Tileset project

@xLemor: it can be done, I just need to actually add support for it hehe. Once I get support for that added I’ll be sure to let everyone know. It’s definitely on my todo list considering just how quickly items get added to the game.

For whatever reason mutated poppy flower (f_mutpoppy) which you encounter in the field is not read from the json file.

I have this:


And yet all mutated poppy flowers are blue questionmarks.

A field was probably added before it in the enum, I’ll fix that tomorrow while I’m doing other tileset related maintenance. Need to add a note to each of the enum locations to put a corresponding entry into the tile_id_data.h file otherwise things will continue to get skewed >:(

There’s a similar issue with spiked board (I assume it’s “tr_nailboard”).

P.S. Swimmer zombie looks like fast zombie, and everything after swimmer is moved up by 1, so I guess there’s no enum for swimmer?

I’ve done all terrain and monster tiles, time to work on items:

Of course cars are “?”, and I will wait a bit before enums for furniture/monsters are fixed (so they display appropriate tiles) before I work on items.

Man, Deon, this stuff is good.

awesome deon, this looks very good so far :smiley:

Deon is too fast, too furious. We’re obsolete.

He seems to really like anything rogue-like, can’t think of one he hasn’t made a tileset for and probably modded considerably.

Question for Galen; what about the mob identification panel, will that stay (seem unnecessary with tiles) or at least have the letters change to the relevant pictures?

Deon, that is awesome! Really good.

Had a look a tile_id_data.h and am pondering some way to automagically import the various item.jsons to create a master tile-set definition.

What determines if an item/element is multi-tile capable? Is it just arbitrarily having the definition in the tile-config.jason and the display code automatically handles adjacent furniture? or is there some other place tying this capability together? Sorry to ask these random questions, but I’m just starting to parse the code and am having a heck of a time figuring out what goes where.

[quote=“Austupaio, post:268, topic:2019”]Deon is too fast, too furious. We’re obsolete.

He seems to really like anything rogue-like, can’t think of one he hasn’t made a tileset for and probably modded considerably.

Question for Galen; what about the mob identification panel, will that stay (seem unnecessary with tiles) or at least have the letters change to the relevant pictures?[/quote]

I’d vote stay. I recall not being able to discriminate fungaloid v. fungal zombie earlier on when people were shaking out potential critter tiles. Interface Screw is not our friend.

Should have phrased differently; ‘at least have the letters change to the relevant pictures?’ is preferred.

[quote=“SirHoder, post:270, topic:2019”]Had a look a tile_id_data.h and am pondering some way to automagically import the various item.jsons to create a master tile-set definition.

What determines if an item/element is multi-tile capable? Is it just arbitrarily having the definition in the tile-config.jason and the display code automatically handles adjacent furniture? or is there some other place tying this capability together? Sorry to ask these random questions, but I’m just starting to parse the code and am having a heck of a time figuring out what goes where.[/quote]

Well, current experimentation has resulted in missed results. Furniture appears to be very multi-tile friendly… Beds, desks, pool table all work nicely. Grass also works, which is nice to blend it in with the dirt. But to my disappointment, Field effects such as smoke, electricity, even blood splatter/fleshy gibbets don’t seem to apply.

So here’s a small release. All of zombies are done, some monsters (fungaloids, CHUDs etc) are still missing. Also most of the items are ?.
Most of terrain tiles and furniture are done.


There’re also a few errors within the code (with enums) which I addressed by moving tiles forward, but stuff like poppy flowers does not work yet (GaleN? :D).

This is for those who want to play with a tileset I guess.

Looking awesome Deon!

That being said…

“Sick of beautiful tile-sets created by magical art robots? Want the bare minimum graphical interface for your favorite game? For a limited time only! This thing!”

Well, Deon’s release really put a crimp in my efforts…

I’m about at the same point Deon described, most terrain features, a few common items (rocks, sticks, 2x4s) and most field effects (fire, smoke, acid, blood splatters, etc), plus a complete set of vehicle bits. Using 16x16 tiles based on the stock graphic set. My enemy graphics blow up as Deon described, but i haven’t bothered to compensate for the mismatched indexes, so beware… My focus has been on reducing the undefined bits you’d encounter in general play, towns should render out pretty completely. Rarer areas (like mines, temples, fema camps) have not been tested, I expect errors.

Don’t know how much further I’ll push this, I’m not looking forward to the mass of items that are on the horizon, and my quality is best described as “programmer art”… But this does get you playing with a raw tileset. May be be useful for people that don’t want to dig into the Json to apply tile changes.

tile_config.json (71.7 KB)

And some screenshots since I was bouncing off the attachment file size limits…

Oh, i envy you for being able to see your own tilesets for now…

Well. lets update the google doc.

[quote=“SirHoder, post:275, topic:2019”]Looking awesome Deon!

That being said…

“Sick of beautiful tile-sets created by magical art robots? Want the bare minimum graphical interface for your favorite game? For a limited time only! This thing!”

Well, Deon’s release really put a crimp in my efforts…

I’m about at the same point Deon described, most terrain features, a few common items (rocks, sticks, 2x4s) and most field effects (fire, smoke, acid, blood splatters, etc), plus a complete set of vehicle bits. Using 16x16 tiles based on the stock graphic set. My enemy graphics blow up as Deon described, but i haven’t bothered to compensate for the mismatched indexes, so beware… My focus has been on reducing the undefined bits you’d encounter in general play, towns should render out pretty completely. Rarer areas (like mines, temples, fema camps) have not been tested, I expect errors.

Don’t know how much further I’ll push this, I’m not looking forward to the mass of items that are on the horizon, and my quality is best described as “programmer art”… But this does get you playing with a raw tileset. May be be useful for people that don’t want to dig into the Json to apply tile changes.[/quote]

It still looks good. As for the new items coming i made a suggestion about it. I dont know if GalenEvil can pull it off tho.
something like this: <item_id> use if not present use <category_tile>

And how it actually “senses” when there is no ?

I mean, it will put the ? tile if the item is not coded. If it is, just put the generic tile manually. Because when you put "use " the code don’t reads if it is a tile or not, if it has the ID, it must have the tile position next to it.

Oh, damn, it is clear in my head and really hard to explain here.

Well, in the other side, i discovered a problem with Triffids: they are not like they are supposed to be. Samscale’s work is good, but is not like the original Triffid.

[quote=“SirHoder, post:270, topic:2019”]Had a look a tile_id_data.h and am pondering some way to automagically import the various item.jsons to create a master tile-set definition.

What determines if an item/element is multi-tile capable? Is it just arbitrarily having the definition in the tile-config.jason and the display code automatically handles adjacent furniture? or is there some other place tying this capability together? Sorry to ask these random questions, but I’m just starting to parse the code and am having a heck of a time figuring out what goes where.[/quote]

It’s mostly the definition of “multitile”:true and “additional_tiles”:[…stuff…] being in there. Fields are supposed to be multitile capable, but may have messed up a rotation somewhere and I’ll need to fix that.

I’ll talk with the other developers and see what they think is the right move to make.