It is not about the image size, it is about the .json and some code. I think the size does not matter. And if it does, it is not a big change.
EDIT: Fell in love with those card readers.
It is not about the image size, it is about the .json and some code. I think the size does not matter. And if it does, it is not a big change.
EDIT: Fell in love with those card readers.
Create a new tileset PNG image (necessary as it’s the only supported type), and a new json. In the json you can define the width and height of the tiles
To make it work with the game, change gfx.txt in the data folder to point at the new json and new tileset paths relative to the game’s root directory.
Thanks! Just for being so nice, heres a cloning vat!
Edit: Edit:
(P.S. After you evaluate the sprites, do you want me to upload the sprites to the docs, or are you going to upload them?)
Keep in mind that any parts of the tile that are not really part of the sprite should be transparent so that they keep more things consistent. Not sure if that is what ya’ll are doing or not, so just wanted to mention it. Thanks for all the hard work and awesome looking sprites!
Ah, rookie mistake. Ill fix those right now!
It’s one of the niftier things about using PNG images for the tilesets. It allows the use of transparency w/o requiring a color key to be used. And since transparency is supported I can easily layer things atop one another. Possible side-effects include but are not limited to possibly weird looking layers
Alright, those errors are taken care of. It may have required 100 edits but its done
Alright, heres a Gas Pump and an Out-Of-Order Gas pump.,zXO3F1R#0
Good ones! Ehh, and… uh. All the tiles i have seen were made on MSPaint, and none of them is PNG. It can be easily fixed, with patience, but time is time.
Yeah, if necessary once a full sheet is made I can do some editing in GIMP to turn extra color keys into transparent sections and save it to PNG. I’d just need a list of color keys and what tiles to apply the transparency to
Dresser anyone?
I like it… but are you sure that no one has made it before?
I’m pretty sure, I was just looking at the google docs for it. Unless there’s a new one I’m unaware of.
Just took a quick look at the google doc. May way to add a column for the in-game id that specific tiles use. Like, Counter is referenced with f_counter in game. It could help when searching the document for a specific tile id that you don’t know the status of.
Honestly don’t see a dresser uploaded onto the google docs, so I think thats good to go. I have made sure all the sprites I’ve done are not on the google docs.
Oh, perfect then. Just wondering. I made a Fungaloid. When i have more creatures, i’ll post it.
Elevator, Elevator Controls, Locker, Table,NiAWonu,fmYZ29o,cbfCHSe
I messed around with the perspective on the table, so its a bit shaded.
These are also the last Images for the night
Really liked them, but isn’t the elvator made from 4 tiles, and it is floor tiles instead of a door?
probably I’m not too sure to be honest. I was just kinda rushing through them. I’ll probably fix it tomorrow. I just felt like making that kind of elevator.
Hey, hey, no rush, no rush. It is a project, a contributive project, no need to rush things. And i like it. Maybe it could be used as stairs if no one makes some. I mean… why not?
At least in places like labs.
But htere is no electricity… so, don’t even listen to me.