We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Make it possible to fight while doing mundane actions.

Dragon Mall Z!

Find 7 special map pieces to reveal the location of a local Dragon Mall.
(Itā€™s just a regular mall packed to the brim with screamer zombies.)

Booo. Iā€™d prefer a literal dragon mall. o3o

Soā€¦ It is a mall, that is a dragonā€¦ So, you enter via the mouth, shop in its entrails, and leaveā€¦ Oh I know, it can breath a cloud of clientele!

Not only is this the best idea, itā€™s also a fantastic metaphor for capitalism.

Who knew economics could be so delicious?

Thatā€™s morbid. Unless the mall-goers eat the dragon from the inside, which also seems to fit the metaphor as for long term sustainability in this world. :stuck_out_tongue:

In Soviet Russia, elf-a mutants eat you? ;A;

Hmm, and I thought the only game worth playing with cannibal elves was Dwarf Fortress. Though the threshold text for the elf mutation tree makes it soundā€¦ Beneficial to the human populationā€¦ Something like ā€œYou are the tree under which mankind will shelterā€ or some nonsense like that.

Because elves are delicious and egotistical. XP

I would like to see more hordes. Likeā€¦ A lemming horde! There is several tiles covered in lemmings that charge across the world. If one tries to move into your square, then there is a small chance that you get knocked in the direction it travels, and a small chance of falling over. If you are knocked back then there is a larger chance of falling over. If you try to move onto one of their tiles then the same thing happens but with much greater chances. If you have fallen over then movement is guaranteed and there is a really small chance of being able to get onto your feet. So they just charge across the countryside picking up whatever is standing in their path and carrying it off to whatever, they would probably hit a river eventually and dump you into the drink, or maybe go over a minefieldā€¦

I guess you could do the same thing with zombified cattleā€¦ And birdsā€¦ And sporesā€¦ And shrubberiesā€¦

I can see it now. A cloud of dust appears on the horizon. Wait a second, that isnā€™t dust! Thatā€™s fungal spores.
You don your gas mask as it approaches at the speed of a gentle breeze. It isnā€™t enough, soon you have a bunch of mushrooms growing on every exposed surface on your body. It itches badly.
Finally a legitimate reason to go to the pharmacy.

And an legitimate reason to soak EVERYTHING in gasoline as a precautionary measure.

Lasher- basically this really really really 25 move per turn slow zombie with around 300+ hpā€¦ its attack does around 300 - 500 damage and inflicts lethal neurotoxin on a succesful hit, lethal neurotoxin all it does is kill you very quickly, so pray that you happen to have a royal gelly on you and a splint or twoā€¦ if it didnā€™t take out your face or torsoā€¦ one of those things that you really no matter where in the game you are in just donā€™t wanā€™t to get close to, but beggining players can throw rocks and run away with impunityā€¦ they are just something you do not want to underestimateā€¦ ever.

Better idea. Make it totally stationary. If it gets an attack, though? Eats you, instant game over. :V

There are lots of modern cataclysms in here, but where are the antique ones? The game should throw in Ragnarok for a start. Cataā€™s wolves lack a certain gravityā€¦

Only if it allows obtaining Mjonir. o3o

I thought we already had landmines.

I thought we already had landmines.[/quote]
My character is strong enough to survive landmines without losing his clothing.

Plutonium blobs.
Theyā€™ve been eating some pretty hefty stuff. Mini nukes? Forget that! Shoot one of these unstable guys and youā€™ll have a nuclear winter on your hands. Well, if you happen to survive the blast somehow, that is.