How do i install the msx deadpeople tileset?

ive just reinstalled cdda, but the tileset i use “MSX DEADPEOPLE” is no longer there.
how do i install the msx deadpeople tileset?

Download the latest version of the tileset, extract then put it in this directory: cdda\gfx\ -> cdda\gfx\MSX++UnDeadPeopleEdition

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I wanted to install it in an experimental version but i dont know how to do it

  • Download the tileset
  • Extract the MSX++UnDeadPeople<version>.zip
  • Move the MSX++UnDeadPeopleEdition folder to your cdda tilesets directory like this:
    cdda\gfx\ -> cdda\gfx\MSX++UnDeadPeopleEdition (do not repeat the folder)

Just thought it might be useful to know after a fresh install of CDDA on Debian (and Ubuntu), you’ll need to create the gfx directory in your ~/.local/share/cataclysm-dda and extract the tileset there

Thanks for the instructions, I was a little stuck at first :wink:

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