We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

And self-destruct buttons ON the self-destruct buttons?

Now you’re just being silly.

That would be Recursive_dragon

Shoggoth in a can. Like the goo canister; open it and a teeny tiny shoggoth will spawn - feed it stuff and get your own large (and noisy) (and hungry) shoggoth!

If bare-handed and handling paper (picking up, dropping, wielding, crafting), add a small chance to get paper cut for instant 100 pain

If bare-foot and moving into a tile adjacent to a piece of furniture, add a small chance to bump your pinky toe on it for instant 500 pain

AKA Dr. Doofenschmirtz mode! :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote=“KliPeH, post:2885, topic:3101”]If bare-handed and handling paper (picking up, dropping, wielding, crafting), add a small chance to get paper cut for instant 100 pain

If bare-foot and moving into a tile adjacent to a piece of furniture, add a small chance to bump your pinky toe on it for instant 500 pain[/quote]

Add new item to game. Lego blocks. Step on it: watch last moments of your life? Y/N.

“I lego of life”

That would be adorable.

Fatalities. Available to a lot of wielded weapons/tools, and bare hands, sort of like an alternate fire mode. On an uninjured creature, it’s pretty much a normal attack. To an almost dead one the fatality will activate, doing massive damage to finish the almost dead creature off. A slow attack that could take up a lot of moves to use, but it’s main purpose is to kill the enemy in such a way that the corpse will be pulped without needing to smash it anymore, and a chance to completely vaporize the body into nothing more than a pile of gore.

Pacifist characters using a fatality will suffer big morale penalties for the horrific act of violence they committed. Since there’s no exact opposite trait to pacifist at the moment, psychopaths get a morale bonus for dishing out fatalities.

I second this derp idea solely so I can pull a Sub-Zero on a zombie. If I’m then allowed to wield a zombie spine as a weapon… :V

[quote=“Azrad, post:2890, topic:3101”]Fatalities. Available to a lot of wielded weapons/tools, and bare hands, sort of like an alternate fire mode. On an uninjured creature, it’s pretty much a normal attack. To an almost dead one the fatality will activate, doing massive damage to finish the almost dead creature off. A slow attack that could take up a lot of moves to use, but it’s main purpose is to kill the enemy in such a way that the corpse will be pulped without needing to smash it anymore, and a chance to completely vaporize the body into nothing more than a pile of gore.

Pacifist characters using a fatality will suffer big morale penalties for the horrific act of violence they committed. Since there’s no exact opposite trait to pacifist at the moment, psychopaths get a morale bonus for dishing out fatalities.[/quote]
Other than the trait-related stuff, that’s mot a bad idea at all.

Zombified reindeer. Perhaps to be called rancid reindeer, twisted tundrawalker, rotten rudolph, or horn-y sledpuller.

The description:
It’s quite possible that this used to be a reindeer that got bitten by a zombified mall Santa, causing it to turn afterwards into this abomination. A dented jinglebell dangles from one of its eyesockets, making a faint sound every time it moves, giving away its location if you were to listen closely in the silence of the night. Shredded scorched red ribbons hang from its partially shattered bloody antlers, together with torn-off hair and other subtle evidence of human remains. Its teeth are now pointy sharp, as if they were the teeth of an apex predator. The sound that this creature intermittently emits is inhumane, as if it was stuck in a slow dying process, while still being fully aware of it. Still, its deathly demeanor disguises its barbaric ferocity, and this creature should be taken with all seriousness. There are numerous small bitemarks on its partially decayed body, but also a set of large ones. Whether it was the children, the mall elves, or the wildlife doing the biting, it is certain that they’re all zombified now, and possibly still nearby. Chupacabra would s**t bricks.

And now for some made-up totally real quotes:

“In the despair of the Christmas eve, you are not alone, for loneliness is a luxury that you will not be granted.” --all relatives ever

“Torment thy neighbors as you yourself wish to be tormented.” --zombie jesus

Critcally missing aka Dungeons and Dragons rolling a ‘1’. Aka fumbling and hurting yourself and or damaging your weapon.

Or knocking youself out when fighting unarmed.

You swing your Vorpal Blade with a 1, you just decapitated yourself, them the blade smash the wall, and the sword goes destroyed provoking the magic imbued release in a explosive wave. Your body just got atom smashed into the nothingness.

Yes, our DM was one of those hardcore micromanaging one, he just put that rule, and in time we used that to our advantage sacrificing magic items for making “nuke-like” explosions to get rid when we was like 1 vs 10 enemies.

zombifed pigs (zig)

They already exist, as I recall. Festering boars. Since pigs can be fairly rare, those are rarer, I guess.

Good thing i play the black eye much more often where a 1 is a critical success.

A sort of similar cookbook of To Serve Man, where instead of human flesh, the main component to every recipe in the book is cannabis. Or booze.

Yeah, a recipe book where all sorts of booze is mixed with the meals regardless of compatibility. It shall be called the book of bad ideas, or the book drunks think up of in the middle of the night.