We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Huh, or I’ll suggest zombie dragons instead. ;w;

Zigzagons? Fire-breathing reptilian zombies with back problems?

Add a likely ignition source and lots of fuel leaks from unattended aircraft. Shocker zombie airport security. Zot. We need something more dramatic than gas stations.

Atomic minifridges. Unleash a nuclear winter upon your meals and drinks! Anything stored in the atomic minifridge will stay frozen like an ice lab. Powered by plutonium, it’ll give your drinks a real brainfreezing quality to it!


If your health is low, and you get a brain freeze, then you should die and become a zombie. they only need a moment!

perhaphs a blob takeover mutation line, where if you stay in a bad condition too long the blob slowly takes you over.

Trilby hat.upon equip instantly gives you a gun,a car,and 24 hours for a quest to save the world.

Derp. I already suggested a more realistic tribly hat. XP

RTS mode: take control of the refugee center and bring commerce to the cataclysm, all while fending off hordes of zombies and bandits. You can also play as a small military outpost, trying to clear a city of the dead, or as the blob, trying to kill all humans. Also as the zergs… because the zergs were there for some reason.

new units?
zombified zerling(or any zerg unit) when blob infect hatchery/lair/hive
zombified infested terran when blob take control of infested terran command center

Cool. “CDDA: Refugee Center Edition.” Be the manager. Send arriving NPCs to bullshit fetch quests. The player’s goal is to make them fail. A guy looks weak? Send him to hunt hulks or moose. In the dialogue menu the NPC has persuasion skills, and sometimes you are forced to agree to the NPCs demands, such as increased rewards. Every now and then a bastard NPC arrives and tries to shoot up the place.

Ah, to be on the receiving end of player actions. It’s quite odd to put oneself in the shoes of an NPC, and to view your own past actions in the game through the eyes of NPCs.

Now reading: ‘Empathy for Beginners’ and ‘Advanced Sociopathy: Principles of Effective Disregard’.

so i am the only one who is friendly to npc? (unless he is bandit/hostille and he turn into bones and protein powder?)

no. Until I am strong enough or he tries to run off with my stuff, I am always friendly to NPC that doesn’t have things that activate my greed centers.

Derp. I already suggested a more realistic tribly hat. XP[/quote]
Actually,my joke is about The Consuming Shadow.

Dogs should bark, a lot, especially at night, specially when you are trying to sleep.

If you kick a dog you should get a stylish black cape, or spontaneously grow a goatee and curled moustache, or perhaps spikes should grow out of your armour…

There should be clowns, and mimes. Not zombie clowns or mimes, just ordinary ones, wandering around, and being ignored by everything. No lore, no unusual interactions, they are just there…

There should also be living statues, They are not ignored, if they move, they should just be desperately sweating in their boots hoping that they can move again someday.

There should be a living statue start. You start with nothing but a couple of low0coverage items of clothing, some body paint on the ground next to you, and a horde, possibly several, centred on you. You do not get attacked so long as your only action is to stand still. Once you take any other action then it is normal survivor mode with full zombie aggression. Maybe throw in some portals in your vicinity…
Maybe add a mutation on this, so that standing still while covered in body paint makes you completely invisible to anything that didn’t see you before. So basically it stops things from noticing you, but if they saw you before then they still know about you.

[quote=“RAM, post:2936, topic:3101”]Dogs should bark, a lot, especially at night, specially when you are trying to sleep.

If you kick a dog you should get a stylish black cape, or spontaneously grow a goatee and curled moustache, or perhaps spikes should grow out of your armour…[/quote]
I also see a top hat. The inside of the cape is red satin. A sinister evil laughter echoes in the streets as the dog runs off whimpering, after howling so incessantly in the night. Run, little doggy. Run into the minefield. But not before I have a chance to put my earplugs in so that the explosion won’t interrupt my sleep! Mu. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ahhh.

You should be able to tie N.P.C.s to rail tracks.

There should be railway tracks.

There should be trains and engines.

There should be ghost trains.

There should be ghost ships.

There should be ships.

There should be docks.

It should be possible to tie N.P.C.s to docks…

[quote=“RAM, post:2938, topic:3101”]You should be able to tie N.P.C.s to rail tracks.

There should be railway tracks.

There should be trains and engines.

There should be ghost trains.

There should be ghost ships.

There should be ships.

There should be docks.

It should be possible to tie N.P.C.s to docks…[/quote]

Full circle… it’s beautiful.

[quote=“RAM, post:2938, topic:3101”]You should be able to tie N.P.C.s to rail tracks.

There should be railway tracks.

There should be trains and engines.

There should be ghost trains.

There should be ghost ships.

There should be ships.

There should be docks.

It should be possible to tie N.P.C.s to docks…[/quote]
it should be possible to tie ship to rail tracks or train to docks