We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

that, but only if they don’t have the self aware and fast learner traits.

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The main character @ only shows up on the screen, when they have the self-aware trait.


Wearing a Linux t-shirt should give a morale boost to players on Linux, and negative morale to those on other platforms.


Since ferals are techically still living humans. We should be able to convert them into living bloodbanks mad max style. Just chain them up real good and put a few syringes in them. The best part is that as ferals they don’t need food or water and are immune to disease and temperature.

Makes me think that you could also use them as a source of antibodies. Just keep injecting them with various poisons or pathagens untill they are immune and than extract the antibodies from their blood. This is the way that antivenoms and some vaccines are made in real life just with horses.

inability to use items in your inventory unless wielded or equipped. Hungry? wield the food then eat. Want to butcher? Wield the butcher knife first, etc.

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really terrible suggestion because for some actions (crafting) you have to use more than one tool

Flying, cataclysm style:

  1. Gas sacks should be craftable into a “floating (back)pack”. Each floating backpack in your inventory would reduce your effective weight by 10kg.
  2. Craftable wings. If your effective weight is between 0 and 10kg and you have the wings wielded, you can fly away at the cost of a lot of stamina.
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Add the ‘Vestibular Disassociation’ disad. Your character frequently suffers out-of-body experiences, causing their screen centering to forcibly shift a few spaces away from their @ position for short periods of time.


firework jetpack.

you’ll fly… for a bit.

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inclusion of inefficent chemical production methods

  • limestone from boiling off vast amounts (say 400 units) of water
  • sulfuric acid by burning coal (say 2500 units) and bubbling the smoke through water
  • hydrochloric acid by distilling your own vomit
  • hydrogen peroxide by heating ice with a hydrogen flame
  • sugar from starch and saliva enzymes
  • prussian blue from apple seeds, saliva enzymes and scrap metal
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I would install InefficiencyMod.

We have certain weapons that are so powerfull (grenade launchers, rocket launchers) that we can’t justify using them against even the stongest enemies becease it would be major overkill. So give use some enemies that justify the use of these weapons: skeletal hulk jabberwalk the size of a tank, some horrific nether creatures and steel plated rust hulks.

Not totally sure this is the best place for this, but I have a suggestion for a roleplay challenge - Nudist character.
Play as the last survivor of a ‘free love’ naturalist commune, that believes covering the human body is sinful. The practicalities of the apocalypse have caused you to modify your beliefs somewhat, but there are some you will not give up.

Torso limited to one pack, plus one back scabbard, spear strap or rifle strap.
Legs limited to one belt, plus two sheathes, hip flasks, and/or canteens - one per leg.

Recommended traits - Spiritual, Hates Junk Food, Wayfarer.

Anyone want to see how long you can survive?


Not a bad challenge to be honest. Even the idea of a trait like the ‘Nudist’ is an interesting concept, especially outside the challenge itself.

Kinda reminds me of Rimworld’s Nudist trait system.

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Glad you don’t hate the idea. Got it from a Cataclysm Youtuber who stripped his character naked in order to reach a water-based PoI, and started talking about the scar on her chest. Wasn’t totally sure if he realised what he’d done to said character, or if he was trying to keep his commentary PG. That got me wondering if anyone had ever made a nudist character, which followed to wondering about what sort of limitations and traits a nudist would have.

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It be a hard trait to have especialy around winter as you’d surely be stuck indoors till it passes.

An it would surely impact a lot of the end game armor, moral wise and all.

Which is why it would be an intresting trait, much like other major game changing traits like wayfarer.

Maybe even combining wayfarer, Nomad and nudist trait into a “Naturalist” challange to be one of the hardest challanges ever.

Wouldn’t be able to use a car to keep warm in, can’t stay in a single location for too long due to Nomad, and with nudist you wouldn’t be able to keep warm clothes on.
So when winter comes, you may find a way to survive this or ultimately freeze.

Let us stack stepladders, and climb straight up! Want to get to the top of an apartment? Make a really tall ladder! Want to scout your surroundings? Make a 1x1x100 stepladder tower and see for miles around! Just like popular videogame Fortnite!

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Problem: As long as this is a game under development there will be bugs, or features that are incomplete or otherwise waiting for development which, until addressed, will result in exploitative behavior on the part of players.

Solution: Create a DM patience stat, maintained in an undisclosed location outside the save folder.

The player reloads the same save file until a damaged CBM removal with a 96% failure probability succeeds? Reduce DM patience.

The player can’t fit a riot control platform in their inventory, so puts on another backpack and a utility vest and stuffs the platform in? Reduce DM patience.

A player with 11 strength and 500 lbs in a backpack wields a 400 lb deactivated bot and carries all of it across the building and up 2 flights of stairs, and then grabs a full shopping cart and drags/carries the whole mess to their car? Reduce DM patience.

Provide a probability function inversely proportional to DM patience which, when triggered, produces the following output:

You hear “Fine.”
Rocks fall.
Everybody dies.

Of course it will be up to the people who discover the exploits to define the DM patience modifiers and trigger conditions.

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yeah, there’s one problem with that: kinda hard to implement such a feature because the game is open source :grinning:

Oh, no, that’s the beauty of it. The location of the DM would be determined at run time. We could even use the system password utilities to hide the file location.

Oh! We could even have the DM replicate itself to another undisclosed location, so if the user found one, it’d know and trigger the TPK.

Oh! Oh! We could hide it in ROM!