We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

??? that doesnt do anything for me, Q is unbound and Y is for zones

Maybe defaults have changed since I last looked at them. Anyway, what it was supposed to mean is Commmit suicide-Yes-Yes :laughing:

yeah i figured as much.

… actually come to think of it suicide is the first key i unbound, so that’d be it.

How about worm mutations, worm mutagen, and worm thresholded category?

Reusing syringes should have a chance to give you an infection. The bad infection. You don’t know where that syringe has been. Syringes should have to be sterilized before use. It would give the autoclave another purpose aside from CBMs.

Force-enable Z-level vision, and then set all flying enemies to stay on level Z+1 or +2 until they spot the player - furthermore, they will path to the player in such a way that they’ll only descend to the same Z-level once they’re in melee range. Because flesh raptors weren’t bad enough.

Give a chance for call crafting recepies involving explosive compounds to explode upon failure. Also give selfmade explosives a chance to explode when activeted.

Add roving tax collection robots. They rob you blind, but only after making you submit your paperwork filled out in triplicate.

but they only rob you of your pre-war money, and they handcuff you and drag you to a cell if you dont have any/are in debt

then you have to break out!

or serve your time~

Robot: Please ignore your fellow prisoners.
Fellow prisoners: Graaaagh! Urrrgh!

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Your precataclysm bank account should slowly empty as a result of automated taxes and payments. If your balance is to low for to long you start to get drones that deliver you reminders to pay your taxes the frequense of which increases the longer it goes on.


A simple idea: I’d like that the monster/animal in the safe mode alert was on a different font color.



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Make weight more realistic: If you get to thin or fat your clothing doesn’t fit anymore and you need to change your weight or refit them. Add extra encumbrence to every bodypart exept the head if you are obese.

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Randomly crashing meteorites. Yes, even right on your head.

This may have been suggested before, if so sorry:

Random earthquakes that open chasms you can fall down several z levels.

Active volcanism with lava flow.


You can’t turn safemode off until you submit a recording of yourself doing something embarrassing on YouTube.


Allow random grafity to appear over time. Mainly consisting of bad zombie jokes/puns and references to zombie movies.

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Trying to do this with soldering iron
or repairing non-empty fuel tanks with arc welder/acetorch should result in boom (and welding tank should explode, too).


Make it possible to reinforce bullets, food, magazines, explosives and drugs.

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Don’t let the player know many of their mutation. Phisical ones like teeth or horns should be appearent and things that changn certain stats like strength and perception should be listed to as your character could notice them easely. But stuff like weakening or desease immunity shouldn’t be seen by the player as your character would be able to see them.