We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

When you eat something with beans, your scent level automatically goes up one stage for several hours, e.g., Weak -> Normal or Normal -> Strong.

This effect stacks, and at high levels it becomes unsafe to stand near a lit fire source.


Using the “yell a sentence” function to shout “Ni!” massively reduces the morale of everything within hearing range, even tanks. Doing it several times in a row spawns a shrubbery overmap extra at your location.


Small chance of a meteorite to fall in a random location in your reality bubble every midnight. Wherever it lands it will destroy everything and leave a fiery, irradiated, crater of random metals and rocks. If it hits things like vehicles or living things it would check the target’s armor values and then decide if it’s an insta-gib or cripple-for-life.

I regret writing this one out, now that they actually went and did it. You maniacs.

Allow you to combine all positive and negative traits. Ex: Frail, Fragile, and Flimsy for a total of 9.4% health.

If you use a syringe foraged from bushes to inject morphine or mutagen into yourself, roll against health to contract Hepatitis. In a similar vein (see what I did there?), if you step on a tile occupied by a syringe, roll against Dodge to take leg damage and also risk Hepatitis.

Trypanophobia trait: You cannot use flu shots, gamma globulin shots, morphine, or mutagenic serums. Having anything with a syringe in your inventory, or just standing near one incurs morale penalites.


How about a blob that shifts into different objects/tool/ creatures.

Could have moments where you believe you’ve entered a refugee camp with other survivors, but let your guard down and you find yourself surrounded by these blob/shifters.

Leave “Not a mimic” sticky notes on things to discern normal objects from potential threats.

Congenital Analgesia trait: You cannot feel pain. No amount of damage will ever give you pain debuffs and CBMs can be installed without anesthesia, but you cannot tell how much HP you have left on any body part without activating a hand mirror or examining standing mirror furniture and spending time assessing your injuries. This will give you an estimate of your HP on each part, the accuracy of which depends on time spent assessing, First-Aid level, and INT.


How about a starting class where you are a zombie and towns are still populated with humans? After becoming stronger, kills you make revive to follow you - your own herd. Speaking in a formal sense would be out, but maybe you could grunt or gesture to send them toward a target. Mutagen would randomly change you to another type of zombie - shocker, brute, etc.

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How about a new start scenario called “stranded” that puts you in the middle of the ocean with a single inflatable raft and pump.


First, Cat Ladies should have the ability to throw their cats at the enemy. They will claw the fuck out of the targets face and generally obstruct their vision.

Second, players and NPCs with the tentacle mutation should do bonus damage against targets wearing school girl uniforms.


How about an artifact with soul bound attributes, where upon pickup will instantly fuse with your skin, and the only way to remove them is to cut and peel the skins it is attached to.

Worse still, your character with develop a mental attachment to the artifact. Where upon removal your character compulsively wishes to pick it up again, lasting nearly a month/week before this need goes away.

That just sounds like the evil trait some artifacts have. You become stronger as long as you keep it where it’s meant to be, a clothing item worm, a different item wielded or sometimes just in your inventory, but your character loses other stats and becomes dependant on it and it will even affect them mentally.

The longer the evil effect applied to your character the longer they’d be dependant on it as well.

I guess your idea just makes it harder to remove and doesn’t do anything else for the character specifically apart from its other RNG attributes.


Good point, forgot there was that trait.

How about a disease that seams like the common cold, with the exception being your snot is sentient.

Green, Crusty, snotlings produced by you. Harmless on their own, dangerous once they amass into a giant blob.


Every time you pick your nose, that’s another body added to the kill count.

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Wait i thought this was intended?

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Ow yes! That would be an awesome trait, “Nose Picker: you compulsively pick your nose and generate a snotlling”

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A new enemy That just keeps multiplying into LARGER versions of itself.

Like the blob, but grosser.