We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Wait, aren’t they still in? I did see something like that on the crafting list a few characters ago.

They were apparently removed way back in 2014 apparently. And it turns out that…mein Gott im Himmel, whoever first added them really did go the lazy route and use pretty much the same recipe as the single-shit pipe guns.

That would be whales, I’m not criticising here, it’s just a different style of game, but almost no fucks were given about making crafting recipes make sense back then.

Wow, that’s how old the pipe SMGs are? o.O

[quote=“Slax, post:2333, topic:3101”]Mean disco robots.


Hacked dance robots are dangerous. Either you lay down some sick moves to soothe their eternal lust for disco improvement or they rip you to shreds for wasting their time.
They’ve studied all the arts of dancing. There’s no point in even trying to fight them as they’re way faster and more nimble than you. People say they’ve seen them outdance explosions.

There is no escape. You must boogie.[/quote]

I was in a roleplay group like that once. Hokey science, everybody got superpowers, but they were fueled by THE MAD NEED TO DANCE. It was actually pretty brilliant, provided you had a desire for absurdity.

+1 pls add this

I guess the dance-battles would make heavy armour less desirable…

On that thought, there should be a nudist perk, you get a sizeable morale bonus for every unadorned body-part due to the gaiety of being uninhibited. You also gain a sizeable resistance to pain from the confidence it takes to stride boldly forth with no coating to insulate your glorious form from the insidiousies of the apocalyptic landscape…

But, y’know, it only applies to bodyparts that have absolutely no adornments.

Also a hex-vision trait, you can fry people alive, but you are also somewhat unconventional, bonus points if you wear a gingham dress.

A proper Cataclysm powered exoskeleton…literally using chunks of chitin as armor and frame.

Embarrassing tattoo: gives - morale if body part it’s on is unclothed. Affects NPC’s depending on their trait loadout.

[quote=“Pthalocy, post:2345, topic:3101”]I was in a roleplay group like that once. Hokey science, everybody got superpowers, but they were fueled by THE MAD NEED TO DANCE. It was actually pretty brilliant, provided you had a desire for absurdity.

+1 pls add this[/quote]

The Mycus does not dance. We have no need for such shenanigans.

Then you know not the glory of the head-banging mushroom.

That’s actually quite a good/fun idea imo.

[quote=“i2amroy, post:2349, topic:3101”][quote=“Pthalocy, post:2345, topic:3101”]I was in a roleplay group like that once. Hokey science, everybody got superpowers, but they were fueled by THE MAD NEED TO DANCE. It was actually pretty brilliant, provided you had a desire for absurdity.

+1 pls add this[/quote]
Clearly we need robotic dance enforcers:

“Dance. Human. Logically speaking: What good. Are you. If you do not. Dance? It. Shakes. The moneymaker. Or it. Gets. The hose again.”

It should be possible to hook an electrode up to an ant limb and have it contract and so-forth. The difficult part would be finding a preserving agent that wouldn’t destroy the equipment. But maybe you could just have temporary power armour. You take a dozen and corpses, a similar number of full car-batteries and a sled upon which to drag them. Some tubes and, I dunno, salt-water I guess, and probably lots of sugar or filters or something. And after a month it rots and you need to rebuild the ant parts…

Oh hell yes, plus it’d be edible power armor.

Regular power armour isn’t edible? I’ve been using this furnace all wrong.

It’s inedible if you aren’t a bionic abomination. :V

Pthalocy flavored power armor. Mmmmmmm…

Pthalocy, stop being delicious, you’re gonna make Slax drool all over their keyboard.

Part of a questionable breakfast!

You probably shouldn’t be eating paint. I hear it does things to you.