We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

Add the ability to make bad ammo loads that cause catastrophic failure and can instantly kill you.



Imagine that malfuncting for the broken cyborg start, Oof.

Cricket Farm furniture / mountable cricket farm vehicle part. Put in food scraps and allow to ā€˜cookā€™, withdraw chitin and protein powder.


add deadly food allergies.

you took deadly nut allergy for 10 ā€œfreeā€ point, reached late game after months of reallife playtime, became unstopable warlord of the wasteland, well hope you have a eppypen ready becease you just ate a handfull of almonds and will die in 10 minutes do to antifolectic shock.


add suicide bomb as a vicale component. would allow us to make remote controlled suicide drones to deal with those pesky hordes outside while we sit safely in our bunker on wheel of a deathmobile.

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You can already do that. Make an RDX charge, mod it for radio detonation, put it in a wire basket.


On every April 20th of the year (4/20 in American dating convention), add in a 10,000% increase in marijuana and joint drop rates. Only for the day, and only on the experimental build.


And on Halloween, a 10,000% increase in monster spawns!


not a suggestion, but a questionā€¦

is this thread becomes inspiration for survivorā€™s note? i swear i found so many misleadings survivor notes in the game that has same vibe as this thread (like telling me those Sporeos are filling when in fact they just cookies that infects you with fungus spore)

make it so that fluid sacks form fungaloids need to be cooked before consumption or they will give you fungal edit:infection and fungaloid bodies/ fluidsacks need to be either consumed intirely or destroyed or if they rot away completely they will generet a fungal tile.

Floor tiles that collapse onto lower floors when you walk on them. They randomly occur in ruined houses, but also appear over time, and replace regular floors in structures to simulate the buildings decaying over time. They also look nearly identical to regular floors.

Wall tiles that get weakened over time, such so that hitting them with a missed projectile or accidentally attempting to walk into them collapses the building.

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make it so that teleportation via teleport pad or portal is also between z-levels (we already had teleporting into walls but teleporting only to fall to your death seems like a good edition)


A POOP monster, and a negative trait for toilet humour.

Lots and lots of toilet humour.

When firing a bow at low Archery levels, a bad roll may result in slapping the string against your arm causing pain and damage based on the poundage of the bow.

Yes, you can still fire that greatbow made of telephone poles and aircraft cable, but you might take your arm off if you donā€™t hold it right.


Magiclysm characters who have Shouter will automatically yell ā€œHadoken!ā€ when casting fireball, and ā€œKamehameha!ā€ for Mana Beam.


not a suggestion but imagine missile silo that has randomized targeting system, and then you launch it and it ends up landing on your base.

that happens to me recently :laughing:

Bionics require software drivers to work properly. These drivers can be found on USB Drives and SD Cards scattered throughout the world, and the better bionic drivers are found only on encrypted SD Cards.


Sounds like a shitty idea mate ;D

Golgotha from Dogma?


Just googled that, a its more horrifying than I could ever imagine. Iā€™d almost prefer to go one on one with a Titanic demon than ever face a Shit Demon XD.