Parkour master edit - Make its so you can move through some objects that are normally impassable (Trees, car walls (climbing over them), display cases, etc) Like in the normal one you can move over stuff more quickly, make these normally impassable objects take the amount of time that it takes to move over stuff without parkour master.
Pacifist - Negative trait, Makes you feel bad about killing most things, leaves corpses barely damaged.
Anti-cyborg - Negative trait, Makes you unable to install CBMs on yourself.
Precise - Positive trait, Zombies take less hits to kill and are less likely to revive afterwards (Maybe a bit OP?)
Clumsy - Positive or Negative trait? Zombies are less likely to revive after your clumsy beating. Zombies take more hits. Occasionally drop random items from your inventory while walking around.
Sharp hearing - Positive trait, Instead of showing question marks for noises. Shows what is making the noise and exactly where it is. or replaces noises made by something that could be a threat with exclamation marks.
Unstable Genetics - Negative trait, more chance of getting a mutation from moving around areas like sewers or toxic waste dumps. Will randomly mutate while walking around. (Disables robust genetics to avoid exploitation)
So what do you think of these?