More Survival Tools + Modded MShock Tileset [Merged]

[quote=“Random_dragon, post:60, topic:9198”]Ja, so much deliciousness.

I could see about putting together an “edited for stable” version, but it’d be a clusterfuck no doubt.[/quote]
Heh hell not to mention your already working quite hard on a multitude of things it seems, its funny when i look around and see how many additions you started in here

Good additions, I hope.

Also, add “discovered the changes to explosion animations” to the list of things your Lets Play videos helped with. XP

Where’s the download link?

Seeing as I was poked to PR this as an official mod…experimental versions? >_>

I oughta try to do a version for 0.C stable, but that might be awkward.

Is this the official thread for the modded MShock tileset? If so, I’ve drawn up a few tiles. Making missing graphics is half the fun of CDDA for me. These are heavy_flashlight, heavy_flashlight_on, flashlight, flashlight_on, and lawndart. I know there is a very similar flashlight already in the tileset, but that is Waldo’s work. And since he asked us to slowly replace his work I figured it was only fitting to make replacement flashlights since I was already drawing a flashlight. :slight_smile:

As with all my contributions, feel free to edit them to your liking or ignore them altogether.

Since I originally had both the mod and the tileset bundled up together, ja.

Ah right, I’d almost forgot about the new flashlights. Regular flashlights should be sprited already though. Looks like it might be helpful though, possibly. Lawn dart certainly, might edit the heavy flashlight some to use as well. Though will presumably have to resize and clean up for a 32x2 version. XP

Will add a namedrop to the authors section of the tileset file if/when I make use of them. <3

EDIT: Oh, it is at the 32 size, neat. Will have to see whether a downsized version can be made to not look awful, versus simply trying to emulate the 32 version while editing from scratch.

I’m not saying my normal flashlight sprite is better, they’re very similar actually. I made it because the one currently in the set is by Waldo who asked to have his work removed eventually. I’d like help this tileset along in that regard, but it’s challenging to draw as well as Waldo.

I’ve made more tiles. Most are replacements for existing sprites. Long Rope and Short Rope because the existing sprites are super low-res. Boots and Steel-toe Boots because the existing sprites look like photos that have been cut-out and scaled. The Thigh-high Boots and Diamond are new. Don’t know why but thigh-high boots are everywhere in my current game.

PS: I believe I’m already in the credits. I made tiles for MShock when he was active.

Ah, didn’t know Waldo had asked that, I see.

And hmm, those look good, yeah. Could do that. i was initially going to be lazy and re-use the existing sprite for knee-high boots, but that works. And and I noticed, yeah. ^^"

Ha, I was wondering if I should even draw thigh-high boots since knee-high is pretty close. Re-using graphics is a good idea though. I noticed the color e-ink tablet I drew has been re-purposed into a screwdriver set. I heartily approve. :slight_smile:

Ah, thank you. I do worry about the derpiness of some of the sprites, especially the dinos. >.<

In any case, the PR is up.

I have questions. I’m working on log walls. They have 4 states; built, half-built, chipped, and broken. What does “broken” mean exactly? The current tile for this shows a gaping hole in the wall. Can stuff pass through a broken wall like zombies or bullets?

Sprites I currently have on stand by are log walls, half-built log walls, chipped log walls, newsboy cap, radio control, and basic tool kit. I’ll post them once I get these broken walls drawn up.

It’s like with broken doors. They can be seen through but not passed through, though I think you can fire through them. Basically adds one final step before zombies can get past, and gives the player an opportunity to repair them instead of building it anew.

Thanks for the speedy response Random_dragon. Here are the tiles as promised.

hat_newsboy (Did the game really need a newsboy hat? I doubt it.)
radiocontrol/remotevehcontrol (I’ve never seen a yellow one, but that was the color of the ASCII. Feel free to recolor it.)
hydration pack (camelbak)
log walls (single, center, corner, side, end, T-joint)
half-built log walls
chipped log walls
broken log walls

Did you see this? Looks like Coleen is working on her tileset again. Makes me wonder if I should even bother.

Ooh, interesting. Was unsure how best to handle log walls, yeah. The original looked okay, but does lead to perspective lunacy in some cases. Though the same applies to my sandbags, rock walls, and brick walls. >.<

Log cabins look so lo-res compared to most things, but making something convincing that covers the whole tile means it can’t look like a real log wall. I think that’s why no one has attempted a high-res version.

No matter what there will be perspective lunacy. I’d really like to work on an isometric tileset, but I can’t get my head around isometric vehicles. How can the same pieces be used to make a hatch-back and a school bus?

Ah, true. Thank you, in any case. Likely will need to add those soon. @_@

Finally found a log structure in my current game. Walls tend to be brighter than the floors in this set, so the dark walls I drew didn’t feel right. Thus I’ve brightened them up a bit. Looks much better in game.

Ah, nice. I’d kinda been neglecting to start up another update, I blame various distractions. Should try and start up more spritework soon, in addition to implementing your sprite additions. ^^"

I would love to have nicer Improved shelter sprite… :slight_smile:

Ah right, that was also on my list, dealing with the lazy sprite assignments.

Also also the animatronic monsters, another thing I’ve put off. ;w;