Welding Goggles Recipe change?

},{ "type" : "recipe", "result": "goggles_welding", "category": "CC_ARMOR", "subcategory": "CSC_ARMOR_HEAD", "skill_used": "tailor", "difficulty": 4, "time": 30000, "reversible": false, "autolearn": true, "book_learn": [[ "textbook_fabrication", 3 ] , [ "welding_book", 3 ]], "qualities" : [ {"id":"WRENCH","level":1,"amount":1} ], "components": [ [ [ "goggles_ski", 1 ], [ "goggles_swim", 1 ], [ "glasses_safety", 1 ], [ "sunglasses", 1 ] ], [ [ "duct_tape", 20 ], [ "medical_tape", 20 ] ], [ [ "spray_can", 1 ] ] ] },{

Is there any reason actual reason it uses the wrench?

It might make sense if it was a full metal face shield/welders helmet designed to cover the head/face and mouth, but the output is literally just some welding goggles. Might be worth reducing the difficulty as well.

Not sure why, but I am working on a PR to make the anvil no longer a weak link in the process of bootstrapping blacksmithing, via expanding the alternatives.

Only reason you’re dependent on scavenging for/starting with a spray can and bolt-turning is because it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get 40 lumps of steel from your source of metal. Possible, but adding more plausible alternative sources of metal would mitigate this issue.

nah getting metal is easy-- you can deconstruct steel frames etc into chunks/lumps of steel then weld the results. it’s just (very) time consuming.

There just seems to be no point to having a wrench when you’re crafting welding goggles.
It’s like having a welder as a requirement to sew a scarf.

Hmm. True, though more options for what to make an anvil from means less dependency on the RNG, depending on what metal you can get from the vehicle.

Might suggest altering the welding goggle recipe anyway, yeah. I’m already juggling 4 commits at once though. >.<

I wish I could find from Git logs who made the change, but I think the person was thinking of a full-face welding mask.

That said, I probably could whip up a PR tomorrow - remove the wrench requirement from goggles and add a mask sound good?

Might be interesting. If the mask added more environmental protection, perhaps?

Only problem is then, if it’s a full face mask, the EP would protect the mouth and make it good against smoke. Though for welding fumes, maybe that’s acceptable if we imply it’s made for that too.

[quote=“Zireael, post:5, topic:10792”]I wish I could find from Git logs who made the change, but I think the person was thinking of a full-face welding mask.

That said, I probably could whip up a PR tomorrow - remove the wrench requirement from goggles and add a mask sound good?[/quote]

Sounds perfect! A separate mask item covering eyes/face/mouth would be great-- and probably work as decent, somewhat lightweight armour as well.
Bear in mind we’ll need to be able to use it as an alternative in most crafting recipes involving welding, so we can use the welding goggles or mask.
Probably the vehicle construction system as well.

I’d do it myself but seriously I’ve got to work on an assignment right now.
…which I should probably do instead of messing around on a forum. >"<

For most recipes, using the “sub” property in addition to it having glare protection quality of 2 should make it work as intended.

And bad rabbit, others will muck about with it, is fine. owo