Mini-Nukes and C4

Is there any reason Mini-Nukes weigh 20 pounds? Even using the rail gun CBM and Hydraulic Muscles I can only get the damned thing two tiles away. Can we at least get a timer on it? Which brings me to the second point: whatever the 1-9 selection is, it’s /barely/ enough time to get out of the blast radius, can we get an at least two digit count-down timer for the C4? Maybe the mini-nuke?

It’d be nice if we could get the mini-nuke’s weight lowered enough so that you don’t need a tank to fire the damn thing to get it more than two tiles, or at least some kind of way to ‘launch’ it with a weapon of some kind, only time I’ve ever managed to escape the blast radius of a mini-nuke was while driving in a vehicle at about 80 MPH. (Accidentally activated one and just dropped it out the door.)

I suppose for Mininukes, it’s desperation use (throw 2 tiles, run immediately) and a remote Clacker for C4 would be nifty.

[quote=“EkarusRyndren, post:1, topic:3563”]Is there any reason Mini-Nukes weigh 20 pounds? Even using the rail gun CBM and Hydraulic Muscles I can only get the damned thing two tiles away. Can we at least get a timer on it? Which brings me to the second point: whatever the 1-9 selection is, it’s /barely/ enough time to get out of the blast radius, can we get an at least two digit count-down timer for the C4? Maybe the mini-nuke?

It’d be nice if we could get the mini-nuke’s weight lowered enough so that you don’t need a tank to fire the damn thing to get it more than two tiles, or at least some kind of way to ‘launch’ it with a weapon of some kind, only time I’ve ever managed to escape the blast radius of a mini-nuke was while driving in a vehicle at about 80 MPH. (Accidentally activated one and just dropped it out the door.)[/quote]
There is a delay on the mininukes already about 10 turns(?). not much but you can get outside the blast radius with the quick trait and a bunch of drugs.
As for some kind of launcher for them:

[quote=“Caconym, post:3, topic:3563”]As for some kind of launcher for them:

As far as launchers are concerned…

There’s the Davy Crockett

This seems to be a problem with all the non-grenade like explosives; they seem to barely give you enough time to get out of the blast radius with C4 being the most egregious of them.

I think a solid design would give you at least two (well, three) options. One, a launcher of some kind, a la the Davey Crockett. Design it with it’s weight and volume in mind. Two, give an (a) option to modify the mininuke using your electronics skill to jury-rig a home-made timer with a longish turn option. If possible, make a watch an ingredient. The third would be to (try to) run.

There are other cool things you could do, like vehicle mounted launchers or turn it into a landmine as well, but these come secondary to providing working base options.

The nuclear landmine should definitively have chickens in them

If a mini-nuke is a warhead, then it should have some device to launch it. An obvious example is from Fallout.

All my previous encounters with C4 explosives either involved timers up to 3 minutes or handheld detonators.

I always thought C-4 and Mini-Nukes were either ‘The hoard has surrounded me and I can’t get out.’ or ‘This is all I have I hope it works.’

If you don’t have any detonators (which should be available because this is the future) then that is obviously going to happen. But it shouldn’t! You can probably even craft one with enough electronics skill.

On a side note, raise your hand if you ever found a mini-nuke or C-4, carried it’s heavy weight around for no apparent reason, and walked into a hoard of zombies just to say: [quote=“Jack Root, post:9, topic:3563”]‘The hoard has surrounded me and I can’t get out.’[/quote]

Oh please, I’ve driven into a fungal bloom with an entire lab’s worth of em active on me XD

well, mininukes are just that, mini, compared to nuke silo missiles…

Maybe we can add a new “Bomber Jacket” to satisfy the constituency that likes to BE the explosion. Crafted with a menagerie of explosives and even firecrackers if you want! Maybe you can activate the item after wearing it to set it off? This would go perfect with the “type your last words” idea someone mentioned in an earlier thread.

Also, I don’t care much about mini-nukes weight. Unless someone wants to calculate dimensions and mass, density, bla bla ITS A BOMB.

You should argue instead that the throwing mechanic is broken and it needs to go see a doctor.