We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Just imagine the Fun a granade launcher would bring. Nerfs and buffs and bugs galore. o3o

The ability to assign hotkeys to the quick menu


Footsie zombies. Can only be damaged via footsie battles. Wiggle wiggle, nudge nudge. CAN YOU BEAT THE MASTER OF UNDEAD FOOTSIE?!

If you are attacking a zombie with a large slashing weapon, it should be possible to bisect it. You would then have a crawling zombie, trying to bite you, and a zombified lower-half, that grinds at you. It would deal no damage, but could grant the deep bite effect along with other assorted diseases, and lower the health statistic…

The ability to “princess carry” NPCs.

Now you don’t need to implement NPC movement across z-levels!

But NPCs already do move across z-levels…

Oh. Erm… I’m not sure why one of my friendly NPCs didn’t follow me up stairs, then. :x

The ability to capture an N.P.C., tie them to a stick, hoist the stick out in front of your cart, and harness a ‘disarmed’ brute to the front of your cart, just out of biting range of the N.P.C…

Spawning critters, and whole hordes, in sight of the player shouldnt be a thing.

^^That wasnt there the turn before. Thats crap

There should be an off-topic police for this thread. They should be tracked down and forced to look through the whole of the huggle thread. As their sanity leaks out of their ears, it should be collected used for, umm, weird stuff…

im sorry, is my suggestion in the wrong suggestion thread?

Unless you’re implying that hordes spawning in front of the player is RETROACTIVELY a bad suggestion?

Which, honestly, it is. o3o

Im suggesting that it be looked at. A lone Z isnt a big deal, but at night its frustrating and early game its devestating. its right up there with wanderers spawning outside a home in the city and trashing the neighborhood or making escape hard. It only takes 1 hulk to demolish a house if hes given 14 hours.

But its not just that they can spawn in close radius or in plain sight, bit they can also spawn inside otherwise enclosed spaces.

Say inside a homemade enclosure or inside an armored car thats being gutted.

Ants cant bash, so the only way for it to get in was to spawn in while I was gutting the car.

I’ll spell it out for you, the topic of this thread is making bad feature suggestions for the game, it’s a joke thread. Actual bug reports are likely to be ignored or lost if they’re in the wrong place.

That having been said, I’m already working on overhauling that system such that what you’re reporting will never happen again.

Agreed. It would’ve been funny if it was paired with actually reporting the issue elsewhere, and if the joke h ere also linked to said report for the sake of clarity, but…

Anyway, to get us back on topic…star-spawn monsters, with a vulnerability to steamboats.

There should be fairies, with a vulnerability to iron and other materials that are processed into unnatural states. Things like swords, bullets, chemical weapons, motor vehicles…

Actually, thinking on it, if the fey had been all but driven to extinction by industrialisation, and then all these visitors show up, wreck up all the human industry, and then proceed to be highly weaponised entities that are essentially composed naturally(by their standards) and not using much in the way of technology, it would be a real opportunity to recover the world in the name of magic. They could even be master-minding the giant animals. Ehh, but are there any fairy-based cataclysms in popular culture? Hrmm, wasn’t King Arthur supposed to return? Is anyone familiar with the specifics? Did Ragnarok have anything fun like that?

We need an orky power armor, fueled by diesel.

We need clean tech power armor fueled by wind power.

We need clean tech power armor fueled by wind power.[/quote]

You could get the next best thing by making use of the artifact properties to make it solar powered. o3o