Random Weapons *Taking Requests*

Okay, so I’m gonna put up some weapons here I’ve made eventually and hope they work, if they don’t, ouch. I’ll also make ones for you guys if you want me to. I need the practice.

You should check my thread: smf.cataclysmdda.com/index.php?topic=2240.45

I’m also putting in weapons atm. There is a lot of great suggestions in that thread. Havn’t updated my list yet though.

Nuke. I’m not talking about the one in game, I want a real nuke with nothing mini about it. I want to be able to walk into a zombie town that drove me away, plant this bastard, and watch the whole world burn in cleansing, radioactive, flames.

Five metric tons of explosive-fission nastiness rigged to fire off of a set-and-forget timer and loaded on an ordnance trailer, hooked to the back of my deathmobile for easy deployment?

Yes please.

more melee weapons. add shields too. would m ake sense for people to need stuff that didn’t run out of ammo. and something that can block a bite? Riot shields could be useful. in real life they are clear and they dont appear to be heavy. doesn’t need to be medievil stuff.

you can add sci-fi related melee. look at what is in fallout.

I’m gonna add some of these soon, as it takes a while cos I’m new. If there’s anything wrong with them, please tell me! I’d love to improve.

If you’re going to add the nuke, here is a quick heads up. You’re going to have to make a new “explosion” effect for it. Sadly, explosion scale was not added to the json (though it should be).

And yes, I did try this before. Blame teenage romance for why I never finished.

Just use the bunker missile code to make the nuke.

If the player’s in the radius, give them an instant death.

I know how to add items so far, I’ll put some new things up cos I’m not so hot with all the explosive code adding and editing and any other code stuff for adding and editing.

Although it was titled Random Weapons, here’s the first entry, some armor! Don’t ask what HOZAC means, It just sounds cool

{ "type" : "ARMOR", "id" : "hozac", "name" : "HOZAC Armor", "description" : "An advanced armor developed in britain, being extremely lightweight while having excellent protection.", "weight" : 1, "enviromental_protection" : 10, "color" : "grey", "symbol" : "[", "material" : ["steel", "plastic"], "covers" : ["TORSO"], "price" : 100, "cutting" : 0, "phase" : "solid", "rarity" : 5, "volume" : 4, "to_hit" : 1, "power_armor" : false, "storage" : 0, "warmth" : 0, "encumberance" : 0, "bashing" : 0, "cutting_protection" : 50, "bashing_protection" : 75 },

It has been edited due to it not covering anything before.

AKM! Vive la Russia!

"id": "akm", "type": "GUN", "symbol": "(", "color": "dark_gray", "name": "AKM", "description": "The AKM is a 7.62mm assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov. It is an upgraded version of the AK-47 rifle and was developed in the 1950s.", "rarity": 5, "price": 2000, "material": ["steel", "plastic"], "flags": "MODE_BURST", "skill": "rifle", "ammo": "762", "weight": 34, "volume": 16, "bashing": 15, "cutting": 0, "to_hit": 3, "ranged_damage": 6, "range": 0, "accuracy": 40, "recoil": 4, "durability": 10, "burst": 8, "clip_size": 35, "reload": 475 },

I made this weapon but every time I wish for it, the game just closes when I type XP, can anyone tell me why?

{ "id": "xpr_fusion_cannon", "type": "GUN", "symbol": "(", "color": "green", "name": "XPR Fusion Cannon", "description": "The XPR Fusion Cannon is an energy weapon using mini nuclear reactors to fire highly damaging bolts of energy.", "rarity": 5, "price": 5000, "material": ["steel", "plastic"], "flags": "CHARGE", "NO_UNLOAD", "skill": "rifle", "ammo": "fusion pack", "weight": 50, "volume": 25, "bashing": 15, "cutting": 0, "to_hit": 5, "ranged_damage": 30, "range": 0, "accuracy": 40, "recoil": 20, "durability": 10, "clip_size": 1, "reload": 500 },

The Resident Evil 1 Rocket Launcher (yeah, the one with 4 rockets).

It would be REALLLY cool to be able to blow shit up with that thing. Of course rockets would be a rare find, and the rocket launcher itself may be found in dead soldiers’s bodies and military bunkers/facilities.

[quote=“Blaze1711, post:13, topic:2359”]The Resident Evil 1 Rocket Launcher (yeah, the one with 4 rockets).

It would be REALLLY cool to be able to blow shit up with that thing. Of course rockets would be a rare find, and the rocket launcher itself may be found in dead soldiers’s bodies and military bunkers/facilities.[/quote]

Done and dusted, with an improvement.

{ "id": "Resi", "type": "GUN", "symbol": "(", "color": "light_red", "name": "The launcher from that game", "description": "This weapon looks familiar, almost exactly like the game that made you jump with zombies, it also had strange camera angles.", "rarity": 200, "price": 8500, "material": "steel", "flags": ["NO_UNLOAD", "BACKBLAST"], "skill": "launcher", "ammo": "66mm", "weight": 13, "volume": 12, "bashing": 6, "cutting": 0, "to_hit": 0, "ranged_damage": 0, "range": 0, "dispersion": 4, "recoil": 5, "durability": 9, "burst": 0, "clip_size": 4, "reload": 150 },

Dedicated throwing knives/axes?

Done. I hope I did it right.

{ "id" : "knife_throw", "name" : "Throwing knife", "description" : "A knife especially made for throwing at wood boards or flesh. Equally effective.", "weight" : 0.5, "to_hit" : 5, "color" : "light_red", "symbol" : "/", "material" : ["steel", "null"], "techniques" : ["WBLOCK_1", "RAPID"], "volume" : 1, "bashing" : 0, "cutting" : 10, "rarity" : 5, "price" : 40 "to_hit" : 10 },

Great! Now which json do I put it in?

Melee, but you can still throw it. I Made it half dedicated I think.

Agh, its not working…

Try this:

[code] {
“id” : “knife_throw”,
“name” : “Throwing knife”,
“description” : “A knife especially made for throwing at wood boards or flesh. Equally effective.”,
“weight” : 0.5,
“to_hit” : 5,
“color” : “light_red”,
“symbol” : “/”,
“material” : [“steel”, “null”],
“techniques” : [“WBLOCK_1”, “RAPID”],
“volume” : 1,
“bashing” : 0,
“cutting” : 10,
“rarity” : 5,
“price” : 40
