Kickstarter Thread - The Kickstarter is being fulfilled

If you are working on tiles, can you at least think about decoupling the graphic window from the rest of the text?

Being forced to use the same grid size for the graphic cells and for the text completely defies the point of tilesets. I know the old versions based on Whales Cataclysm could do this.

[quote=“HRose, post:201, topic:1854”]If you are working on tiles, can you at least think about decoupling the graphic window from the rest of the text?

Being forced to use the same grid size for the graphic cells and for the text completely defies the point of tilesets. I know the old versions based on Whales Cataclysm could do this.


That post before you is troll. GalenEvil already did ensure to implement the feature you suggest. Look closely at:

If it’s already like that then good.

But what should I see there? It seems to me the fonts are exactly the same size of the tiles. If they are not, fine. It simply means I’m wrong.

If you look closely, the tiles are square, but the font isn’t(it’s exactly 2x1 font per tile).

Admittedly that doesn’t mean it’s decoupled - it could just mean that it’s coupled but tiles are two spaces wide.

I do agree that a complete decoupled is probably the most desirable way to go, but it may not be the most time-efficient way to go. And there’s the question about how much it adds.

Tiles are decoupled mostly from font size. In the main game screen it shows as many tiles as possible that fit within the fontwidth * view width, fontheight * view height values. I am pretty sure that’s the only part that explicitly is restricted by font size. Keeps the game in the same screenspace as curses versions while restricting the per-screen viewable area a bit.

How’s progress coming along on Scenarios? I know tilesets are the big thing, but I keep finding mission items like black boxes, and it makes me wonder how that’s gonna work.

Of course, I can’t figure out the quests that are already in the game, so go figure.

Scenarios have gotten very little attention lately, I’ll write up some notes Saturday and Sunday on scenarios in addition to the other KS goals. I am open to suggestions for what should be supported by it.

Snow tiles (yes, I know my snow tiles look crappy but they look a little like snowflakes atleast :D)

Now, are those snow-covered tiles, or (more likely) weather: snowfall?

What’re you guys gonna call the new version, .8?


We’ll probably decide the night before we release it. :stuck_out_tongue:


We’ll probably decide the night before we release it. :P[/quote]

Hoes and Hobos

What’s the latest downloadable version? Experimental, even.

Meet us half way. I can wait, but others can’t and people are getting restless.

I remember the tileset Whale’s version had… Why can’t we just use that, and then use letters to represent the things we don’t have icons for?

Umm… Because the versions aren’t even close to being compatible? There are over 1000 code commits between version .7.1 and the upcoming version .8 alone, each one of which has the potential to break things. Not to mention we’ve added in mac compatibility and SDL compatibility (both things which the tiles need to be compatible with).

Also note that until .8 is officially released the experimental will still be listed as .7.1, despite the fact that it will be something like 95% the same as version .8.

Also ignore DownUnder, it’s just LazyCat again (and what he’s saying isn’t even true anymore).

I feel like you have some legitimate complaints. I myself wonder why they cannot just ask Gremour for help.

Explain your side of the story, Lazy Cat. I want to hear how you and them got so… feuding against eachother. This kickstarter thing seems kind of weird, I’ll admit, but I think it’s for the better. I hope so, atleast. But throwing money at something doesn’t necessarily make it better.

Oh God… Now I see what you mean… Gremour’s are so much… for a lack of a better word, prettier.

Can’t we use some of the kick starter money to hire Gremour?

I saw this screenshot (it will probably disappear in the next few hours), anyone knows how it can be achieved?

The best thing for me would be having all text like that, and 9x9 ASCII for the graphic. If the two are truly decoupled and if that font already works, then I guess I could simply load the 9x9 ASCII as a bitmap.

Would that be possible?

What do you mean how can it be achieved? There’s nothing unusual there except perhaps a nice font, which is supported, and basically arbitrary fonts and tiles will be interoperable.