We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

Nice binding of isaac reference.


I’ve had that kind of thing happen to me (IRL) more times than I care to recollect. Thanks for the flashbacks, buddy.

Road signs are another potential source of !!fun!! when you’re 16 hands off the ground…

What about a script that Rigs just about any random object with explosives. A upon picking up instantly explodes.
This mod would be call: paranoia.

That or just bring in diarrhoea and it about the same, only worse and shittier.

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“oh cool a trenchcoa-”

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Imagine eating rigged food.

“Hmmmmm, Necco wafers” BOOM!

Instant dental work.

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bruh imagine smokin rigged pot
“Damn bro this be hittin diffren-” BOOM

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“That just blew my mind duuuude”


Ow here’s one that will surely break the spirit of any survivor… Rigged pets.

At first they seam normal, maybe a month goes by, a year maybe longer you never know. Then one day as your calling over your bestest of pals over, BOOM!.. gone…

Truly this would be the darkest turn to haunt anyone.


Zombie Chuck Norris. You’re welcome.


Keep hordes of zombie school kids at bay by wielding a textbook and yelling ‘homework’. Whip them into a frenzy if they see you carrying a tablet or mp3 player.

Add the ability to make older NPCs go berserk via an “OK boomer” dialogue option


Make it extremely dangerous to be attacked while sleeping. A zombie attack, even the most low level one while sleeping will give you a serious almost fatal attack to your neck/serious pain. Currently I think we aren’t punished enough for falling asleep and getting attacked.

You know all those butchered piles of rotting flesh? They’re still contaminated with the blob, its still alive in there, and hey; you still got that capacity for mutation, so I propose a new critter to keep folks on their toes at night.

Now, I’m not proposing that butchered piles evolve into this thing should they be left unchecked, oh no; that would be too tedious. I’m talking about a creature that appears much later in the gamestage, and written in lorewise as a result of all the piles of refuse and corpses in the wake of survivors and creatures alike, killing and dismembering the zombies around the wasteland.

Introducing the ‘flesh-horror’; this creature doesn’t move, it’s entirely static and held in place. It’s got a lot of hitpoints and it’s slow to attack if you get close, but that’s not where it gets dangerous. Should a survivor get close to it, the horror lets forth a loud shriek as it spits a blinding glob of black ichor at the survivor, similar to the boomer. Temporarily blinding the survivor while attracting nearby zombies to the source of the commotion. A nasty surprise to stumble upon during night runs or when searching buildings.

Advanced variants produce toxic gas when indoors, filling homes with poisonous fumes that require breathing aids to explore properly.


Give chicken coups on farms a chance to spawn chicken walkers instead of regular chickens.



On topic: New recipe, only available until New Years: Fruitcake.

“A traditional holiday baked good. Despite what its name implies, there was a disconcerting lack of fruit used in the creation of this. You have no idea what those semi-translucent green and red chunks are.”

Cannot be crafted, only found in bakeries, houses, and occasionally on military corpses.

This food resists spoilage so actively that placing it next to other perishables increases their shelf life by up to 45% depending on how many portions remain. Amoebic molds cannot absorb this. Can replace Atreyupan in a pinch.

4 Portions, 14 Bash, -1 To Hit, 120 Moves To Attack.

The time it takes to eat a portion is based on STR and doing so decreases its Bash by 2, but raises To Hit by 1 and decreases Moves To Attack by 10. Each portion tastes different and thus rolls a random increase or decrease in morale.

Disassembly requires Metal Sawing 1 and can yield sand, clay, soil, splintered wood, metal fragments, glass shards, or an inactive manhack.


Give grenades and anything else with a pin or trigger that is loaded a chance to be caught on something both while being worn or while being transported in an inventory with other materials, thereby activating the weapon and causing it to arm or fire.

That meme needs to die already lol

It did, ecchi_squid is just trying to pulp the corpse.

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Zorses, zombie horses.

Suddenly beating a dead horse makes sense.


Its not dead enough until you hit the road