We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Yeti - appears at new “ski resort” location. Completely invincible and moves at 200% of the player’s current speed (400% if the player gets in a vehicle.) The only way to escape him is to remap your sprint key to [f].

A laugh track.

Dying of old age. A new negative trait called “Faint of heart” that makes you die of a heart attack if things get too scary. Another new negative trait called “One Hit Wonder” that gives you 1 hit point for all body parts. A killer hat called Pyonta that will eat you whole if you decide to wear it.

There should be theoretically powerful aliens that are practically just small, cute, and generally useless except for handing out jewellery.
They should be recruiting people to protect the world from the forces of evil.
They should give their recruits powerful lantern-shaped energy-sources that must be protected and can be used to recharge magical jewellery.
They should also hand out magic rings that grant magical powers but only after going through a magical clothing-transformation sequence.
All this should be colour-coded to emotions, and the powers should all be emotion-based.
They should be called something macho(Because they are totally super-heroes! And there is nothing effeminate about super-heroes!), like a corps…

There should also be magical girls! wait…

[quote=“RAM, post:3424, topic:3101”]There should be theoretically powerful aliens that are practically just small, cute, and generally useless except for handing out jewellery.
They should be recruiting people to protect the world from the forces of evil.
They should give their recruits powerful lantern-shaped energy-sources that must be protected and can be used to recharge magical jewellery.
They should also hand out magic rings that grant magical powers but only after going through a magical clothing-transformation sequence.
All this should be colour-coded to emotions, and the powers should all be emotion-based.
They should be called something macho(Because they are totally super-heroes! And there is nothing effeminate about super-heroes!), like a corps…

There should also be magical girls! wait…[/quote]

I actually worked with my wife specifically to make a Japanese schoolgirl for Cataclysm :stuck_out_tongue: She turned into a katana wielding ninja.

Now to find out how to add cosplay clothes…

outpost mode where player controls group of survivors with small amout of supplies and he can assign jobs to build new powerfull outpost

When taking damage the player has a chance of screaming out in pain.
Yelling being muffled by face wear.

-You should be able to increase your arcana by smoking copious amounts of weed.

-Wearing a tinfoil hat for long enough time should give you a message “Your head has never felt so clear!”, increase your intelligence by one, and replace all newspaper texts with things like “WORK AND CONSUME” and “BELIEVE OUR LIES”.

-Pony mutation tree. You can also randomly get wings or a horn, and if you get both you become a god.

-CBM Breast Implants for charisma bonus. (honestly, I’d consider this a good idea)
-Using additional ones will increase the bonus further. After the third one you’d have to start wearing large clothing, and beyond that you’d start suffering agility penalties. (ok, now this goes into joke territory.)
edit: This implant should also give you additional chest space for installing more torso implants.

-Ability to pad bras and stuff boxers.

-Craftable beer bong

-Senior Citizens should start with bad back, bad knees, frail and languorous, BUT be completely ignored by zombies.

-If you have traits like Gourmand or Fast Reader, you will receive appropriate morale bonuses for sleeping in piles of food or books.

Viagra synthesis C.B.M. for high-altitude work.

So… Is nobody going to help me reconcile the discovery that the Green Lanterns are magical girls?

Or this could go down a totally different and much more disturbing path.

Take a look at the novella “Equoid” you can find online…

  • Whale mutation tree. (let that sink in for a minute)

  • A super rare wild animal called jackalope. It would appear only to a fraction of players. Ever. We would collectively laugh at these players, of course, if they would try to explain how they came across one. Screenshots would be labeled as forgeries. Hitting it with anything would make it disappear and a message would be printed: “No one’s going to believe you”, automatically fading out in a few seconds.

  • Names of porn stars in the random name generator.

  • A beer brand called America.

  • PETA activist zombies. They would disregard humans and hunger only for animal flesh.

This one is a semi-serious suggestion I’d actually love to see someone make in game.

Berserker armour.

As in…

Not necessarily 100% Berserk ripoff armour, but a cursed suit which is like enhanced ornate plate armour that can heal broken bones and gives you insane stat and speed boosts while having some serious drawbacks.

Possibly feeding on blood/blood essence or something like that. Otherwise it feeds on YOU.

speak with creator of arcania mod, it should fit into his mod

Mutation: Developer
You have gained remarkable skill in starting freeware video game projects. +10 Computers skill.

Remember to hardcode it so that it doesn’t show up in the data files…

I think I did mention something similar at some point. Also, didn’t that user get banned from adding anything to the game?

Was randomdragon acania mod? I thought it was someone else.

Dragonslayer: really powerful anime sword that can only be picked up under unknown and completely stupid conditions. If you do pick it up, there will be a message telling you to not tell anyone how you managed to get it

Spot the reference?

[quote=“cdru, post:3438, topic:3101”]Dragonslayer: really powerful anime sword that can only be picked up under unknown and completely stupid conditions. If you do pick it up, there will be a message telling you to not tell anyone how you managed to get it

Spot the reference?[/quote]

Considering I was suggesting the Beserker armour on the previous page… yes.

[quote=“DG123, post:3439, topic:3101”][quote=“cdru, post:3438, topic:3101”]Dragonslayer: really powerful anime sword that can only be picked up under unknown and completely stupid conditions. If you do pick it up, there will be a message telling you to not tell anyone how you managed to get it

Spot the reference?[/quote]

Considering I was suggesting the Beserker armour on the previous page… yes.[/quote]
It’s actually a DoomRL joke