We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

[quote=“Azrad, post:2900, topic:3101”]A sort of similar cookbook of To Serve Man, where instead of human flesh, the main component to every recipe in the book is cannabis. Or booze.

Yeah, a recipe book where all sorts of booze is mixed with the meals regardless of compatibility. It shall be called the book of bad ideas, or the book drunks think up of in the middle of the night.[/quote]

The Definitive Guide to Dwarven Cuisine.

Also? We should totally add a way to brew mushrooms into booze.

Brew marloss berries to remove the fungal influence and get drunk in the process.

B-movie random events. Zombienado! Night of the undead Triffids! Zombienado vs Triffids!

Heresy. Clearly a marloss martini would still give you marloss mutation. And alcoholism. X3

I wonder what mycus fruit wine would be like…

Heresy. Clearly a marloss martini would still give you marloss mutation. And alcoholism. X3

I wonder what mycus fruit wine would be like…[/quote]

Bah. Clearly the mycus will see that any alteration to what the mycus offers is against their fungal beliefs. Brewing their fruit into booze obviously completely distorts the mycus way, and as such it should remove marloss mutations. And severe alcoholism - straight to the hallucinations stage.

[quote=“Azrad, post:2902, topic:3101”]Brew marloss berries to remove the fungal influence and get drunk in the process.

B-movie random events. Zombienado! Night of the undead Triffids! Zombienado vs Triffids![/quote]
Umm, isn’t “random B-movie Events: the game” already what this is? Although if you want zombie-shark-lava-nado then go for it, it’d certainly be more plausible that the source material… Are there any other under-represented B-movies? Human centipede? Killer Condom? Plan 9 from Outer-space? The Gods Must be Crazy?

I, for one, will be glad when glass-bottles fall from the sky and deal massive damage whenever they are used…

Broken bowl of petunias and the corpse of a humpback whale map special that shows up in the middle of fields. I’m not sure if this reference has already been suggested.

[quote=“Azrad, post:2900, topic:3101”]A sort of similar cookbook of To Serve Man, where instead of human flesh, the main component to every recipe in the book is cannabis. Or booze.

Yeah, a recipe book where all sorts of booze is mixed with the meals regardless of compatibility. It shall be called the book of bad ideas, or the book drunks think up of in the middle of the night.[/quote]
“Natural Harvest” look it up if you dare.

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:2907, topic:3101”][quote=“Azrad, post:2900, topic:3101”]A sort of similar cookbook of To Serve Man, where instead of human flesh, the main component to every recipe in the book is cannabis. Or booze.

Yeah, a recipe book where all sorts of booze is mixed with the meals regardless of compatibility. It shall be called the book of bad ideas, or the book drunks think up of in the middle of the night.[/quote]
“Natural Harvest” look it up if you dare.[/quote]

This can’t end well.

It took me a while to realize that you’re making a pun on

the title “To Serve Man”

Nope, there’s a cookbook named that, which showcases a rather unusual ingredient.

Let me guess. It’s literally nothing but creative uses of ganja, isn’t it?

“The Chef’s Guide to Short-long-pig”: It contains many recipes, all of which require foetuses.

Christmas themed zombies spawning today; all pine trees have crates spawning near them.

Whenever you fight at anything within about 5 tiles radius your clothing, especially the outer layers, should randomly accrue a “blood spattered” quality. Repeated occurrences will upgrade the quality, going through “gory”, “gore-covered”, “caked-over with entrails”… Wearing such items, or having them in your inventory outside of a sealed container, will cause a negative mood and health debuff.

But it isn’t all bad, you can use such items with a fire and pan to produce “emergency rations” which provide decent nutrition but appalling mood. You can eat them raw for nutrition but your health and mood will plummet…

Zomboobs. Zombies with certain… enhancements.

Survivors with low intelligence will have a chance to be stunned when they see the Zomboobs, as they’re distracted by… things.

  • Feral dogs should chase the player’s car and bark incessantly whenever possible.
  • Also add mailman zombies. And have the dogs bark at them, too.
  • Terrorist hideouts as locations in cities and hamlets. They would contain AK-47s, middle eastern clothing items, a video camera, a flag with middle eastern writing on it, random explosives and maps.
  • Erotic shops as locations. Sex toys, literature, the whole shebang. Bondage suits, whips and so on.
  • Airports as (remote) locations. Suitcases, clothes, vending machines, security guard gear… jets with unending amounts of kerosene that couldn’t be used in any vehicle, although some crafting recipes might accept a drop of kerosene.
  • Solar power plants as locations, with a large supply of extremely heavy solar panels (or mirrors) that are too bulky to put even in a cargo carrier.

Which leads right to the equally awful idea of suicide bomber zombies.

Ummm, suicide zombies would be ridiculous, even for this thread. No, suicide bomber is a trait that can be applied to any zombie. “yYou stab the child zombie with your flammeschwert, it explodes, you die” “The zombie hulk steps on a landmine, You hear an explosion in the distance, you are killed by nuclear fallout”.

And there should be hydroponic farms, but instead of plants, there are fresh corpses hangiing all over, being fertilised and watered. And there should be friendly static N.P.C.s that spawn there, with very good equipment and skills, and loads of useful stuff to sell and nice quests, and they are just hanging around, innocent as can be, your best friends in thewhole cataclysm…

Ridiculous indeed, though at least terrorist zombies would be nice and obvious so the player doesn’t randomly kill a normal zed that explodes in their face. ;w;

I feel as though I do not even know you anymore… Can we at least agree that there should be terrorist training camps filled with exploding child zombies and that they should often spawn next to C.I.A. training camps filled with flying saucers?