We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

We need an atomic powered armour that converts matter directly into energy, and uses the pilot as a fuel source.

That gives me hilarious and disturbing ideas.

That gives me hilarious and disturbing ideas.[/quote]
What kind of them?Getting permanently stuck in armor?

The lower half should give you massive morale penalties, due to gross-out factor of being rubbed up on by a zombie crotch. This opens the path for a Necrophiliac perk that would turn the morale penalty into a bonus…Ew, I grossed myself out.

That gives me hilarious and disturbing ideas.[/quote]
What kind of them?Getting permanently stuck in armor?[/quote]

The kind that logically follows from power armor trying to digest its wearer. :V

Are ghosts matter or energy or some other form of goodness? Can we harness ghosts for clean fuel?

I want power armour that digests the wearer and leaves them so angry they haunt the armour, and then it uses their ghost-itude as a secondary cleaner power source for the rest of eternity because you can’t kill ghost.

Do not tempt me to provide examples of this hilarity. :V

Also, ghost-powered armors. For the Ghostbusters’ evil counterparts?

Now that I think about it, pretty much every magic item in the elder scrolls series is powered by bound souls. Ghosts are totally a clean and sustainable power source!

If slightly amoral because they’re still sentient probably.

[quote=“Pthalocy, post:2748, topic:3101”]Now that I think about it, pretty much every magic item in the elder scrolls series is powered by bound souls. Ghosts are totally a clean and sustainable power source!

If slightly amoral because they’re still sentient probably.[/quote]
Also all magic in Fullmetal Alchemist

[quote=“Kevin Granade, post:2749, topic:3101”][quote=“Pthalocy, post:2748, topic:3101”]Now that I think about it, pretty much every magic item in the elder scrolls series is powered by bound souls. Ghosts are totally a clean and sustainable power source!

If slightly amoral because they’re still sentient probably.[/quote]
Also all magic in Fullmetal Alchemist[/quote]

Blood magic isn’t morbid enough, clearly. ;A;

Sympathetic Ears: hundreds of human ears have been cobbled together to form a bimass large enough to be a carried for the zombie infection.

A giant mutant turkey that only appears during thanksgiving. No wait, this is my TODO list…

We do have remnants of Halloween extras, so more seasonal joke additions would be hilarious.

Also, giant mutant sneks.

A suitably powerful light-source should negate nudity.

Some woods could have unmarked track courses like those used for military training, with obstacle course, a wall with climbing rope, climbing nets, monkey bars, barbed wire.

Camouflaged zombie sniper, same armour as zombie soldier, disappear when moving through brushes and cant be seen when its staying still, high chance to drop sniper rifle, high caliber ammo, scope, sniper conversion and camouflaged related accessories.

Zombies attacked by giant wasps grow giant maggots inside their bodies, turning into a new type of bloater that leaves behind a bunch of aggresive giant maggots when it explodes.

Television can be installed in car and hooked up to speaker system and laptop to make home theather and watch data disks with movies for morale boosts. A random data disk contains a curse that teleports the character into a room completely filled with deep water with no exits and spawns a little girl monster with ridiculously high stats seven days after watching some weird horror movie.

Horses become a hybrid frame and engine vehicle part that can be used normally, you tie them with ropes or duct tape rather than welding or nailing, instal a rope to control it with reins, install saddle and stirrups for stability, make it go faster with a whip, if it suffers damage or is parked in a place more than two tiles away from grass and water for too long it detaches and runs away.

Giant zombie powered hamster wheels for generating power.

Opening some beverage bottles now require a corkscrew or apply a chance to break the bottle and lose some or all the contents when trying to open it; other beverages don’t require the corkscrew but you can shake it and use the cork as a projectile with the built up pressure. Also cork rifles. Porcelain stuff in homes (sinks and bathtubs) can be corked and become water tight containers working like water tanks or wooden barrels until they break.

Zombies sometimes mumble barely intelligible things, zombie children sometimes randomly start crying.

Friendly NPCs with psychopath trait sometimes decide to murder you while you sleep. Addictive personality NPCs will pick up all the meds and drugs they can find everywhere and will never share (drugs wont show up in trade), and stylish npcs will change clothing to fancy ones whenever available, even taking off armor to do so.

Cows give a gallon of fresh milk everyday and die after a few years. Radiation made them infertile and drinking their milk or its byproducts will irradiate you.

Some houses and offices will have fish bowls, others may have multi tile aquariums, disassemble to get reinforced glass panels, air pump, hose, small electric motor and plastic chunks.

Hippie van with candies, ropes and sleeping pills spawn near parks.

Persistent sunny weather turns normal zombies into decayed zombies, pulped zombies sometimes become crawling zombies or skeletons, large piles of tainted meat sometimes reanimate as a flesh abomination.

Feral zombies and zombie dogs get much improved scent tracking and will activelly pursue character specially during the night. All zombies and specially zombie soldiers and shockers get a chance at having improved sight range, as if they have scout trait or some vision enhancing bionic.

Butchering dead humans can give patchs of human skin if you have high sewing and high survival, sew them to make human skin clothing.

2x2 Courthouse buildings, lots of benches, books, paper, fancy clothing, gavels, flags, religious texts, zombie cops, maybe a few minifridges in the back rooms, and a basement full of files, stacks of paper, more books and rats.

Random spot in subway has elevator leading to a hellsmouth in the lowest z level.

More unmarked forest locations, like random tents, improvised shelters, pit traps, abandoned wells, abandoned mines, broken vehicles, statues, tombstones, ruins of old houses and temples, random markings on trees, pile of human bones with duffelbags or shopping bags, hidden item caches.

I’ve pondered the idea of adding small camps in More Survival Tools before. That isn’t a bad suggestion.

Bad suggestion: monstergirls. :V

@Judge you seem to have missed the point, about half of those are great ideas.

Bad idea: Leaving it up to your imagination which half :slight_smile:

Pulped zombies should have a chance to form infant jabbers, if two infants are adjacent, they form an adult, two adults form an elder, two elders form a fire-breathing dragon that can fly at super-sonic speeds and effortlessly carve through heavy-duty military bunkers. Two dragons form a massive-building-sized spiny bipedal lizard which can shoot lasers from its mouth, two of which form a giant three-headed space-monster, two of which combine to form Shia Laboeuf.

If you are bitten by Shia Labeouf, even in a hallucination, then you have two minutes to amputate or else you become a Shia Labeouf.

Well, we always need moar dragons anyway. o3o

Zombie hulks have a special attack on a downed survivor: the atomic leg drop. If it connects, survivor is either down for the 3-count, or dead.