We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

some type of moth zombie. spawns in groups ONLY at night when you use a light source outside. size depends on the light source (headlights will spawn more than using a flashlight)

When walking through a farm field, there would be a random chance for a mound of dirt to be hiding a landmine.


If you are crafting something with explosives there should be a chance that it explodes it you make a critical fail.

Bring back the bug where as long as youā€™re wet you keep getting wetter, but as a feature. Carry a towel at all times or lose your feet to frostbite after stepping in a puddle.

Mutagens should have a random chance of causing bodily degradation. Teeth falling out, organs failing, etc. The only way to repair the damage is to take more mutagen and hope you regenerate the problem part before something else fails.

Also, add PT Cruisers.

Dental health with all it implies, including toothache. Suddenly those autodocs shift from luxury to a necessity. No-city start? Well, you asked for the challenge, you got it.

Add changes that occur over time in the world. Increased aggression, water pollution with hazardous chemicals, overgrown roads and houses, frequent acid or other rains, frost or high temperatures. Such changes take place, say, ten years after the portal cataclysm. It would be very cool to see the natural development of the history of the world, and not just the death of a character

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That second one already is lol. Has happened to me a few times, disintegration is a bitch.

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Itā€™s worse, you need to replace hazardous chemicals with sentient chemicals.

I suggest adding Russellā€™s Kettle as a mob and item (which comes with the Crazy Cataclysm mod). Once you play crazy, then play to the maximum. : D

ā€œThis is a porcelain teapot floating slightly above the ground. Looks shabby. " ā€œA porcelain teapot that Iā€™m not sure existedā€

What was the point of this post? Answering something from April? Did you aim for the ā€œslowpokeā€ award?


make one of the post threshold plant mutations permanent rooting and have your character act as a impromptu fungal blossom with plants instead of mushrooms


No thank you, I want a survival rogue like not a tower defence game.

But that would be flower defence!


I mean they could just add sharks with finger mounted lasers (fml) attached to their foreheads as another joke enemy ripped right outta Austin Powers

Would be a more realistic version of Plants versus Zombies XD

Code it out to where when you pour a gallon of bleach on the floor in a house and then a gallon of ammonia on the same tile, the IRL chemical reaction is there in-game and you get increasingly dizzy and eventually pass out from fumes if you donā€™t get out of that room ASAP (my bionic agent did this recently in-game because they needed empty gallon jugs for Jerry cans and she was extremely surprised that absolutely nothing bad happened lol.) Also many other chemicals have negative reactions when mixed, would make people aLOT more careful which items they drop with this new nested system if as many were implemented as possibleā€¦


I mean technically Iā€™d like to see somebody dig a bunch of pits on one side of a city and watch the reenactment of Verdun as the mustard gas swept in killing anything that wasnā€™t zombies.


@We_are_Alpharius48 See, thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about lol. That Would be glorious, wouldnā€™t it. There are practical uses for such things, due to hostile NPCs and wildlife, but also very dangerous for your character if you do so incorrectly. I think it would be a cool addition tbh, but would likely commonly end in disaster what with people spilling things on thier own tile accidentally alot these days lol

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Maybe I have posted this one already, but anyway: trying to repair vehicle tank (containing flammable liquid) while it isnā€™t empty should lead to obvious consequences.