ChestHole Tileset

I think this is the best I can currently do with the “smoothed rock” wall. I just used the local courthouse as a reference. I also did the tombstones and the obelisk but not “stone slab” because I’m not sure what it’s supposed to look like ( a slab of rock, a ‘ten commandments’ type thing etc.).

Picture taken in Autumn.

A few questions:

1-Is the ChestHole32 still being maintained and if so, added too?

2-Small bugs and missing tiles;

*The KSG shotgun is showing up as a Raging Bull pistol on ground and held. Can’t remember if the bull is the floor 1 when held =/
*No tile for Empty tin cans and soda cans or (I think) plastic bottles.
*The Rain Hood is slightly off center and a little to much to the right.

3-Is there anything to help us add or correct tiles? Also how do I add new items?..or is that a to easy question with not a easy answer?

hey neat.

Stone slabs are supposed to be objects that are large enough to sit or even lay on, and may have writting on them, such as a plaque outside a building.

[quote=“ZoneWizard, post:342, topic:8933”]A few questions:

3-Is there anything to help us add or correct tiles? Also how do I add new items?..or is that a to easy question with not a easy answer?[/quote]

If you look at the tiles.png in the gfx/ChestHole32Tileset folder (I use GIMP and configure the grid to 32x32) they are numbered (numbers aren’t visible) from left to right, top to bottom, starting at number 0. Top row is 0-15, second row is 16-31 and on and on and on.

To find the number of a tile that’s further down I use either a calculator or I look into the tile_config.json (in the same folder) at something close to it and count backwards or forwards. To use a calculator to find a tile from the tile_config look at the number after “fg”, multiply it by 32 (that’s how many pixels tall these tiles are) and then divide the result by 16 (16 tiles per row) and it will get you close enough that you can figure it out. In GIMP there are handy numbers to the left:

tiles_config.json (I use notepad++ to view and edit it) has this kind of format:

      "id": "birchbark",
      "fg": 3580,
      "bg": 632,
      "rotates": false

“id” is the ingame id of the item or terrain
"fg" is the foreground tile you want displayed for the item or terrain
"bg" is the background tile you want displayed behind the item or terrain
And you generally want “rotates” to be “false” for items.

Armor usually has two entries; one for the armor on the ground (or wherever) and one for when it’s on you. For the ones that are on you, the “id” will be prefixed with “overlay_worn”. Examples of worn/wielded below:

      "id": "overlay_wielded_boots_fsurvivor",
      "fg": 289,
      "bg": 632,
      "rotates": false
      "id": ["overlay_worn_bunker_pants", "bunker_pants"],
      "fg": 3711,
      "bg": 632,
      "rotates": false

I hope that’s enough explanation to get you started because I am terrible at explaining.

[quote=“pisskop, post:343, topic:8933”]hey neat.

Stone slabs are supposed to be objects that are large enough to sit or even lay on, and may have writting on them, such as a plaque outside a building.[/quote]

Would this be the general shape and size of it?

More or less.

I think I get it now. Thanks!


I like it

Finally got around to messing with this; palisade wall, open gate and closed gate. I would have had the gate simply go up but it would clip the top 90% of the pixels off.

thanks Kedryn for the info. I did actually deduce the math thing. But I too use GIMP and did NOT know that I could set the grid. This helps tremendously because I’d have to eyeball it and I’m sh!t with math lol

Lately I’ve changed a few items that have been incorrectly using un-wielded versions(the floor version). But on the bright side the grif info should help a lot. Took me forever to figure out that items usually go 1 number to it’s left or right. Say line 3000 wielded and 3001 is un-wielded. I kept getting random crap being held till I noticed this lol

[quote=“ZoneWizard, post:350, topic:8933”]thanks Kedryn for the info. I did actually deduce the math thing. But I too use GIMP and did NOT know that I could set the grid. This helps tremendously because I’d have to eyeball it and I’m sh!t with math lol

Lately I’ve changed a few items that have been incorrectly using un-wielded versions(the floor version). But on the bright side the grif info should help a lot. Took me forever to figure out that items usually go 1 number to it’s left or right. Say line 3000 wielded and 3001 is un-wielded. I kept getting random crap being held till I noticed this lol[/quote]

I’m glad I could help. I also had to figure this all out on my own (and had never used anything but lolMSPaint) using other people’s work as a reference. :wink:

I should help by writing all the number codes down for my changes. So far I already fixed the KSG, Raging Bull, AK-74M…not sure about empty can/bottles though. Do we have them? I could not see them when looking through the Chest32 tiles. I’d to set those. But if they don’t exist, I have no idea how to add new stuff =/

Did the mod ever fix beehives’s wax floor use the broken door tile? (in the non-iso versions, iso looks nicer but the controls mess with my head)

Yeah, if I work on something to make it ‘better’ for myself I always try to offer what I did to the original author so they don’t also have to work on it. For me this all started out as kind of a puzzle and I love figuring things out. Actually, I can’t help trying to figure things out and my friends get sad when I fall down the puzzle-rabbit-holes.

To add new things I just copy/paste an old thing and change the id, fg and bg. If you screw up and forget the comma at the end (or put one that shouldn’t be there), the game is (usually) very helpful at telling you where you screwed up. If you screw up and add an ID that doesn’t exist to the tile_config the game doesn’t seem to care.

If you’re looking for the ID of the item you can use the in-game debug menu to “wish” for it and in that window it will tell you the ID.

I think if they rotated the minimap to the same orientation as the main window it would be much less confusing. That was what confused me the most (at first; now I don’t even think about it).

Yeah, I am definitely still updating things, but I dropped my laptop and it broke, and it is pretty tough to git things using Android.

Shit, that sucks. :frowning:

I want to say, “I’m sorry for your loss”, but sometimes that comes across as inappropriate so I’ll just go with “I’m sorry.”

A few things fixed:

AK74 Overlay wield = 3662
Tile = 1428

KSG (same with AUX KSG) overlay wield = 3656
Tile = 3657

Raging Bull overlay wield = 1515
Tile = 1532

Seems the raging Bull has 2 entries, so changem both as needed.

So chesty, are you working on empty soda/tin cans/bottles? I’d do it myself except my art sucks =/

I literally disassembled, resized and straightened out the oven/stove and refrigerator (each ‘cube’ shaped item has 3 sides and it’s easier to work on them if I take them apart). I added a placeholder bucket and empty aluminum can.

While playing I discovered I couldn’t see card readers and ATMs anymore because they were still flat on the ground and the walls blocked them so I imported them from the 32 set, ‘iso-fied’ them and gave the card reader the cement wall background.

The ATMs will always face the same direction as their entry in the terrain.json doesn’t ‘connect’ them to anything, though I can make it so if they’re side by side it will make sense. I also need to smooth their edges out as I was in a hurry at the time andthey really stand out right now.

The contents of the sealed jar are now irrelevant to the graphics (there seems to be no way to differentiate them) so they will all look the same no matter what’s in them. Also added a pumpkin.

I want to get the jacks, boom crane, cantilever, plow, reaper and planter in but I don’t know how to make those (no skill).

New stuff looks badass! Great work d:

EDIT: Hey people, could you tell me what i have to do to set random tiles for certain things? I’d like to do that with grass and maybe some broken floors.

[quote=“StopSignal, post:359, topic:8933”]New stuff looks badass! Great work d:

EDIT: Hey people, could you tell me what i have to do to set random tiles for certain things? I’d like to do that with grass and maybe some broken floors.[/quote]

I can’t explain it, but I can show you an example. The following, unless I’m a moron (so very possible!), should have the first two options at 25% chance a piece and the third option at 50%.

{ "fg": [ { "sprite": 5932, "weight": 1 }, { "sprite": 5933, "weight": 1 }, { "sprite": 5934, "weight": 2 } ], "bg": 642, "id": "mon_zombie_cop", "rotates": false },