Kickstarter Thread - The Kickstarter is being fulfilled

Well, it’s at least rather hard. I’d have to use ASCII as tiles, but then it means I really have to make a full tileset since the game won’t change the colors of the ASCII font (I guess).

That image seems weird because it seems to have “bold” support. Which is a font thing, but not a tile thing. So is the new Cataclysm using something like TrueType for text, and fixed tiles for graphic? Could there be a way to load TrueType for text and the legacy ASCII .png like Dwarf Fortress for the graphic?

Kev, I want you to get a part of this kickstarter. Are you?

Kevin, GlyphGryph, me, and all of the other devs (excepting GalenEvil) are doing all of this on our own time, for no reimbursement. We get none of the kickstarter and we don’t want any of it; the money was raised for the sole purpose of hiring GalenEvil and that’s what it will be used for.

I find that hinky. You guys have put so much work into this game, and Galen comes along… What, is he gonna pull out his badge and show us he’s a real Programmer?

The idea is Galen will work fulltime(40 hours a week), something the rest of us can’t afford to do without ruining our actual career. If those 40 hours a week don’t happen, naturally that would seem a bit unfair, as there’s enough of us who can and are putting in “part-time job” kind of effort into the game. But the idea of the kickstarter itself is sound.

I just believe you guys should get a cut. Whales should DEFINITELY get a cut, and Darkling should get a cut too.

That’s 8 grand, split however many ways, but a thousand or so is nothing to scoff at

Except you can’t run a kickstarter for that, and it would be immoral to do so. The money is to help future production and add things sooner, not to reward those who’ve already put in time or even those who continue to put in time.

We have a hundred contributors, and a great many of them have made invaluable inclusions to the project. This is the standard open source model for moving forward with paid development - everyone who was working on it before continues working on it, but the money is used to hire people to work on it more than would have been done otherwise.

The money is going towards accomplishing something new, a specific project (hiring a full time developer for ‘x’ amount of time), not rewarding people for what already exists - this is not a charity situation.

If we’d raised a WHOLE lot of money, such that we raked in filthy lucre and could easily meet the kickstarter goals and have stuff left over, then we could have considered distributing it to the other programmers (as long as we fulfilled our goal, the remaining cash is ‘profit’ and can morally be distributed how we wish).

We didn’t raise anywhere near enough money for that to happen.

You might think so, but the kickstarter was about certain features/promises. If you want your money to go directly to a certain dev, there are other mechanisms such as flattr or bitcoin(kevingranade in particular has both), but the kickstarter money is going to where it can make the promises be fulfilled. Had the kickstarter been significantly more successful, I’m sure there’d be considerations of getting kg on the team fulltime.

And as he says, he is always happy to take your money!

As for the “look” of the tiles, keep in mind that GalenEvil is not making the tileset - he is programming in the support. The current tileset is a placeholder.

Absolutely! I’m getting tile support, a scenario manager, z-level support, and um… did stealth make it in? whatever, the kickstarter goals. Also I’m getting my apartment put in the game (which I’ll um… probably do myself).

Also I did two interviews, which was fun AND gets me professional exposure.

Disclosure regarding other renumerations: I’ve been given 0.5BTC and I think about 30 Euros personally.
If you want to contribute to that, feel free. If you want to send me funds via paypal, contact me.

Any update on tileset support? Last I heard it was due out last weekend (IIRC).

The review process started shortly before last weekend Thursday evening/Friday morning, but as is common with these things we managed to find a few bugs/problems on other systems/etc. that we deemed important enough to delay the merging.

Tile Support has been landed to the main repo! WOO! :slight_smile: Experimental builds for it should show up in the next day or so when Jenkins is set up properly to handle the additional library and header file.
Now to begin serious work on the World Factory! I have it recognizing World folders so far, almost have it loading the savegames within it. Once I have it loading I’ll work on getting it to save properly and basic world gen options will be put in. Won’t be nearly as flashy as Tile support, nor as difficult to get working :stuck_out_tongue: I expect a few “gotcha” bugs to crop up, but the work on this is pretty straightforward.

Great news Galen and thanks for your hard work!!

Is now the time to start worshiping GalenEvil?
Now is the time to start worshiping GalenEvil.


I jest. But just barely…

Dang, I understand you want to get those “easier” parts done first, but I really hoped you’d do the z-levels first. I cannot wait to kill zeds from the roof.

Please let us know when tilesets hit the experimental!

Well technically it already has, it’s just that if you don’t have your own dev tools you probably can’t get it to work. I, however, clearly have no problem doing so. :wink:

To be more precise, technically something related to that was implemented in the latest available nightly build, so go ahead if you don’t mind not being able to actually play it or black screens arouse you for some reason. Or if you use Linux, I guess.