What's your favorite weapon loadout?

Also, that fusion blaster rifle you can make out of the CBM is a great “ok screw everything” weapon for when something needs to be exploded and on fire.

Plus, don’t you want to be Megaman?

(has anyone ever even attempted to use this thing? )

“Moves per attack: 433”

Once I started beating zeds to pulp with a manhole cover…

Shame you can’t throw them very far even with high-end strength and the railgun CBM

Can’t Megaman swap his arm cannons for a hand whenever he wants? DDA meanwhile screws you over so much with that CBM that pooping would be challenging.

I have no idea how you get dressed after getting that implant.

Speaking of weapons though, is the Gantz Rustung useful yet?

gantz rustung is that heavy crossbow? most pepole prefer bows over crossbows but bolt driver is nice

Yeah, I’m finding normal crossbows to be garbage compared to bows.

Considering what it takes to MAKE the Gantz Rustung I really think it deserves to be a good weapon. But in the last game version I tried using it in, it couldn’t hit the side of a barn.

On a similar note I keep wishing you could turn it into the Piecemaker from Discworld.


My latest character (whose adventures may be made into a forum post) carries the following:

The “Old Man” - A pimped-out suppressed Remington 870 that reminds me a bit of the shotgun Javier Bardem used in No Country For Old Men. Absolutely wonderful for quiet kills on big targets at close range.

FN FAL - For when things get ugly. Not necessarily my weapon of choice, but I have an abundant supply of .308 Winchester, so I might as well use it. I keep the FAL loaded, with two additional magazines in reserve.

Ruger 10/22 - The most pimpin’ .22 ever to see the light of day. Heavily modified Ruger 10/22 with scope, waterproofing, lightweight frame, upgraded stock, sling, two laser attachments (one rail-mounted and the other underbarrel) and a suppressor.

L39B-45 - Carried in a holster on my hip as my sidearm of choice. Boasts improved iron sights and a few other attachments.

P230 - A last-ditch weapon to use when all else fails. Concealed in an ankle holster. No attachments. Kept fully loaded and on my person at all times. (When I’m at base, all my other weapons are unloaded and put in storage, because gun safety is important, guys.)

Currently a pimped out M4A1 with bayonet, spare mag, shoulder strap and recoil stock.
A stock Sig 226 in a shoulder holster and a reinforced RM42 fighting knife. Gonna pimp out the Sig as I can. Probably add a shotgun to the loot cart like Dampe’s “Old Man”.

I’m currently sporting a knife spear/machete combo since i just kinda started.
I also have a combat knife and a butcher knife in my boots

I love doing lab challenges, they’re fun and they give a lot of goodies in the end.

I prefer a katana for my melee weapon and usually get lucky finding one (or a wakizashi or broadsword or SOMETHING) fairly early but not so in this game, best I’ve found is a machete - a year in - kinda sad.

So, I usually have a beefy cutting melee weapon or at least some kind of superior knife.

And I like bows so I have a fully decked out reflex recursive and a large quiver full of fletched metal arrows. Quiet and effective.

I keep a stock of guns, ammo, and explosives around but only use them situationally. I’ve yet to every truly get into guns enough to pick favorites - too many choices.

Something to make a lot of noise: Firecracker, Noise emitter.
I tend to take advantage of noise manipulation to draw them to a point.

Something to manipulate the terrain: Shovel, Web Weaver mutation.
Putting them in a trap. Utilizes noise manipulation to draw them here.

AoE/Crowd control: Arc Cannon/Chain Lightning, Molotov Cocktail, Matcher/Light (with web weaver because you can burn your web and the zombies trapped in it).
Used after pulling zombies into the trap area. Also good for combating fungi infestation.

Firearm with cheap ammo: Pneumatic family. Laser Pisol if I have the UPS CBM. Reflex recurve bow if I have a decent strength character.
Something I am willing to use on even normal zombies.

Long Range Weapon: Any rifle with 0 dispersion. Shoulder Strap or Folding Stock.
Something I want to kill that is too dangerous to be let seen such as tank drones and milspec turrets.

Short Range Burst: Shotgun, best if it has burst mode.
If a hulk,grappler, or predator gets too close. Also handy for dealing with sludge crawlers and shoggoths.

Melee tools: Crowbar, Combat/Fighting Knife/Katana
I usually carry these all the time as tools and double up as weapons.

“How was your evening, Dampe?”
“It was a cruel reminder of the fact that the .22LR cartridge has no stopping power.”
“Never mind.”

if you need quiet weapon what can kill hordes try making some manhacks, they take only one volume and half kg so you can carry two without problems they are realy cheap

[quote=“Logrin, post:65, topic:10522”]Once I started beating zeds to pulp with a manhole cover…

Shame you can’t throw them very far even with high-end strength and the railgun CBM[/quote]

Captain America-style throwing ought to be a thing.

I’m loving the fusion blaster rifle more and more. Going down into a vault with spawn set to 5x or more involves dealing with giant zerg swarms of irradiated wanderers and the FBR is a great way of dispatching them en masse. Three shots on the same location will create a 3x3 square of raging fire, making it easy to light up choke points from long range.

Maybe not the cheapest nor the most silent gun, but the RM20 Autoshotgun has always been my favorite.

Shotguns has somewhat fallen out of favor for blasting things up close for me. I’m actually using an SMG (RM216 SPIW) that was able to kill a shoggoth that my M1014 shotgun wasn’t able to. 5 burst rounds of armor piercing 5x50 flechette should let me mow down shoggoths, hulks, and jabbers. Of course I won’t do this with milspecs or tanks (that’s for my Browning BLR sniping is for).

I slapped a '451 flamethrower on the sidecar of my motorcycle.
Works wonders on packs of zombie children.