We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

Make us able to communicate with the mi-go. This would make rescuing the prisoners easier. Just threaten them at gunpoint to release the prisoners. And robbing aliens of their resin for building materials seems like a very cataclysm thing to do.

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Well, it would be cool, but… just imagine how this would usually turn out:
– oi, xeno scum! see my deathmobile with 10 automatic grenade launchers? ya better release all the prisoners, or else.
– ha ha. stupid primitive thinks he can actually harm us, the omnipotent higher beings. let it tr… /*from your position you hear KABOOM! x50*/

So if it would end the same anyway, why bother? :slightly_smiling_face:

They were given weapons? When did this happen? :scream:

we should make it so
if you typ “Elbereth” on The Square you are Standing On den undeads and Monsters are unable to attack in Melee Combat As Long As You Don’t attack and not Move

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Add critical failures when crafting which should not only destroy whatever you are crafting but possibly damage you as well.

-You start crafting improvised lockpick.
-Critical fail! You stab yourself in the eye with unfinished improvised lockpick.
-Critical hit! You deal 190 damage to your eyes!
-Watch the last moments of your life?..


Critical fail! You drop you improvised lockpick and step on it destroying the XX improvised lockpick and stabbing yourself in the foot!

My personal favorite is Quest for Glory. If you use a lockpick in your nose. You “Succesfully” unlock your brain and kill yourself lol

Not sure how you could critically fail to a point that you destroy items though. Food you can ruin, that is common enough to believe. But most crafting you would be hard pressed to screw up to a point of not being able to recover what you were working on.

Cooking Idea:

Low level cooking allows for burning or ruining a meal. It then becomes a “Bad”(not spoiled) tagged food item and you can still eat it, but it lowers morale because it tastes Bad. Higher your skill, lowers the chance of ruining your food. Exceptions are anything you can eat without cooking(hope that was obvious).

Track permanent damage on your character. So even if blob healing where to prevent any lasting damage form wounds and scars to soft tissue you should still track things like hearing loss do to loud noises, missing and mangled fingers and of course missing teeth.

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Now that we have can openers, require them to open cans. Then reduce drop rate of can openers to 0.1% of current values to correctly emulate the difficulty of finding your can opener whenever you actually need the damn thing.

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Add foreign special operators in the game.

They are classified as monsters rather than NPCs, just like the feral humans and auto talons.

They have a roaming territorial ai and attack you when you get too close.

They make sounds such as [Mandarin Speaking] or [Russian Speaking]

They are also a source of foreign firearms,
Just like the Communist Holdouts in Fallout, and the Tear soldiers in Dying Light.

Bonus if there’s a map extra involving used parachutes and\or fighting against other things.

The Nazi’s have raised from the dead. Now to save the world you must kill zombie Hitler.

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All water sources can be contaminated by heavy metals. Enjoy your silent lead poisoning.
All Alcohol has a chance to make you permanently blind.
Swimming in water has a chance to spread a brain eating amoeba that will inevitably kill you.

All guns have the DayZ treatment. You can find the gun, but good luck finding actual ammo or magazines. Oh, wait…

This sounds like the Holy Nation from Kenshi! x) Love it

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Add food addiction to prevent people from binge eating or stuffing themselfs till full all the time.

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See, becoming “husky” was enough incentive not to do that.

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Spontaneous. Human. Combustion. A small, non-cumulative chance each game day (24 hours) to burst into flame and die automatically. Even if you are otherwise resistant to fire damage or have bionics or whatnot. Realism!

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  • Small chance for a Zombie to spawn underneath the bed while you sleep.
  • Leveling martial arts up high enough gives you fatalities, which randomly auto-butcher targets killed while they were already at low health.
  • Activate a pocket to turn it inside-out and make it contain the entire game world, minus the pocket’s carrying volume.
  • Infinitesimally Lucky trait (+12 points). Spawn as a random creature or object at maximum Z level, then fall to ground level.
  • Versatile recipe to allow loading any sufficiently-small objects into shotgun shells. Load candy in time for Zombie Trick-or-Treaters.
  • Recipe to load liquids and powders into shotgun hulls. Firing produces linear clouds.
  • Craftable cannon as a vehicle part. Load and fire with anything that fits. Silverware. Vibrators. Fancy hairpins.
  • New spider-tree mutation to climb buildings. Exchanges the X or Y axis, with the Z axis.
  • Small chance for a coyote to spawn next to active explosives, or under a falling anvil.
  • Small chance for a hay pile to contain a steel needle.
  • Activate laser sight mod to cause all nearby cats to follow you.
  • You occasionally sneeze, causing noise and a brief delay. Rarely, have a sneezing fit that lasts longer. Also rarely, almost sneeze but then don’t, for a delay but no noise, and also lose minor morale. Increased chance to sneeze when sick.
  • Seasonal Pollen Allergies trait (+2 points). Increases chance of sneeze in spring, particularly around flowers.
  • Cat Allergies and Dog Allergies traits (+1 point).
  • Cardboard Cat Armor.
  • Heavy Sling recipe made of wires and a small metal sheet. Requires 16 strength. Default ammo: pool ball.
  • Great Sling recipe made of heavy tow cables and a metal sheet. Requires 20 strength. Default ammo: bowling ball. Has rail for attaching gyroscopic stabilizer to greatly reduce accuracy.
  • Cure Serum recipe to cure zombies. Requires chemistry 11. Applying on a zombie turns it into a human corpse after a brief delay.
  • Mowing at least 50 squares of contiguous grass, placing both a sign and a chair somewhere in it, sitting, and wielding a shotgun will prevent zombies from entering the grass. Except for child zombies. Murder guilt reduced for any shotgun kills while seated.
  • When Warm or hotter for at least 5 minutes, you and all equipped clothing becomes wet.
  • Vehicle Part CBM. Installing this bionic allows you to then install yourself as a vehicle part into a vehicle, and permanently become that vehicle.
  • Ladder vehicle part, so vehicles can span Z-levels.
  • Bodies of water freeze over in winter.
  • With a butchering tool, activate a corpse that is at least three times your size to crawl inside of it for warmth.
  • Small chance for minefield sign to spawn with no mines.
  • Install CBMs into any creature. Cerebral boosters for chickens.
  • Giving SPAM to a beggar in the refugee center will open a new dialog option with them regarding SPAM. Once this option is selected with every beggar, they all start chanting “SPAM SPAM SPAM” for five minutes.
  • Eyebots occasionally wink.
  • Hammer CBM. Replaces hand with a very large claw hammer.
  • Gun Arm CBMs for each type of ammunition.
  • Replaceable Barrel Gun Arm CBM.
  • Gun Leg CBMs.
  • Achievement for replacing all limbs with guns.
  • Gun Head CBMs.
  • For realism, all world and character starting options are randomized, and are no longer visible in-game.
  • A password is required during character creation. Game files are encrypted, so forgetting password makes a character inaccessible.
  • For privacy, screen is blanked while in-game, and no save files are written.
  • Small chance while walking in a radioactive forest to be bitten by a radioactive spider. Gain a random spider mutation during next sleep.
  • Zombie Dog Hulk.
  • A pig having spider mutations rarely causes nearby NPCs to sing a theme song.
  • Small chance for a charcoal smoker to become sentient. May become smoker zombie if killed by a zombie.
  • Fluorescent Husks and LED Husks, which require less electricity to operate than Incandescent Husks.
  • Walking through a tile with items in it slows you down, proportionally to how much of its storage space is taken up.
  • Deployable trampoline to jump up or down Z levels.
  • Generative Zombie. Comes back to life more quickly. If butchered, each piece will regenerate into a new zombie after a long delay, unless burned or otherwise destroyed.

Hyper Rapid Evolution Syndrome (HREs):
Every hour has a 50% chance for a mutation, taking up some calories, causing some damage, and losing a ton of stamina. Every tick also has a chance to do this, based on how low your overall health is. All damage taken can do this based on how much (lil bit overall health too). Cancels robust genetics, lasts from a decade to literally forever, and can’t be purified. You get it from using Purifier (.1%+ .2x[Amount you ever used it]). Makes you look like an anime character for some reason…

It works like real life evolution, you either flourish, or perish

And an artifact blanket that negates this chance.

…zombie corpses?

Gun Gun CBM?

Already in the game: “Hulking horror”: “A four-legged canine body now grotesquely swollen, with arms as wide as a trash can and massive exposed teeth.”

Small chance for a toaster to become sentient. Attacks anything it can see(don’t ask how) with heat rays.