What's happening in YOUR randomly generated apocalypse? Part 2!

I was riding to the longest bridge I’ve found yet to test my new vehicle (more on that below) when I saw this:

Imagine morale penalty for slaying all of them in one go!

But that’s not the main thing that was going on. To make it short, I’ll just show you the result of the test of my new experimental vehicle:

That was at the end of a bridge. Turns out, 2 overmap screens isn’t enough to achieve top speed :frowning_face:

You may have noticed how I said it was the end of a bridge, and there was quite a bit of speed to slow down from. But why brake slowly if you can brake fast, right? :crazy_face:

And the best thing? No damage taken despite “braking” through 2 overmap tiles of a swamp. Not. A. Single. Scratch. I seriously have no idea how TF it has happened but it is what it is. Maybe it’s a bug, idk. I seriously expected her to splat over something, especially considering the vehicle’s only seat was a saddle, i.e. no seatbelts.
P.S. The Ascension’s composition for those of you interested in insane things


The Ascension