor oil!!!

Thankfully even rotten dung can be made into adobe bricks, and I’d use more of it to make liquid fertilizer if I had any chitin, but even then I’ll be swimming in crap juice inside the walls of my sh*t castle! I started burning it just to get rid of it when I had a recollection from history class a billion years ago - people on the plains would dry and burn buffalo & cow dung as a fuel source. Maybe “cow chips” should be a thing in game?


add bats to the game, if you eat bat you can get corona virus.

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Dry Dung Fuel #39031


That’s too funny… I guess you haven’t had to hear the anxiety of the doctors & staff as they try to find supplies to keep themselves and their families safe when they finally get to go home for the day.

Or your fiance getting coughed on as he is inserting a breathing tube into someone who didn’t eat a bat but still has coronavirus anyway. Them worried they will infect you.

Keep up the jokes.

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I didn’t realize that had been brought up before. Thanks for the heads up!

You’re welcome. Also, it wasn’t horrible idea.
You know what horrible idea would be, concerning that problem? Adding a spell to Animist school which used the, ahem, “material” for summoning


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Oooh, or to summon a literal sh*t storm.

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let us fill containers and furnaiture with all the explosive we can fit into it and make it act like a single explosive so the explosion it creates is proportional to the amount of explosives we put into it.

In Very Dark conditions, attempting to eat something rolls against Perception to grab an adjacent item on the list instead and start munching.

Oh, you wanted to eat that chocolate? Too bad, you have a chunk of raw meat in your mouth instead. Have fun hunting mugwort in the dead of winter.

Eating the grapes from that pile of fresh loot? No, no, gunpowder is way more tasty.

Having some leftover foie gras? Well, you grabbed the random flask of fish mutagen, so now you have gills and the nearest river is thirty-two overmap tiles away and patrolled by a tank drone.


this actually seems like a really good idea, although realistically you would be able to smell or tell by the texture that you picked the right item. I would love to see this added as a joke mod though honestly; imagine your starving survivor going to a random kitchen to get a sip of milk, only to get a mouthfull of bleach as the ultimate f-you.

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add skeletal versions of the antlered horror and zombear. they are just as dangerous but with more bash damage (on account of every bodypart turning into a body cudgel) and a shit ton on armor.

edit:make a skeletal version of the boomer to but instead of bile or poison gas it creates scrapnel when it explodes.


“I’m not fat, I’m big boned!” - Skeleton Boomer


That gave me an idea: we can make zombie slaves, right? So why not use them as vehicle engines? Like, you know, horses or cows can be used already?

now just add a zombie powerd slave weil to produce power and we have the ultimate renuwable power source.

I call it electriZity.


I don’t know about drawing vehicles, I think they’d be too slow. But having them power a mill or something would be cool.

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Telescopic Legs CBM that when activated works like a stepladder, allowing you to climb onto the Z-level above.


Go, go, gadget legs!