We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

This already exist. It is terrifying.[/quote]Pfffft.
Still belongs in this thread anyhoot.

There should be a hypochondria value that goes down over time and rises with the use of medicinal items, such as bandages and vitamins. If it gets high enough, the game should start randomly producing symptom messages, preferably with a small number of favourites in any specific episode but never shying away from the truly bizarre, but not actually producing the game-play effects of those symptoms.

Speaking of diseases: being bitten by a dog can give you rabies, wherein you die because you donā€™t have medical equipment to deal with it.

Mustard gas and other vesicants. You think just wearing a gas mask will protect you from every hazard except fungal spores? Think again.

old gas masks were able to deal with it, moderm gas masks are probaly better

old gas masks were able to deal with it, moderm gas masks are probaly better[/quote]

Ah, but it isnā€™t raw mouth/eyes environmental protection that protects you from all the effects. Hint: itā€™s also called a blister agent.
While effects on the skin would be less acute than respiratory effects, itā€™d be a Fun surprise for players.

amout of protection generic survivor have should be enought to protect from that unless his gloves are fingerless

What if they are wearing a kilt? Not all soft-surfaces are on the face, they probably have open wounds and torn clothing from all their hunting and purgingā€¦

All the more reason to add it. More reasons to use a hazmat suit.

Also? Trailer parks. Trailer houses could be implemented as vehicles with wheels but no engine, and with more furnishings.

Though if you could move furniture inside a vehicleā€¦

A swear jar. Carrying it provides a positive mood. Carrying it causes all failed actions, damage taken, encounters with hostile N.P.C.s, entering a sewer, encountering ritual sites or portals, destruction of a part on a vehicle that the player is driving, the sight of an animal creature corpse roadblock -y obstruction on a road while driving, expending more than half of your ammunition against a single targetā€¦ Will result in a credit card with at least 2 credits being removed from your inventory. If the survivor exhausts their supply of valid credit cards, then they suffer a permanent-duration infinitely-stacking morale penalty of 1. This morale penalty can be removed by spending the square of the value of the morale penalty multiplied by ten.

[quote=ā€œiceball3, post:2999, topic:3101ā€]Mininuke manhack grenades. To make an esplode on everything.

Crayons. (A)ctivating them pushes one up your nose without a confirmation dialog, poking out your brain, dealing 200 damage to your head.

Cardborg armor. Made from cardboard boxes. When in a full suit of the stuff, makes you disguised as the robot faction to all mobs and NPCs. Watch out for hackers with screwdrivers.

Supermatter crystals. Large stone what makes radiation and heat in large amounts in itā€™s vicinity. anything that enters within a single tile range of it is erased from the game completely.[/quote]
Space station 13?

My bad idea: No arms trait

[quote=ā€œcdru, post:3011, topic:3101ā€][quote=ā€œiceball3, post:2999, topic:3101ā€]Mininuke manhack grenades. To make an esplode on everything.

Crayons. (A)ctivating them pushes one up your nose without a confirmation dialog, poking out your brain, dealing 200 damage to your head.

Cardborg armor. Made from cardboard boxes. When in a full suit of the stuff, makes you disguised as the robot faction to all mobs and NPCs. Watch out for hackers with screwdrivers.

Supermatter crystals. Large stone what makes radiation and heat in large amounts in itā€™s vicinity. anything that enters within a single tile range of it is erased from the game completely.[/quote]
Space station 13?

My bad idea: No arms trait[/quote]Yep!

[quote=ā€œiceball3, post:3012, topic:3101ā€][quote=ā€œcdru, post:3011, topic:3101ā€][quote=ā€œiceball3, post:2999, topic:3101ā€]Mininuke manhack grenades. To make an esplode on everything.

Crayons. (A)ctivating them pushes one up your nose without a confirmation dialog, poking out your brain, dealing 200 damage to your head.

Cardborg armor. Made from cardboard boxes. When in a full suit of the stuff, makes you disguised as the robot faction to all mobs and NPCs. Watch out for hackers with screwdrivers.

Supermatter crystals. Large stone what makes radiation and heat in large amounts in itā€™s vicinity. anything that enters within a single tile range of it is erased from the game completely.[/quote]
Space station 13?

My bad idea: No arms trait[/quote]Yep![/quote]

we need increased damage of toolboxes and fire extinguishers too! not to mention singularity generators (and gray army what will destroy everything)

[quote=ā€œA Blitzkried of Butts, post:2973, topic:3101ā€]Scenarios
The binding of Cata (You can shoot tears and certain (More common) Mutagens will upgrade your tears)[/quote]
And then Demon threshold after consuming too much tear mutagens.

When a stack of objects over a certain size enters the bubble, it should be checked to see if it has a specific set of items(randomly generated for each world). If it contains those items, then it should be checked against a random chance(5% seems okay). If the random check is passed, then it should begin an extended process(about a day?) of various happenings. Earthquakes, hordes of animals or insects, new portals opening, raining blood and fireā€¦ If any of the specific items are removed from the specific pile(and batch moves do not count, the items need to be in separate places during the survivorā€™s turn) then the events cease. If the events are allowed to continue, then the world becomes only shoggoths.

A new tradition:

At around Superbowl week, change all zombies into tough zombies for the duration of one experimental build. And call it the Superbowl build. Replace all food with junk food and beer.

Create a new starting profession: Pro football player. Make it available only in Superbowl builds. Just to piss off perfectionists and accessibility/freedom-of-choice fanatics.

Another profession: Pro soccer player. Has the irremovable trait: Fake injury. Falls down for 0 damage every now and then, distracting some zombies. Sustain 15 pain instantly for 30 seconds after which it is just as quickly removed.

At higher levels of social skills, the survivor will actually appear as though they are about to die and thus most enemies will ignore them as unsuitable or inevitable hosts.

Also, there should be the ability to rip off your own limbs(except your head especially your head) and use them as blunt instruments.

losing limbs!
bionic arms
bionic legs
arms prothesis
wooden arm
leg prothesis
wooden leg
pirate proffesion what start with wooden leg instead of normal leg

Bionic tail. For those who want a tail but donā€™t want to deal with fussy mutations!

Porcine mutation line. Never again will you risk a breakfast bereft of truffles!