ChestHole Tileset

Working on rock wall (the one made from actual rocks) right now. Not done and probably going to take a while until I’m happy enough with it. In the driveway of the fire station because why not:

Yessss, that looks pretty good!

Yeah, that looks incredible, Kedryn.

I’m back from my trip! I’m working on the iso set! Updates every night in my Patreon.

Chezzo, here are my walls and some additional things. There are three riot cops for you to choose from, glass, brick, rock and wooden walls, the metal doors opened using the winches and some metal doors that open by hand, fist or zombie head. And a floor/dirt combination tile tile that I use for backgrounds of the walls.

On the very bottom row are the doors without attached walls in case you want to plop them in something else and alternate brick wall ‘end_pieces’ in case the first set of them is too much.

I’ve also placed a dummy config file in there that I hope is helpful.

For future reference, how can I make this easier on you?

Edit: If our restaurant hadn’t gone under I’d have money with which to contribute to your Patreon.

Edit2: Working on concrete walls.

Whoa! That is incredible work! You are doing amazing stuff to the iso set.

The best way would be to just give me your tile_config.json and tiles.png I think.

I have been fumbling with all week and have nothing to show for it. And you just might have surpassed my need to remake tiles.png at all.

But the whole reason I was trying to redo it with is so the downstairs walls and cars are redone, albeit in the crappy fake iso imagemagik does. Replacing them is even better, and you almost got that done now! You are the best, Kedryn.

But still, giant hulks! First draft! On Patreon. Come see second and third drafts on IRC.

Edit: Looking at your walls, they are freaking amazing. Good job. The wood are gonna look great on cabins I think. The brick is gonna go around the firehouse and look sah-weeet. And a great cave and you are working on concrete? I would take that cave as concrete, that cave is awesome.

I feel bad a real artist had to come in and line things up with my crappily lined up walls. It was the only way I could get it to work!

Give me the tiles.txt with your name in it, too. Don’t be shy, neither. This is like the nth biggest open source project out there, I put that stuff on my resume.

Alright, I’ll pack the whole thing up with the new additions; finished concrete walls, did the railings and guard rails today. I am actually pleased with the guardrails; not so much with the rails that go in the mall and such.

I’ll send it via message.

P.S. That hulk is friggin scary.

Edit: Sent. Also, what walls are you wanting redone? And if you’re wanting something concrete-like for the caves I can copy the concrete walls, make them more continuous (instead of giant blocks) and call them solid rock. :wink: At least until I think of something better.

I think I have a decent cave/solid_rock wall now. Unfortunately I won’t be able to use the rounded corners on the left side of the screenshot because the bottom corner is the only one I’d be able have rounded with the way the walls are set up and where they connect to each other.

But it does get me started on making a ‘column’ tile, I guess. :stuck_out_tongue: Still trying to do a metal wall, but it seems to be beyond my newbie abilities.

Hulk is terrifying!

Sorry if this is off-topic, but I keep seeing different hairstyle and such on characters in these shots. Is there some way to change from the male = mohawk, female = long blonde hair?

Different professions seem to have different models sometimes. I’m usually playing Hockey player but just discovered he now has a mohawk model for some reason (with another model visible behind it which looks super weird). I switched to Teacher and he has normal guy model from the last screenshot.

It might also be the difference between the 32 and regular tileset.

I didn’t know about Hockey, but the cop professions, doctor, and skater profession have different skins.

[quote=“Chezzo, post:311, topic:8933”]It might also be the difference between the 32 and regular tileset.

I didn’t know about Hockey, but the cop professions, doctor, and skater profession have different skins.[/quote]

Can you return normal skin for Hockey guy? No reason for him to be punk-looking :slight_smile:

I think the Hockey profession gets the skater profession mutation I am hanging the Skater overlay on. If I take it off one I gotta take it off both.

I know, I’ll make him have a missing tooth.

Chezzo, is the example on the right the intended shape for the brick kiln in an isometric perspective? It’s a little more square than I intended (was trying for a barrel shape). I can’t find any good examples of a portable brick kiln on the internet to guide the shape and I don’t want to make something you envisioned as a cube into a cylinder.

Don’t worry, I’m not about to load you down with a million more tiles; I’m holding anything I make after I sent you the last set until your next update. :wink: Plus, I think I’m going to try to focus on the broken versions of the windows… which I think is how I ended up getting starting on the walls and then forgetting all about the windows. :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks great! Some kilns certainly are not square. It looks awesome.

And totally give me more tiles! You are amazing. This set looks freaking incredible!

I submitted a pr!

I’m working on these windows and also trying to differentiate “t_window_domestic” and “t_window” so grocery stores and such look less ‘home-like’. :wink: The gray window is supposed to have sheet metal on it, but I suck at metal. And the last one on the right is ‘taped’.

And feel free to modify the tiles I have given you, it’s not going to hurt my feelings. Some of them may be too light and it’s always easier to darken them than lighten them.

Oh, and I’m not offended (as ‘Jess’ is so gender-neutral these days), but I’m a he. :slight_smile:

My bad, dude. I fixed it.

Feel free to modify MY files, even if I changed it to something iso. I wasn’t happy with some of it and wanted to come back to it.

For instance, doors could fill the frame and therefore be more generic, and you know how you can see the tile line in the floors and display racks but not in your pool tables or my regular tables? It’d be neat if you couldn’t see the tile line.

I love those windows. I thought I saw a t_window_domestic in the set:

I worked some more on the window with bars and used that frame for t_window so houses now have the mult-pane windows and business now have bigger single-pane windows with a brick frame. The taped version looks more like a cracked window, though. :-/

I have tried to make the lines on the dirt tiles go away with no success; I will try the floor, but I’m not hopeful, though it is easier to hide the lines with the darker tiles.

Grocery store windows on the right.

I will try my hand at the lines going away thing, when I get off this train and back to my computer.

Can you send me your latest copy?

Amazing stuff, as usual, man. So good.

This is the best I could do with the lines on the counters:

I can upload my copy in about an hour (less, hopefully). I’ve got someone clamoring for my attention.

Edit: Uploading now, will send you the link when it’s done uploading. Guess I’ll try my hand at doors next.