I thought we already had landmines.[/quote]
Hell, I’ve managed to luck out and shrug off landmines even with poorly-armored characters. Usually still leaves them half-dead though.
I thought we already had landmines.[/quote]
Hell, I’ve managed to luck out and shrug off landmines even with poorly-armored characters. Usually still leaves them half-dead though.
[quote=“Slax, post:2400, topic:3101”]Plutonium blobs.
They’ve been eating some pretty hefty stuff. Mini nukes? Forget that! Shoot one of these unstable guys and you’ll have a nuclear winter on your hands. Well, if you happen to survive the blast somehow, that is.[/quote]
Matter-antimatter reactions appear to be a potentially massive source of power but are notoriously impractical because antimatter requires far more effort to create than it could ever provide. So what you need to do is create an antishoggoth, you would only need to create a small sample to seed its regenerative properties and then you could harvest antimatter from it endlessly. No doubt, being the enterprising sorts that they were, the lab-staff have already started weaponising such an effect, so it should be possible to find a shoggoth helpfully mounted at one end of a particle-accelerator and an antishoggoth at the other, all you need do is press the button…
Has anyone heard of… “Herbie: the love bug”? Cata needs haunted cars. Whether they are seeking to eliminate all opposition to the reign of the car(you better not loot that garage…), are prone to crushes and extremely clingy(Why would you want to open the door when you are already inside? You have been in that building quite a while now “honk honk honk honk”…), poor lonely souls desperate for someone to provide maintenance and fuel supplies, or just casually homicidal… Al manner of autonomous motor vehicle is good for entertainment, we already have tankbots and they are always good for a laugh…
Also, there really ought to be corpses in crashes, the zeds don’t seem too interested in anything that isn’t an infection vector and yet would keep many scavengers away.
Corpses in wrecked vehicles seems logical, this is the BAD idea thread. Psychotic automated cars though? You’re right on-topic with that. X3
There is plenty of psychotic stuff in the apocalypse, the cars should just be really really fanatically eccentric. Trying to drive over you should be a last resort of the desperate, or mildly inconvenienced, mostly it would be obsessed cars that want to spend every moment with you, or motorcycles that want to be given piggy-back rides, or a silver volvo that won’t let you cross a bridge without paying a toll, Or a panel van that keeps stopping next to you, sliding its door open, and revealing tantalising loot that could all be yours if you just get into the harmless van…
Corpse cars. These can only be found, not constructed.
It’s a vehicle made out of rotting bodies and loooots of superglue. Guess someone got desperate.
The meaty engine (PUNS!) runs on methane gas.
[quote=“Slax, post:2405, topic:3101”]Corpse cars. These can only be found, not constructed.
It’s a vehicle made out of rotting bodies and loooots of superglue. Guess someone got desperate.
The meaty engine (PUNS!) runs on methane gas.[/quote]
Well, we do already have corpse rams in the game…
Elixer of the fireflower, it takes 10 years to distill the potion, but it is a full heal on all limbs, cures everything, and it has 100 uses cause only a single drop is necessary
The limb gun.
The gun shoots limbs. The limbs have a chance of shooting off more limbs. Therefore, infinite ammo.
The lamb gun. Fires sheep, hard enough that it’ll likely gib its target. Enemies gibbed by it splatter into mutton, instead of their normal gibs. Even if their normal gib is bone instead of meat.
50% chance of a baby lamb being left in it’s wrath? For that would mean infinite ammo.
And if you shoot the lamb gun at a lamb, the resulting gibs all turn into moose-sheep hybrids. Cue getting curb-stomped.
[quote=“Slax, post:2405, topic:3101”]Corpse cars. These can only be found, not constructed.
It’s a vehicle made out of rotting bodies and loooots of superglue. Guess someone got desperate.
The meaty engine (PUNS!) runs on methane gas.[/quote]
Well we do have a lot of junji ito references in the game, see GYO.
Maybe give it a 1 in a million chance of firing the lamb of god instead?
And cause a post-apocalyptic apocalypse?
Give zombie hoards chance of forgetting noises they hear and continue to wander
No, I don’t want my pile of gold to start shambling around. ;A;
That should be a monster… one that animates piles of junk and the pile just hits you with various things that are in it
beware the pile of feathers
And then your vehicle part stockpile gets animated and you get mauled by a half-dozen heavy duty frames.
what about your pile of loaded gus
Gus? You mean Gustav?