We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

I think that’s a bit much.[/quote]

There is no thing as a bit much in this thread!!!

#Every floorboard has a chance to break causing a fall through oblivion! Leading into a pit of lava. Because everyone has a pit of lava under their house. Right?
#Claymores. In houses. Behind front doors. Some people went overboard with “home security.”
#Indestructible closet doors, so you can hide from the big bad Hulks.
#“Party” cakes! The ones that have someone hiding in them, and then they burst out. Except this time zombies pop out of the cakes.
#Clothing irons, so you can look smooth even in the post-apocalypse.
#When you collect all the artifacts, you teleport to a bed in a hospital.

Then some humans come out of nowhere and put you back to sleep. Have a nice trip back in your demented dream apocalypse!

#When you accumulate all the mutations in a specific category of mutagen, you become the category’s animal. Like a slime. Live the rest of your life engulfing unfortunate particles.

#And headcrabs. Give me headcrabs.

[quote=“Derschlact, post:62, topic:3101”]#When you accumulate all the mutations in a specific category of mutagen, you become the category’s animal. Like a slime. Live the rest of your life engulfing unfortunate particles.

#And headcrabs. Give me headcrabs.[/quote]
*And headcrab mutagen I want to latch onto the heads of NPC’s and controll them. :smiley:

Not sure if it’s a good or bad thing that I’m bad at coming up with deliberately terrible ideas…

  • If a Zombie Hulk hits a car, all the pieces in the square it hit break off and fly away, probably in your direction.
  • Meleeing with a land mine for super happy fun explosive times.
  • If a zombie that’s on fire hits you, you catch on fire too. Have fun with that.
  • +10 Computers skill boost for characters at the Ballmer Peak.
  • Leave rotten milk alone long enough, and it turns into yoghurt. Then cheese.
  • Throw a grenade, molotov, or other such item at an NPC with decent dex and a free hand and they may catch it and throw it back to you. Hot potato!
  • Construction option: Sofa --> Couch Fort. Blocks sight when you are in its square.
  • After you’ve died a few times on day 1, your character starts making fourth-wall-breaking snarky comments at you.
  • Character trait: Child. Zombies feel terrible for killing you.
  • Some MP3 players cause a huge morale drop on account of being filled with music you hate.
  • 25% chance, after starting a bag of potato chips, to finish the entire bag in one shot regardless of how much is left.
  • Characters with fungal infection occasionally get the message “You feel like a pretty fun guy.”
  • Ejector seats from cars. If you collide with anything, you are flung 10-20 spaces away. This includes shrubs.
  • Make giant ants easier to kill by allowing the player to craft a giant magnifying lens.
  • Replace the spawn rate in non-static spawn mode with Notoriety Stars.
  • Explosions can send you a total of five map tiles and knock you unconscious, making zombies come to you.
  • Zombie hookers that carry money bundles.
  • Trait: Wild, Weird Cataclysm. Equivalent to the wild wild wasteland perk from fallout new vagas
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Wrestling unarmed style - DOUBLE AERIAL MUSCLE NOVA BUSTER used on jabberwock will be priceless, especially when z-levels come into the game. Also, drama-inducing skills would be funny. Well, you know, you try to convince the zombie hulk that you have a broken arm and then suddenly TRIPLE GERMAN TWISTING ULTRABREAKING SUPLEX him. Mexican version would be also acceptable.
Ability to drink anything. Why? Because IVAN. Also ability to dip anything into anything.
Vomiting by putting fingers… well, you know that. And yes, you can swallow that bullet and then vomit it out, covered in bile. And then shoot it at NPC so he will get infected wound.
Misfiring rocket launchers - rocket pops out and start its engine too late. Result? This shit will circlejerk on the ground until it runs out of rocket or hits anything.

That… sounds about right.


[quote=“PiotraperPL, post:15, topic:3101”]You have to pee and poop every once in a while.

[size=30pt]HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE~[/size][/quote][size=12pt]Zombie Hulk: RAAAUUUUUGHH!!!
HS: Can you hold on for a moment?
*HS disappears around the corner
Zombie Hulk: raaugh?[/size]

This has actually been discussed about being added in (though it would be an option, not a trait).

I know this has already been mentioned somewhere but…

  • Aliens, crashed alien ships, plasma grenades, alien food (mostly bad food).


  • Agents (M.I.B. kind of thing), hostile guys with bad ass guns;
  • Time Distortions (spawns dinosaurs, giant mosquitoes, giant insects, etc.);
  • Miniature black hole generators (found inside labs, may destroy a whole city);
  • Water creatures (fishes at least, some rare unique fishes);
  • Unique vehicles;
  • Sonar mutation (it will always look like you are in a room with all curtains closed, so you can see even at night, and yes, i know we already have Night Vision…);
  • Medicinal herbs to be used with the respective skill;
  • More (*) construction options (concrete walls, please);
  • Psycopaths (disabled with NPCs in options).

Well, that’s pretty much everything i can think of now, if i remember anything i’ll post.

  • 3D printers, so you can make whatever kind of gun you want. And the ammo for it.

-Every day, there’s a random chance of suddenly loading the game from the morning with a message “It was all a dream!”
-Different clothes fit or don’t fit you depending on how full you are.
-Bottles and tops should be separate items.
-Standing still a lot causes varicose veins.
-Every zombie drops a key, that fits a random house in the world.
-Going too slow with a bike makes you fall over.
-You can gain the unarmed headbutt attack by crafting horns onto your helmet.
-Breatharian trait: Eating ANYTHING gives you morale penalties.
-Sufficient level in martial arts lets you fly and throw fireballs.
-Trait: weird sense of humor: You burst to laughter at inopportune times.

Naturally, every thread like this gets ideas some people consider good. I especially like the shouting modifications (tourettes, “RELOADING!”) because they make more sense than just plain random shouting.

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-Firearms can jam!
-Trait: One eyed. You can’t do precision work.
-Swimming makes your food soggy :smiley:
-Some books tell you information that may make you gag at the sight of the foods they are about. Those foods can no longer be eaten without a large morale penalty. For example, peanut butter has insect remains and rodent hairs inside it :smiley:

Explosive Diarrhea - sometimes you burst with shit. Almost literally. Huge morale penalty, very intense smell and your pants will get dirty. Sometimes caused by food or drinks. Can mutate in Propulsive Diarrhea
Propulsive Diarrhea - you can control your shitstream, finally. You can propel yourself forward like a jet(works best in water) at cost of dehydration and rising hunger
"Chinook wind" weather - it’s not normal for the New England, yes, I know that. However, it’s a windy weather. Warm constant wind slowly drives you mad because of the “chinook pains” aka constant headache and all NPC’s are aggressive to you and also themselves.
“Mexican Wrestler” profession - OLA QUE PASA AMIGO TRIPLE WHIRLWIND AMERICAN EAGLE GIGABUSTING SUPLEX HUOOOOOOO!!! “Acrobatic Wrestling” unarmed style, tight shorts and colourful mask given at start. And also level in dodge and unarmed.

But where are the lols with Diarrea?
Can you sometimes push out a bubble the size of a Pilates ball and jump around? Are the dogs scared of an explosion? Are the rabbits happy
when your epic fail occurs and carrots start to grow very fast? Do the birds fall out of the sky?

So, dibs on fireballs! :slight_smile:


That’s… perfectly reasonable :stuck_out_tongue:

Sometimes aluminum can with cola/beer/root beer will spray on opening, giving you a “Wet” penalty.

Need to jerk off. Well, you know. Everyone’s in need for relaxation.

AssburgerAutistic Syndrome - you’re autistic. Guess what, that won’t change a lot.
Possibility to rip/chew off NPC’s ears and make a necklace out of them. Welcome to the Vietcong, gentlemen.

The worst idea happened in this thread
We fought simple black bears.
We fought moose.
But we never excepted… elephants. Breakout at local zoo - and this pachyderm bastards are now free. RELEASE THE MAGMA

Boatmurdered introduced me to df.
df brought me back to roguelikes.
Roguelikes brought me to cata.
Boatmurdered is the crazy step-uncle of DDA.

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Different brands of crap, like lighters. Better trash that clear plastic one before it breaks :stuck_out_tongue: On the /other/ hand, this D’Jeep is awesome!

Basements have giant cockroaches with katanas :expressionless:

Cars can fall over if they’re too thin :expressionless:

Uncontained food on the ground spoils faster!

Alarm /clocks/! Would go off if you tried to pick them up!

Pushing furniture the wrong way causes it to fall and spill all its contents. Great job, player.