We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

If zombie is carrying a grenade (or any other explosive that can detonate from a hit) and is on dark/very dark tile, each hit against it has a chance to detonate the explosive.

Implement more diseases into the game: moved through to many bushes during the summer and spring hope you checked for tinks becease you just got lime disease. Eat food that wasn’t cooked or water that wasn’t safe hope you have enough water with you becease you just got a BAD case of dyaria and need to consume copius amounts of water to stay hydrated.

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How is that a bad idea? I think the opposite is true.

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A default mod/content pack that has a pre-cataclysm world. Instead of fighting zombies and monsters, you have to fight impending boredom as you go to your daily landscaping job to earn cash cards to spend at the grocery, or waves of wandering law enforcement hordes that spawn to take you out when you inevitably become a mass shooter.


Rocket candy is edible and gives you a speed boost about 6 hours after ingesting

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There was a small war going on during the cataclysm as the military tried to contain everything. So just like happens in real wars there should be unexploded munition lying around in random places beside the standard minefield ready to kill or maim anyone that comes acrose them escpecially in the towns, cities and high level areas like the upper floors of labs and military locations.

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Make fungus evolve to be fireproof

  • If ranged enemies can see you in a vehicle, they can shoot through all types of walls/boards/windshields without the vehicle components blocking the shot
  • If your vehicle doesn’t have 2 layers of impassable exterior components, enemies can both see through and enter diagonally mid-drive during turns
  • If you require lifting quality to remove a component, the tool needs to be within 4 tiles and possess clear vision of the tile containing said component

Haha, nah that’s probably too far even for this thread, you’d have to be a real sadist to implement all 3 of these considering how they’d interact.

Didn’t put that syringe through an autoclave before shooting up? Congratulations, you now have AAAIIIDDDSSS!

I would unironically support more diseases including AIDS.

Random event that causes a meteor to crash into a previously explored location. The center of the crater holds a small space capsule, the only passenger a small baby wrapped in a red and blue blanket.


Plot twist: The blob was a kryptonian shock troop meant to subdue earth before the final push.

Make multiple bionics manufacturers. They all produce their own versions of each bionic with slight tweaks. One manufacturer’s version of Integrated Toolset might have a flashlight, another might be slightly more power efficient than its competitors. One monomolecular blade is electrified, so it drains power over time to keep out, but stuns things on hit, another is more common, but lower quality so it does less damage.

Because they’re all fighting for market superiority, not only are they not intercompatible without a master control chip bionic only available at the headquarters of each manufacturer, but they will actively misbehave if they detect bionics from other manufacturers installed.

Imagine programming the AutoDoc, getting on the table, then hearing, “We’re sorry. The implant you’re attempting to install is not an approved RivTech™ product. Shutting down Sensory Dulling Unit.”

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Fixed that for you, should’ve read the fine print on rivtech’s bionics and how installing them voids your bodily autonomy.

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Add homeopathy, with actual non-water ingredients optional. You get a mood boost and no health effect whatsoever, unless you install Magicalysm


If you craft it yourself, and you don’t actually put non-water in, the placebo effect won’t work and you won’t get the morale boost.

Apparently there’s studies that people get a placebo even if they know the treatment is a placebo in some cases :joy:

I’m sure looking at it and concentrating very hard works :smiley:

Allow us to have guard zombies. Just take a zombie corpse of your preferred zombie (the idiot companion that got himself killed) and put it on a steel chain in a location you want guarded (and wait for it to break lose when it inevitably turns into a hulk while you sleep).

Put a zombie in another zombie and so on, so when they evolve into hulks, the compaction creates a fusion reaction that nukes half the map.

Finally, an efficient way to deal with fungaloids.

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Until a spore cloud turns your undead companions fungal and your base gets over run with the bastards.

When you drive over a huge boomer or snotgobler your windshield should be covert in bile preventing you from seeing through them. This can also happen when you drive over zombies and a blood splatter comes on your windshield.

This can be cleared up only by stopping and washing/scrubbing it of yourself with a rag/sponge and water/bleach, waiting for it to rain so it will clean itself passively or by using windshield wipers that need water or cleaning fluid to clean the windshield in about 10-20 seconds and are of course very fragile.