We make TERRIBLE suggestions and come up with horrible ideas (Round II)


Any water source outdoors may have a translucent fog at any given time to provide a sense of realism and a small measure of cover visually.

Some localees that should have fog/mist:
Swamps. Ponds. Water areas within a forest.

Mostly during the morning hours when the sun comes up and around 4am-10am.

Can change the color of poison gas from green to a dull grey/blue you can kinda see through. Spending to much time in it can make you slightly damp.


Tener mas Hierbas que hagan daño

Have more weeds thag make damage

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Oh yeah, long grass has a chance that immidietly tear a piece of clothing when walked over

The ability to play as a toddler. All weapons and clothes would have to be refitted before being able to be used or equipped, unable to assign any skill points (except for maybe one in barter, craft, and speech), illiterate, slow, clumsy, rng roll to make loud noises anytime you couldn’t complete any action, higher damage resistance with 1/3 of normal overall health. Inability to speak to NPCs and a chance they can start dragging/carrying you with them if you get too close.MAYBE ignored by zombie children, as an option perhaps.

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Damage resistance? Toddlers are of same human race as other characters.

Bone elasticity, ect

Spawn a Pyramid Head or two during heavy fog in towns.

Ultimate Realism Perma-Death. You’re only allowed to play the game once. If you die it deletes itself, logs your MAC address and sends a command to the download server to block your device from ever accessing the game again.


I guess its time to learn how to spoof my mac address.


Make all office furniture have near NASCAR top speeds. WARNING A 1700lb chair with a v12 engine doing 150+ mph is dangerous! Even a 5 pt harness and military plating isn’t enough to save you if you try knocking out a gun store wall with this baby. With a little modification, the external fuel tank and an implanted explosive could make a fun RC swivel chair of doom though.


Flamethrowers have super range, 35 tiles plus, and robots have an increased chance of spawning on the surface, mostly beagles and tripods

Both Beagles and Cyclops use flamethrowers to devastating effectiveness, can’t tell you how many of my characters have been killed by fire.

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You have a chance to bite your tongue or the inside of your mouth while eating, resulting in pain and a morale decrease.


During daytime in Summer, opening doors on cars and buildings without gloves on causes pain, small amounts of damage on a random arm, and a brief temperature spike on the same hand.

Taking damage while using flamethrowers has a chance to tear the fuel line, causing your whole tank to explode and douse you in napalm/shrapnel/your own gore.

Climbing over furniture in the dark gives a high chance of stubbing your toes if you are not wearing shoes and banging your shins if your bash protection is not good enough. This costs you an extra minute while you clutch the spot and quietly hiss ‘ahhhhh’ for a while.


An utterly immortal enemy that tracks the player’s position throughout the world and automatically goes to where the player is no matter where they are.Slow but has instant death touch, meaning that the player dies if they recieve any damage from it at all. Has the ability to traverse z levels without the player luring it to do so, and will destroy all non-permeable barriers in the tile it finds itself in after 3 days of being in more or less the same place for too long.

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So basically a hybrid of the monster,

Giant Naked Molerat

and the



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It lives! Now we just have to bring Huglaghalghalghal back.

On a similar note, how about an option to neuter any entity to disable mob reproduction. Yes, any entity. Just killed a hard zed and you’re not satisfied with your revenge? Make it a Zombie Eunuch, then maybe a zlave so you can laugh at it and it can’t fight back. It probably doesn’t know what’s going on, but who cares? Your meat farm growing too rapidly and lagging your game? Do you just really hate Moose?


Trains First-Aid, which determines its odds, but frankly you’ll likely succeed one way or another regardless, unless it’s a Shoggoth. You can skimp on anesthesia or tranquilizer but don’t be surprised when they fight back.

At high levels, take on the Ultimate Challenge of castrating an Amigara Horror.


A trait which causes a character to splash alcoholic drinks onto themselves instead of drinking them.

(It’s a reference to Airplane)

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I think it would be better as a profession, with a Profession Trait that changes your name in dialogue to Shirley, regardless of what you set it as.

Since we have technomage types now with Magiclysm, why couldn’t other entities possess or control various technologies as well? Think of a Steven King’s “Christine” type situation.