We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)

Buahaha, You mean this, right?

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Hahaha that’s it exactly! Guess more Maximum Overdrive than Christine. Forget just cars - ALL equipment comes after you.

Backs away nervously from the evil toaster

Hmm…the player following code exists now…I wonder how difficult it would be to make anything with a drive-by-wire controls have a chance of coming to life and chasing you down.
I am intrigued enough by this to overcome my coding phobia. This is going on my ‘Someday’ list…I’ll teach all survivors to fear the wrath of the street sweeper.

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Ah yes, a Drinking Problem.

Stepping into a portal should have a chance to take your character to a random explored map tile on one of your other worlds you have lying around, spawn a portal there that guarantees passage back, and allow you to explore the place for a while. Maybe meet and greet your other characters, or kill them to delete your save on them. Pit survivor against survivor and test out your characters against each other.

Maybe the elemental portals could take you to pocket worlds. The shocking one would have constant thunderstorms with incandescent hulks as their only residents, a fire portal would take you to a place riddled with lava and fire rains down from the skies, while a freezing portal would take you to a place with a permanent winter and blizzards. I’ve even seen one that spawns shadows, maybe that could lead to a world that is permanently dark.


Make it so that the higher your Driving level, the faster your Minimum Speed is. Driving skill of 4? One tick makes you jump straight to 40 mph. No excuses.

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Oh man, that just sounds absolutely horrible to me, because I don’t drive faster than 60 km/h (like 38 m/h)

I’ve simply never felt the need to. Unless my vehicle is not for transportation, but making doors out of walls. Then absurd sudden acceleration is great.

Also, here’s a bad idea: Add in a chance to be forcibly dismounted off a mount for entering a tile adjacent to any fully grown tree accompanied by a log message along the lines of “You have collided with a tree branch.” Also, damage at a random location. With my luck, that would end a few games for me.

Give Chicken Walkers mininukes



More Cannibal recipes! Sloppy Joe, Cup of Joe, Julian Potatoes, Graham Crackers, Ceasar Salad, Eggs Benedict, Reuben Reuben, Mom Spaghetti.


Buddy Burrito, Ralph Roast, Friend Fingers, Long Pig Bacon, Crackhead Cracklins, Mario Meatballs, Citizen of Philidelphia Cheesesteak

And another awful idea: A new profession that starts with riot armor, hard arm/leg guards, combat boots, and an active mininuke on a random timer. “Unlucky Bomb Squad Technician”

… Actually, that sounds fun.


Ground Chuck, Chuck Roast, Peking Chuck, Marge-eritas, Maraschino Kerrys, General Tso.

Characters who have a grappling hook and rope in their inventory and are using Scorpion Style martial arts can throw the hook and rope to pull enemies in. When this happens, they’ll automatically yell, “Get over here!”.


A faction that thinks technology and the modern era is the cause of the cataclysm and that the only way to remedy it is to go back to the old medieval ways of yore. Each camp of this faction would spawn with a tiny village with peasants surrounding a stone fortress where everyone wears plate armor, has swords, bows, crossbows, the works, and the guy who you speak with to get quests is a kingly fellow that is in charge of the immediate area controlled by the faction. The other people would mostly fill in jobs like mercenaries, apophecaries, food stalls, etc.

If the player has or is wearing anything of the technological era then they all turn on you and try to burn the heretic.


Add earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes. Frequency is set in world options.

Gravitational anomalies are a new “natural” disaster. Graviton storms cause random spherical areas of varying size to briefly implode.

Throw in the occasional golf ball and baseball sized hail stones just for good measure. Take that solar panels!


Remove all medicine-related crafting recipes, and just don’t notify anyone.

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On April fools day, add in code that makes it so every new character immediately spawns with a live mininuke at the start about to go off.

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That’s actually an idea I can get behind

There are acid ants, let’s get fire ants that breath fire like those found in Fallout 3.

While you’re at it, write it into lore with a file somwhere that says a shipment of bombardier beetles were due for a lab but went missing.

Enjoy your highly explosive giant beetles. They could even splatter and ignite napalm around them on death. More fire is always good for an apocalypse.

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Since we are on the topic of insects, spiders could use some more work. There are a whole bunch of cool spiders that could be added. Some good examples:

  • Ant mimic spiders; they hide out in ant mounds and sort of look like an ant from a distance, until you get close.
  • Bola spiders; makes a bola out of spider silk and throw it at their target.
  • Tarrantulas; basically spider hulks which are strong enough to bash down walls.
  • Diving spiders; use webs to carry around sacks of air underwater.
  • Jumping spiders; they should jump from rooftop to rooftop to hunt prey.
  • Lynx spiders; the females spray venom and they have a spines all over themselves which protects them from damage, damages anything attacking them and snag on anything they grab. Oh, and they are camouflaged and hunt in foliage, usually by ambush tactics.
  • Portia spiders; the most intelligent spiders which usually hunts other spiders, by climbing above the target and using it’s web to slide down on top of the target’s back.

These are goid suggestions not terrible ones