We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

Umbrella hats, for when you want to stay out the rain but don’t want to wield an umbrella
Craftable with an umbrella and duct tape

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Flu shots can give you autism


This could be programmed in as is and could behave similar to when your toon will crouch and you cannot see over the dash. Using windshield wipers would be a cool idea. Rag wash as well.

Alphabet soup. When you read it, the letters spell out a random word in a category that depends on your morale and status effects. If your morale is low, they may spell “mediocre”, “lousy”, or “depressed”; and if it’s high they spell “confident”, “ecstatic”, and soaring" for example.

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Add jenkem, a drug that is easy to make anythere when you just want some drugs but can’t find any. A staple for innawoods playthroughs.

Sniffing diesel or gasoline also seems like a economical solution to boost morale and get rit of depression.


Chainsaw 'chucks. Two chainsaws attached to a chain. Listed as a weapon, but only does damage to the user. Flaming chainsaw 'chucks, which explode when you ignite them. Electrified chainsaw chucks, they shock and stun lock you in place until the battery runs out. Acidic chainsaw chucks spray acid EVERYWHERE when turned on. Bullet chainsaw chucks are made with a pair of sawed off shotguns for Rule of Cool. Guess what happens when you turn them on?


Universal wear and tear.

Basically every single item down to the smallest of scrap metal pieces, even tiles like the walls, roofs, windows, doors, and furniture, experiences the same sort of rotting as food does. Lifetimes may vary, but eventually everything crumbles to dust.

Sleep in the same place for too long with wander spawns on and every night you’ll have a hoard spawn and head straight for your sleeping area, requiring you to build defenses and turrets to protect yourself, with each night the horde getting progressively worse.

NGL, that sounds awesome. (Then again, I once utterly broke defense mode.)

Ultra difficulty scenario:
Character is completely blind. Permanently. Let’s hope you find some cybernetic eyes or are able to learn echolocation.

Just go full on chuuni speech trait already. Bonus points for it progressing into worse and worse stages as the character’s abilities grow.

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what about helping your uncle, jack, off a horse. And helping your uncle jack off a horse


Portable flashlight size sewing machine. It is a thing in real life. Used for intricate sewing? Intricate sewing for either high skill with kit or with a stationary machine?

Extra encumbrance penalties for being over or underweight (since your equipment doesn’t fit as well as it used to).

You should just get a flat encumbrance penalty for being overweight or at the very least obese since that amount of fat will get in the way.


Add diabetes to the game as a starting trait requiring you to find insulin after every meal with sugar in it or suffer very severe penalties and a negative health modifier or outright death. Or you need to stick to a sugar free diet.

Also deadly allergies should add a challenge if you can die from just a handful of nuts if you don’t have a EpiPen or adrenaline shot.

I dunno. Seems a bit much to add encumbrance. I know for a fact fat people are not always encumbered by their flab. Pretty sure that lots of flabby people can still perform acrobatics well enough to disprove that encumbrance would be a thing.

Maybe up to a point but once someone is obese it definitely starts too affect their ability to move around.

Oh I was thinking chubby. You mean morbid ebesity, gotcha. Then yeah. But as the system works at the moment. You could eat a bag of chips and suddenly become encumbered. Which would get really annoying :roll_eyes:

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That’s why I posted it here as a good idea.