Zombie Hulks can survive Mininukes

This angers me for no other reason than when I nuke something, I damn well expect it to die. I don’t care how fat it is or how small the nuke is compared to a Fat Man.

Now I want real-sized nukes, just to have something that can one-shot a hulk.

We have those!

They can’t kill hulks either.

Silo Nukes still don’t despawn creatures on affected tiles?

Tough? Fine. Evolved and fat? Okay. But at some point, I really think that everything should just die. It’s a fucking nuke, and that hulk is just meat. A lot of meat, and pretty densely packed with muscle, but when the same weapon can scorch shadows onto the sides of buildings, it’s time to put up your hands and admit that the thing is fucking dead, because it is the epicenter of a nuclear detonation.

Unless someone gives me statistics on what can and cannot survive the effects of a point-blank thermo-nuclear detonation, I’m going to be upset about this. Something surviving getting nuked when it isn’t Godzilla is just wrong on so many levels.

[quote=“Wally-kun, post:4, topic:11289”]Tough? Fine. Evolved and fat? Okay. But at some point, I really think that everything should just die. It’s a fucking nuke, and that hulk is just meat. A lot of meat, and pretty densely packed with muscle, but when the same weapon can scorch shadows onto the sides of buildings, it’s time to put up your hands and admit that the thing is fucking dead, because it is the epicenter of a nuclear detonation.

Unless someone gives me statistics on what can and cannot survive the effects of a point-blank thermo-nuclear detonation, I’m going to be upset about this. Something surviving getting nuked when it isn’t Godzilla is just wrong on so many levels.[/quote]

It’s not intentional, just part of the fact that the current implementation of nukes is a horrible.

The current “nuclear explosion” basically amounts to just painting the terrain into rubble tiles and placing radioactive gas, that harms plant type hostiles. They don’t really kill anything by themselves.

I agree with you when it comes to mini nukes being underpowered.

I think mininukes have been nerfed. I chucked one at a horde a few days ago and the explosion was only a few tiles wide with some radioactive gas. What happened to the good old days of house-sized explosions?

Right??? I mean this isn’t a grenade we’re throwing, this is an explosive the size of a car battery, powered by a nuclear detonation. It’s got the word “NUKE” in it, and god damn it I want to explode everything. These things are so rare, I feel like I DESERVE to blow up a house with it.

I have a hunch that they were nerfed around the time elite grenadier zeds came into the picture with that very armament in question, but I have no evidence to go on that.

all explosives were nerfed.

heh, a lot of things have been in the gap between 0.C and now.

cocaine. they nerfed my cocaine.
they decreased the spawning frequencies of high quality ‘freebie’ items, they seem to have decreased the availibility of guns, fridges are harder to break, I think Zs got more health, several do more damage and have more armor, and things still spawn in front of me :confused:

The mininuke currently stays in because it’s a legacy item, it can be buffed a bit, but if I really take a look at fixing it I suspect I’d end up removing it, because the smallest nuke possible would probably destroy everything in the visible map area.

The “smallest nuke possible” with current technology (maybe), but not the smallest theoretically possible by any means. The smallest nuclear weapons known to have actually been made had yields on the order 10 tons of TNT, about twice as large as the Oklohoma City bombing, and the earliest of those were made 50ish years ago. While still a good bit larger than the current mini-nuke, an explosion that size would fit in the reality bubble with plenty of room to spare*, assuming that the houses are approximately to scale with normal sized houses now.

*To survive it yourself, a large chunk of the explosion would probably have to outside the reality bubble, but that’s a different issue…

Oh? That looks like the Dragonball Z ‘powerup pose’ visual instruction pamphlet.

I might disagree with the first post. The heat would char the hulk’s skin, turning it into an even more menacing black juggernaut nightmare. Its skin would make toasty crunching sounds as it would leap and thump its way at you, now pissed as hell about the pesky nuke. It would still have plenty of muscle to keep going. Of course we might argue about the chemical composition, the toughness or the heat resistance of a hulk’s skin, or what they should be.

But I do agree that explosives are a bit underwhelming. I don’t find them particularly damaging or useful. Something like a C-4 charge should shred everything in the 2-tile radius (5x5 tiles), and the blastwave should send other nearby zeds outwards, colliding with objects and other zeds. Or not.

It’s not an unreasonable expectation that a hulk should be vaporized when hit by a mininuke, but if/when that fails to happen, you have to conjure up a pseudo-scientific explanation for it from the depths of your imagination in order to cope with the slight disappointment. In fact, I think it’d be awesome if everything AROUND the hulk would be vaporized by the mininuke, but the hulk would just turn into a pitch black variant with red glowing eyes, possibly via the mutation mechanics, unique only to a hulk.

Alternatively, we can speculate the heat resistance/capacity of a hulk’s internal organs, assuming it has any, or assuming they serve any vital functions. The nuke would at least cook up most things it would hit. But again, we don’t know the temperature or the amount of heat emitted by the nuke (over time), nor the heat conductivity of the hulk’s skin, fat, or muscle tissue. Nor do we know the energy of the nuke’s blastwave. It’s all wonderfully debatable!

Not if this is a dystopian semi-future that has had time to develop weapons more powerful and fancy than ours, have weaponized lasers, and is much more aggressive and probably militaristic. I wouldn’t put it past such a society to have developed weaponry to the point that a nuclear weapon can be shrunk to the size of the kind of warhead a demolition expert might have equipped. House-leveling micro-nukes. I see no problem with this.

I don’t see why explosives were nerfed. I never saw them all that much to start, and when I did use them it didn’t feel gratifying enough to spend the rest of my experience in the game rushing down explosives to insta-gib everything I see. Half of them can’t even level walls that aren’t made of wood, and any of the higher-up structures and bunkers are utterly impervious.

Why not just increase their rarity and give them the facelift they need? It’s so hard to find good explosives that by the time I do get my hands on a mini-nuke, I really feel like it should be something that levels the average-sized house, just because it’s so hard to find.

And impossible to craft, of course. Of course. Because nukes.

Im sure explosives where moved to Json which means you could always increase the power of them :slight_smile:

I don’t like the huge explosions we have now. They cover a huge area and still don’t do anything.

Raw damage of small and medium explosives got boosted due to damage formula being lighter on low numbers. It’s mostly the huge ones that got nerfed.

C-4 for example is much stronger than before.

Short of some of the newer explosives, nothing really goes above 24 damage, which isn’t even enough to chip the paint off of a concrete wall. I was throwing grenades into a group of zombies (regular ones) and watching the majority of them keep chasing me. Explosives are ridiculous now, to the point that the only ones that have any use are the ones with special effects (EMP, Molotov, etc).

I don’t recall grenades ever being useful.
Mines are quite strong (can 1-shot a brute), but everything else relies mostly on point-blank shrapnel.
Pure damage buff to weak explosives could be enough, though.

Acid bombs were awsome and the loss of loot and more than made up for the awsomeness of it. And heaven forbid you botch the throw.

I still use them regularly. Especially now that molotovs are chancy.