We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Not a bad idea, actually. It would be like Bovine but smart.

Not a bad idea, actually. It would be like Bovine but smart.[/quote]And omnivorous?

Not a bad idea, actually. It would be like Bovine but smart.[/quote]And omnivorous?[/quote]
That too. Ridiculously omnivorous.

Vorlon Vogon faction. If you don’t fill out the proper paperwork in the proper formats at the proper times to the proper venues then the world is destroyed. If you tarry too long when submitting paperwork, then they may break out into poetry…

Rubber cheeks C.B.M.: If you get knocked into an object, instead of taking damage, you bounce back to your original location.

Luffy CBM - ranged unarmed attacks.

Luffy CBM - ranged unarmed attacks.[/quote]
Wouldn’t that be Gomu-Gomu no CBM?

Speaking of rubber, uh, cheeks, when are flush-toilets going to be properly implemented?

what makes you think that the cataclysm has plumbing? The grid is down. Notice no water from sinks either. Or power of any kind. Or gas.

We need proper outhouses then :v

You can flush a toilet even if the water supply is out, you just need to refill the tank. >_>

New game plot called “The Samson Principle”. There is human-bourne AI satellite orbiting the earth. It has directive to eradicate the planet when it considers all humanity lost, bringing the planet down permanently. This would be something like 3 years of gametime. It can be cancelled by few alternate methods: Very high skill hacking on specific locations (including some mandatory hard-to-get encryption keys), activating and keeping enough radio/TV masts broadcasting live or large enough settlement of NPC’s (something that would be observable from space) - AND ongoing war against the scourge, signifying that survivors are potentially reclaiming the planet eventually.

Samson-AI doesnt help player but doesnt hinder him either. Its like mysterious character that observes and questions player occassionally, hints about Samson come in form of military/science/nuclear silo related hints.

[quote=“Sharklaser, post:3032, topic:3101”]New game plot called “The Samson Principle”. There is human-bourne AI satellite orbiting the earth. It has directive to eradicate the planet when it considers all humanity lost, bringing the planet down permanently.[/quote] That’s actually very interesting. In fact, I think it’s highly compatible with the CDDA lore and could easily be implemented into the vanilla game to serve as an endgame goal the player seeks to reach within the timeframe given to them in order to win.

Is it surprising some form of “overwatch” has been built after the technological advances in the robotic/medical field, specifically ordered to prevent the whole population turning into robots, or worse yet, getting destroyed by some monster virus/entity created by humans? No. Perhaps it was built after robots started serving humanity in a more active way - sweeping the streets and helping with simple day-to-day tasks, helping the police and the army, even being part of the humans themselves (read: CBMs being common, inside survivor zombies, existence of lab hybrids etc). It’s there to prevent a robot uprising, or enslavement of the human race by anything dangerous it could possibly create.

I realize you suggested this as a joke but I’d like to expand on it; I’d seriously be up for a game where this is the endgoal. I think the 3 year timeframe is good, but don’t really understand the other two ways you suggested of reaching the goal (the alternatives to hacking the satellite):

[ul][*] How will creating a group of survivors, instead of having them sprinkled around the planet, change the logic the AI uses when determining whether the planet needs to be destroyed or not? I’m assuming the countdown starts as soon as the human population decreases to a certain number of members and stays below it. Even if you had more than 3 years, I don’t think there’d be a way to reproduce fast enough to go above that limit; if anything, the number would continue to drop as people die from starvation, disease, by zombies, wildlife, other survivors etc. If the number can’t be reached it doesn’t matter whether the survivors stick as a group or stay separated.[/ul]

[ul][*] Why would the AI care if the survivors fight back or not? I’m relying on the same logic I used previously: whether the number of “threats” decreases or increases shouldn’t matter as long as the number of survivors stays below the “death threshold”. A war would only decrease that number further and lower the chances of the humans living to see their planet get saved from total annihilation.[/ul]

TL;DR hell fucking yes, but the idea needs some reworking

There’s nothing quite so hilarious than putting one’s best suggestions in a thread called “worst ideas ever”. I mean, if you’re a moderator, what are you gonna do, say “HEY! That’s actually a great idea. Don’t do it again. You’ve been warned.”? 8D

In fact, I think this should be the ONLY place where suggestions are allowed. YOU tell ME if that’s a good or a bad idea! Because I honestly don’t know! XD

Every part on a vehicle has a “quality level”, or how well it was installed. So your engines, if poorly installed, can fall out the bottom of your car mid-drive.

[quote=“TheFlame52, post:3035, topic:3101”]Every part on a vehicle has a “quality level”, or how well it was installed. So your engines, if poorly installed, can fall out the bottom of your car mid-drive.[/quote]Stop it with your good ideas here, missster. :stuck_out_tongue:

Peanut butter mines. When stepped on, splatters everything in a 5 tiles radius with peanut butter, slowing and giving good thoughts to all affected. Zombies affected can’t make bite attacks, as their mouths are stuffed with peanut butter.

Make the entire map loop at the edges, allowing world travel. Plot twist: The map isn’t a sphere, it’s a torus. Amusingly, while being a bad idea, this is probably easier to implement than sphere-shaped world.

Ummm, what happens if you step on a peanut-butter mine, and are next to a giant ant nest?

trap hacks
they are new version of manhack but it can burrow underground waiting for prey to aproach and then they unburrow and attack target and after targets are dead it burrows again except explosive hacks (mininuke hack, grenade hack) they are just some kind of smart mines what fly at targets

You sustain significant trauma to your lower extremities as the mine explodes. The explosion is loud and likely leaves you deaf. The peanut butter payload is spread around in the vicinity, as you witness the macabre event in pain and in confusion, unable to comprehend what’s going on. From that point on, if you survive, every time you see, smell or taste peanut butter, you get painful flashbacks. Meanwhile the mutant ants get high on the peanut butter, completely ignoring your petty human suffering, making the event even more surreal and frightening.

If we assume the mine contains no explosive component, then you receive sticky footwear, an effect that lowers your movement speed. In which case, it probably shouldn’t be called a mine, but a trap. A petty trap, a pointless and obscure insult left behind by someone in a world gone horribly wrong, a teaspoon of meaningless insanity in the cauldron in which the world boils and rots. Or perhaps it was left behind before the Cataclysm. No… I can’t imagine anyone wasting peanut butter like that. Truly, a peanut butter mine/trap would be the work of a madman void of any reason, likely a palateless psychopath who is therefore unable to comprehend what the big deal is. Because even most mad people react positively to peanut butter, and they would attempt to treasure it, not waste it on unthinkable traps.

If we assume the peanut butter is expelled around not with explosives, but with compressed air, then I’d assume your pants would get plastered with thick gooey brown peanut butter. After you’d kill or escape the ants you’d visit the refugee center to do some laundry. As you’d walk in, the guards would look at you with disgust, possibly amusement. You’d get to tell (stammer) everyone you see “It’s… it’s just peanut butter”, avoiding eye contact, while trying to sneak into the laundry room with a defeated look on your face. The ridicule would last a lifetime. Every now and then in the future, when you’d walk past NPCs, you’d hear laughter echoing down the hallway 10 seconds later as they’d crack jokes about you to each other, not really caring if you’re still within the earshot. All you could really say to people along the way would be “I had a little accident so I turned my pants inside out.” or “You should see the other guy.”

It is, a lot of RPGs with joined edges are effectively a torus, you just join the North edge to the Soutrh edge, and the West edge to the East edge, and you’re done, a sphere is much more difficult.