We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Mutations: skin cancer/brain cancer/intestinal cancer/eye cancer/etc.
They lower your stats, decrease health, cause regeneration penalty (can become negative) and spontaneously mutate into stronger versions.
And variants that metastasize onto other body parts.

-4 str for female characters. For “realism”, of course.

Irradiated zombie scientists who turn into atomic zombie hulks when angry. Atomic zombie hulks are faster hulks with leap ability.

Ability to pacify a zombie by showing it something from its former life, making it regain some mental functions and bringing it to tears.

Sentient zombie NPCs


Bomb vests.


get that trash outta here :stuck_out_tongue:

It should leave a radioactive cloud as per mininuke.

New Joke Monster: John Cena.
There’s a 1/50 chance he appears after reading ‘101 Wrestling Moves’.
He proceeds to punch your character 420 overmap tiles, teleport to the new position, and then grab you, jump 420 z-levels, and land on top of you.

Nah. Zombie John Cena doesn’t need that. Whatever he faces, whether it be the elephant gun, a speeding truck, or a missile launched from a silo, he overcomes the oddz. Him being in the vicinity will cause a survivor to hear people chanting “Let’s go Cena/Cena sucks”. He also has shirts of varying colors and designs.

Heh heh… smark talk.

But you can’t see John Cena.

No, this is not Zombie John Cena.
This is Actual Survivor John Cena.
He survives just by being alive. And also summoned by wrestling moves.

Actual cannibal John Cena?

No, John Cena needs no sustenance.

Needs more armbars.

So would Undertaker be a zombie, or just a survivor?

Armbars? Cena doesn’t have that many moves!/smark

I’m disappointed in myself for recognizing this many memes when I don’t even watch pro wrestling. :V

Zombies that shoot acid which stuns you, does damage over time, breaks your legs, and prevents you from butchering them. X3

less snarky suggestion:

feline threshold mutation which causes you to leave a trail of glowing rainbows behind you.

Complete with your own theme music that attracts zombies. And/or annoys them to death.

Zombie T-Rex ridden by zombie necromancers that blast polka.

^ Actually, that sounds kind of awesome.

Scenario: one hour before the cataclysm. Or hours before the cataclysm. City full of NPCs just doing their own thing, then all hell breaks lose after some time until the point where it’s the cataclysm world we all know and love.