i thought something like that for addictions is actually being considered? that’s not that bad of a suggestion.
It is bad, because accidental consumption of alcohol in the middle of combat, having to avoid one “hot tile” of the stash in base or vehicle, and all the tricks involved in never letting the character touch the stuff while going cold turkey, would all be annoying and would almost certainly happen if something of this sort was to be implemented.
Depending on range of this consumption:
[ul][li]Only on person: simply don’t carry alcohol, put it all in a shopping cart[/li]
[li]Adjacent (reachable): need a special spot in the stash (also stash vehicle) that doesn’t need to be walked past[/li]
[li]Crafting range: as above, except behind the doors[/li][/ul]
It wouldn’t cause addictions to be more realistic, just far more annoying and anti-fun.
The problem with addictions right now is that you can easily go cold turkey by not getting near drugs is one thing, but the other one is that the addictions are generally too strong but too short-term to not go cold turkey means that adding extra annoyances to them would be counter-productive in making them sensible.
A lot of the supposedly good ideas that were proposed - and many that were implemented - are bad when you consider that their actual effect is opposite to the intended one.
Tha licks ARE annoying and not fun.
i forget where, but kevin was talking about it being a trait, wasn’t he? where you’d be unable to willingly drop paraphanalia and things like that, for a drug you’re addicted to, i think what would keep it from being a bad idea is the addiction component, it wasn’t drink one beer and suddenly anytime you pickup a can or get near a keg you involuntarily down the whole thing.
it’s not really too big of a leap anyway, i mean i’ve been a heavy smoker of weed for like 18+ years, i’m not going to give up my bong because of the post apocalypse, i mean… bad example, but i’d bring a pipe and some seeds and whatever shit i had left, that’s for sure, it has significant emotional value to you.
also, believe you me, everytime i found a convenience store i’d check for smokes and a lighter, hell, i might try to figure out how to identify tobbaco plants if i found a book…
The in-game “willingly” has to be different from the real life meaning of the word.
For example, giving the player a huge, constant morale penalty for not having the favorite bong in inventory is fine, but gluing it to player’s inventory and going all “Oops, that cursed bong of coughing feels deathly cold.” is just asking for crafty exploits, at least in a game where you can remove items in ways other than dropping them.
For example, putting the bong in shredded backpack, then having a zombie tear it apart.
And when not crafty exploits, it would be player annoyance, where lack of storage space means having to bash zombies with a bong instead of using a nearby fire axe to do that.
Similar for addictions.
[quote=“Coolthulhu, post:3726, topic:3101”]The in-game “willingly” has to be different from the real life meaning of the word.
For example, giving the player a huge, constant morale penalty for not having the favorite bong in inventory is fine, but gluing it to player’s inventory and going all “Oops, that cursed bong of coughing feels deathly cold.” is just asking for crafty exploits, at least in a game where you can remove items in ways other than dropping them.
For example, putting the bong in shredded backpack, then having a zombie tear it apart.
And when not crafty exploits, it would be player annoyance, where lack of storage space means having to bash zombies with a bong instead of using a nearby fire axe to do that.
Similar for addictions.[/quote]
that third point is kinda impossible to argue with, yeah, i broke my cannibalism cookbook while fighting the jabberwock with it sadly, was gonna enjoy having a vorpal skill book too.
Wielding a gun with a folding stock attached restores it to its original size.
When destroying bomb-hacks deployed by zombie grenadiers, there’s a small chance of the bomb-hack dropping an active charge of the explosive they carry instead of just becoming a harmless broken -hack.
Surprise attacked! When sleeping, survivors that get hit by an enemy take several times more damage compared to getting hit while awake.
Zombie trait: zombies are your friends! But any NPC will instantly attack you and being a regular zombie you are pretty dang weak. And stupid. And can’t hold weapons. Yaaaaa…
Human trait: Wait, what were you before then?
Animal trait: You cannot talk, you cannot use tools, or clothing, and NPCs like to hunt you for food.
Infinite speed: You run at the speed of light and get hurt by anything run into, like that brick wall, or than big forest, maybe a straight up rock wall in a cave.
I am bread trait: You are bread.
Negative Starting Trait - Hypochondriac
Whenever physically injured or affected by Flu, Infection, Poison or Shroom sickness, character gains a -50 morale penalty until their condition improves to normal.
when you die you control an NPC zombie instead so you can mess with other players while you wait to respawn.
Deaf starting trait.
A pile bunker like weapon. Very heavy. Used by activating, deals massive piercing damage to one enemy, can do reach attacks, but once used it’ll take some time to use again.
PUNCH BOTS! We’ve had nasty robots firing bullets at hapless survivors, and naturally we need deadly state of the art melee robots (not cyborgs) augmented with martial arts and several thousand pounds of steel, ready to send a hapless survivors head flying out of their squishy meat bodies, or make it explode from the force of the blow… or why not both?!
For added fun, hacking them with a control laptop only makes them feel one emotion… ANGER.
Dune-like sandworms. Super strong worm creatures. Unlike worms which create dirt tiles as they move, they turn the terrain into sand instead.
This thread sounds pretty good, I’ll add to it;
Nationality - American, British, German, French, Scottish, etc. Get starting items related to nationality (Germans get beer, Frenchies get baguettes French maid hats, Scotsmen get a bagpipe and a kilt, Norwegians start with viking stuff, etc.)
Bear traps - Bear traps instakill bears and do nothing to anything else.
Island fortresses - A castle marked with a grey F and surrounded by water. The perimeter is surrounded by landmines. The inside has a few dozen NPCs with 10 in every skill, armed with assault rifles with bayonets who will try to kill you as soon as you step onto their island. You can only reach it by swimming over the water. As soon as you kill the last NPC in the fortress, the whole thing explodes with mini nuke strength, instakilling you. So basically the whole thing is a booby trap.
Soviet Union anthem - Adding it to the mp3 player. It makes you feel great. If you play it on a stereo system, all banks in the reality bubble will explode.
Atatatatatatatata - a new martial arts move that lets you do really, really quick punches which do 1 damage. And after a while the victims will explode and die.
Paper planes - make them out of paper, how far you can throw them depends on your fabrication (how well it was made) and throwing (how good you are at throwing) skills.
A way for illiterate survivors to learn how to read - How about an ABC book? Find them at schools.
Tooth fairy - When you get hit hard in the head, teeth can come out. If you lose all of your teeth, you can’t eat hard foods anymore and you ushpeak wike bhis. You can put a tooth under a pillow, and the next day, you get a gift. Say, a suit of ornamental plate armour. Or a metal tank (200L). If you wake up in the middle of your sleep, you can catch the tooth fairy and steal anything of your choice, anything from a rag to zombie pheromones. But if you do that, she won’t give you anything for teeth later on.
Hallelujah - when the rng gods bless you with the opportunity to pass a check that had less than 50% chance of success, the message log is filled with “Hallelujah!”
Slapping - New attack that stuns victims for 10 turns but does 0-2 damage.
Divide and conquer - Decapitating enemies. Will stop zombie revivification and when the head rots, it turns into a skull, which you can use to study anatomy (first aid).
Tree climbing - makes you invulnerable to attacks from enemies on land. But if you are carrying too much weight, you can fall and break a random part of your body. If the torso or head is selected, you break your spine and your neck respectively, instakilling you. If it targets a limb, it instantly goes to -----
Poison dagger - Putting poison on a dagger and when you hit an enemy, it slowly dies.
Duels - when you insult an NPC (or the other way around) a duel can be initiated. You fight with fencing style and a fencing-compatible weapon to the death. There can also be:
Western duels - when you insult an NPC (or the other way around) a Western duel can be initiated. You start with revolvers in holsters, and as soon as one pulls out a revolver, they can start shooting. Last man standing wins.
Chess duels - when you challenge an NPC to a chess duel (or the other way around), if they accept, a chess match starts. You actually get to play chess and the challenger plays white. Their moves are decided by their intelligence level. If they have 4 intelligence, they will be stupid (simulated by making random moves) and if they have 20 intelligence, they play like a grandmaster (level 10 chess ai). When you checkmate the opponent, you win.
[quote=“hdggDalton, post:3736, topic:3101”]Island fortresses - A castle marked with a grey F and surrounded by water. The perimeter is surrounded by landmines. The inside has a few dozen NPCs with 10 in every skill, armed with assault rifles with bayonets who will try to kill you as soon as you step onto their island. You can only reach it by swimming over the water.
Paper planes - make them out of paper, how far you can throw them depends on your fabrication (how well it was made) and throwing (how good you are at throwing) skills.
A way for illiterate survivors to learn how to read - How about an ABC book? Find them at schools.
When you get hit hard in the head, teeth can come out. If you lose all of your teeth, you can’t eat hard foods anymore and you ushpeak wike bhis.
Slapping - New attack that stuns victims
Divide and conquer - Decapitating enemies. Will stop zombie revivification and when the head rots, it turns into a skull, which you can use to study anatomy (first aid).
Tree climbing - makes you invulnerable to attacks from enemies on land. But if you are carrying too much weight, you can fall and break a random part of your body. If the torso or head is selected, you break your spine and your neck respectively, instakilling you. If it targets a limb, it instantly goes to -----
Poison dagger - Putting poison on a dagger and when you hit an enemy, it slowly dies.[/quote]
Some of these are good suggestions IMO.
The moat around the fortress needs monsters.
Paper air plains should have a very random flight path.
chess duel is awesome idea
Missile surfing.
A survivor who is fast enough (and who can withstand the blast) can run out of a missile silo after firing just in time to cling onto the missile and ride it to its destination. Easy form of fast travel.
[quote=“Adragis029, post:3739, topic:3101”]Missile surfing.
A survivor who is fast enough (and who can withstand the blast) can run out of a missile silo after firing just in time to cling onto the missile and ride it to its destination. Easy form of fast travel.[/quote]
You have to wield a cowboy hat, or it won’t work!
And a parachute, to disembark before detonation!