We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

Add bathing to the game. Maybe put some of those bathtubs to use. Uses like 50 units of warm water with soap optional, but preferred. Can also be performed in a slapdash manner with simply a rag and 5 units of warm water.

Provides a shortlived but substantial mood boost if using a proper tub and a minor bonus to all wound healing if done with soap.

The slapdash method only works to relieve a mood debuff that grows until it tapers off at some point (or possibly disappears altogether).

Produces equal parts dirty water. This water can be used to simulate your own post apocalyptic eThot experience.


You really don’t need all that much water to stay clean. There was an extended period of time in my life when I was sponge-bathing from a #10 coffee can, needed about two refills if I was feeling decadent. Standing in thick smoke is also a pretty good way to keep the bugs and stink off if you don’t want to use water.

Would be an interesting addition though. Poor or no hygiene will absolutely kill you in a wilderness/disaster situation.

Pitfall traps.
Think it’s safe to walk into a room?
You walk over a covered up hole only for you to fall to your Doom.

It may lead to a room below with various dangers, an inescapable pit or just plain death (lava, land mines, spikes).

Hell, just to be creative. Pitfalls could even be large man sized flytraps, luring fools with the temptation of loot that it’s collected from its previous victims.


Slimes that instantly melt non-armored targets.

Who are best buddies with rust monsters that destroy your armor!


“Whats in that crate over there?”


“Oh, damn, its another Mimic”

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Make moose as dangerous as jaberwockies… they really should be, same as bears. Humans are really fragile. Currently they seem to easily killed with a couple points in some fighting skills

Re posting this one: Make it extremely dangerous to be attacked while sleeping. A zombie attack, even the most low level one while sleeping will give you a serious almost fatal attack to your neck/serious pain. Currently I think we aren’t punished enough for falling asleep and getting attacked.

Fridge and freezer doors get stuck after you close them. You will need to wait 60 second before they can be opened again.

Add a chance to spawn a zombie child who got locked in the fridge.


Any door (and window) could get stuck. Have fun using houses to run away from hordes!


Add a chance to randomly shout “OOGA BOOGA!” when wielding any spear.

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Add a recipe for Swamp Water (a mixture of every flavor of soda) and let PCs ferment sodas into booze.

Add a video game addiction to the PC if they play with the Handheld Game System too much.

Have the vibrators that drop from zombies start out filthy.

Have the vibrators that drop from zombies start out filthy.

That just makes it better :wink:

Add crabs.
A not the breach variety either.


make it so zombies grow extra limbs every time they are rez’ed, so that you could have a 100 armed zombie with 5 heads that will just grab you at every angle.

if you are in debt, have police bots spawn to make you pay it back. If you don’t have money on you to pay them, they’ll knock you unconscious & take items from your inventory of appropriate dollar value.

Basically robotic repo men


If you pick poor student as a start zombie teachers will start yelling at you about grades.


Taming breeding and training giant spiders, and then farming eggs/silk.
Use them to guard your base from npcs, send them to kill or ride them into battle.
Bonus points for interactions with spider mutations.


That’s actually a good suggestion, not a “terrible” suggestion, unless you got arachnophobia. kudos to the idea.


I would 100% train giant spiders to farm their stuff and use them as minions if that was an option. Go, my pretties - spread our webs to every corner!

Jet turbine engines for vehicles. Ever wanted to see how fast you could really go? Slap a couple of these babies on your deathmobile, load up on jet fuel, and jack that speed up to the maximum. Your mileage may vary, but the carnage won’t.