We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

Might get my Pun License revoked for this one but: Cognac-lysm: Dark Lager Ahead?

Need some better alcohol puns.

On topic: Two new Old Guard affiliated NPCs: Scullder and Mully. Once a week they spawn outside a random town and path toward a recently killed NPC. If one doesn’t already exist, a new one will spawn to accommodate them. After finding the NPC, they’ll meander there for a week then despawn to appear somewhere else until a quest chain is designed wherein they solve the murder.


A box of LP’s that can be used as frisbees and cause minimal damage.
Instead of saying “your weapon jams” it says " not that album, it’s a classic"



More fire inducing easy to craft items, imagine being able to craft something like this place, it like a trap (just floating there in the path way, touch it, and bum, on fire [3] for the unlucky one) or making it like a countdown item throw/drop it, moves randombly until it reaches zero, and boom, a fire terrain with radius 1.

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What about a self destruct button?

Either as something you could inherit as a bionic monster or a find on a lab terminal.

A grand way to finish off a lab in explosive fashion, leaving nothing but a massive hole where the lab use to be.

Plus this be a good way to stop the spread of any nasty Shoggoths one may find.


That’s not a terrible suggestion at all!


I know right? The Missile Silo would have similar mechanics to this; Just a matter of setting up a count down.
(Though of course that’s over simplifying it)

Be pretty epic.

More over this could be for special dungeons were after defeating a boss you’d have access to a vault with glorious rare loot, but when the boss dies a count down will also initiate, and you’d only have enough time to grab what you can and bolt.
Take too long and you’ll die, go back for seconds and you’ll die, fail to run/drive away from the blast radius, you’ll die.

A good way to truly torment players.

Hell just to make it worse, give the vault a locked terminal players need to hack first to access the vault.
Topping that still; make it not feasible to hack the terminal and take the loot before the end of the count down.
Forcing players to leave their prize behind.

Prizes randomly generate between “The cure”, “Morgan Freeman”, “Cat Girls”, “Half Life 3”, “Adoption Papers”, “The Perfect Boyfriend”, “The easy guide to understanding coding (REDACTED)”, “Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead final edition”, etc.


Misread a nameplate when ramming through a pack and had this awful idea: shocker dog.


What might be a cool addition is zombie dog mutation lines like that for zombies

Why stop with just dysentery, that’d be like gorging on the scraps of the pear you just peeled, whilst leaving the sweet fruit itsself sitting on a plate just beside you.

Why not implement a need for toilet paper. You could loot it in various amounts and it would be used (through a variety of keypresses of course) in amounts bearing direct relation to your predicament (severity of sickness, food/water previously eaten) The stuff would probably eventually become more important than the food you were eating. You could even craft it (eventually) in various qualities ranging from badgers arse sandpaper, to a grain not unlike the finest and most delicate silk, only fit for the more discerning lady/gentleman.

Through the aforementioned keypresses, players would be able to interact in ways they never thought imagineable with a blow by blow ‘minigame’ based around various aspects such as deciding how many sheets to use per wipe, and even how hard to wipe each time. This ‘minigame’ would leave players that have less luck in finding toilet paper (or those stingy ‘I’m in it for the long haul’ players) an option to ‘wipe hard’ for that increased ‘bang for buck’. Alternatively, for the less conservative player ‘the delicate wiper’ would see benefits in the form of reduced ‘wear and tear’ of their delicate regions.

And for that sneaky player that tries to ‘go bush’ and takes shortcuts by using newspapers and fliers (or heavens forbid… tan/birch bark…) there is a special treat for you, as eventually the misuse of these items catch up with you, leaving your char with a NASTY abrasion that left untreated, could go septic and cause all kinds of nasty problems. This could be treated with the new semi-rare lootable item, ‘a (sometimes half empty) tube of anusol’

Underwear could also now become a sacrificial piece, instantly gaining the ‘filthy’ tag once exhausted, leaving a new stronger desire for soap in its various forms. It would also give players a use for all that clothing we come across. (gotta somehow fit those 10 pairs of underwear in my pack alongside that shiny new Heckler & Koch)

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Lol, that was an amusing read.

Thanks for that one, I just choked on my coffee and ended up wearing a portion of it

The skill levels listed on your character sheet only show how good your character thinks they are at something. Reading skill books back-to-back will convince the character that they’re experts on the subject when their skill is really level 4 or so. When they attempt to use the skill, the game then rolls the result based on their actual level, maybe with a slight bonus for confidence, then the projected skill level drops closer to what they actually have.

Not so bad with Fabrication; worst case scenario you waste a bunch of ingredients, but imagine walking into a minefield thinking you have 8 Trapping.

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I don’t know why it took me so long to realize the simple fact that most characters who survive the first week or thereabouts should eventually succumb to rabies. Coyotes, wolves, dogs, moose, bears have been biting PCs for how long?
Would also give excellent opportunity to expand (and properly balance, make more plausible) the infection system.


I actually love this idea, it could be implemented as an ‘arrogance’ trait


The default 60 day start I tend to see every fridge chock full of fresh food. Since every fridge would be off and no electricity after the power grid goes down about 20-35 days after a calamity. Everything not sealed in a package should be spoiled or on the way to spoiling.

Mean while…all vending machines have a high chance of being solar/battery powered like the japanese vending machines in real life. They are moving in this direction. So as we are (in game terms) 5 minutes into the future. Add large batteries and solar panels to vending machines, if broken down for spare parts.

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Rotting fruits and veggies have a chance to turn into triffids, stacks of rotting meat turns into a jabberwock.

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Add severe eczema or atopic dermatitis negative trait into the game:

Your character has days of terrible itching, you will itch in your sleep often waking up from your own itching slightly bleeding, you bleed more often and it happens randomly when your character cannot control itching, you might start itching yourself randomly when outside causing tons of unnecessary sounds and provoking enemies’ attention, all of this unless you use moisturizing creams, lots of them and very often - like once a few hours, oh and your skin looks like light version of unmasked Deadpool

This is not a product of my imagination, i actually suffer from this and 70% of what i’ve written is quite accurate and that’s how atopic dermatitis works in real life…fucking hate it…

Geronimo, motherfucker.



Meanwhile in Alabama, my local gas station still has analog pumps and the bus station has working payphones.

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Hah, that’s great! I forgot about that bit in the movie! :grin:

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