Tileset project

I’d like to see that. Would look really good.

I’m really excited, I think I’ll stick with classic style till Deon’s tileset is finished though, I think the ? would annoy me a little. Question for Deon though. Are you going to support papperdolling for your avatar so EQ shows up on it? I believe they said they would support that in the code because it wasn’t too difficult.

Here is a full list of current hardcoded ids and item ids

Pastebin of all IDs. Can’t put them into the post as it makes the post longer than 20k characters >.<

Also made a template json file that is accurate of about 30 minutes ago, which you can get from Here on my repo. It has a PR to get merged into the mainline with some other changes to add in changes to enum values. Should get merged in relatively soon, and will then be testable :smiley:

I have paperdoll sprites for a big part of clothing and weapons, so once it’s in, I will make it possible.

Deon: Looked at your tileset and it is awesome :slight_smile:

Can you post an announcement or something when you manage to fix the enum errors please? I am mostly browsing from work on phone and I don’t want to miss it :D.

Enum errors fixed, got merged in while I wasn’t looking >.<

I haven’t compiled the source in a year or more, I mean I could look up and compile it myself, but I have so much stuff to do (and I feel a bit lazy) :D. Is the compiled version the newest one (with all the fixes)?

P.S. I’ve checked this version: http://ci.narc.ro/job/Cataclysm-Win32-SDL/lastBuild/

The poppy flowers are fixed, but I still don’t see swimmer zombies in the json file.

P.P.S. I think enums are fixed anyway, I just need to add the swimmer zombie to the json file. Amazing! I will release a fixed version with added triffid, fungaloids and other monsters soon.

Yeah, for a full list of everything that can be added you should look at the “tile_config_template.json” and copy its contents over to your working file. It has all of the default values w/o any “additional_tiles” groups defined.

Where do I put Deon’s tileset to play with?

as long as it is inside of the DDA folder you can use it. If you place it in the DDA root directory but you’ll need to change data/gfx.txt to point to the tileset image and the tileset json files

I’ve uploaded the whole game folder for easy usage. I will upload a version with all monsters today.

Well that was way faster than i expected o.o. Good work!

Hum, is it possible to test the tileset with the Linux version ?
I’ve downloaded the Deon’s files and i have a cataclysm-tiles.exe so this is for Windows, right ?

Yep, just delete your gfx folder and replace it with mine. I will start a new thread with a new version of this tileset so people would find it easier. Wait a few minutes.

Changing topic, the forum’s tileset has been totally registered in the google document, found at the first post at this thread. Lets continue contributing, if you can. In the google doc it says all the missing terrain files, the most important thing.

I think that you can get the Linux SDL build from here: Linky!

Glad to see the expanded item list… I’m just about wrapping up a horrible bodge of a utility program that references the various item.jsons to retrieve the stock ascii character and colors… using that, I’ve populated my tile set using the rendered characters for the various items. I’m getting pretty close to a fully populated tile definition, I’ve got a lot of random debugging and tweaking before I’d say it’s a complete template, but it’s turning into a fairly solid foundation to drop actual tiles onto.

Not really a graphical “tile set”, but it does really put a lot of playability back into the tile version of the game…

Once I get my tile set cleaned up a bit more, I can render out a 15x15 item sheet if you guys would like. Think I’ll look at butchering up Deon’s set as well :slight_smile:

The file is a touch big for a inline attachment, so here’s a dropbox link, just unzip and drop the 2 files in your gfx folder.

Nice, vehicles! I should get to drawing vehicles soon too.

Heh, just polluted your thread. Hope you don’t mind my grubby mitts all over your tile sheet.