#1: Classical Zombies: Whenever a zombie successfully deals damage to you with a bite, the bite is immediately infected. The wound cannot be sterilised, and there is no cure. In twenty-four hours, you die and raise as a zombie no matter what.
#2: Roller Zombies: Rollerblading zombie waitresses that lurk around certain Drive Throughs and pizza parlours. Significantly faster than regular zombies so long as you don’t cheat and go offroad. Carry pizza and know no mercy.
#3: Zombie Infectee: NPCs hiding an infected bite wound. At a random moment they will turn into a random zombie type and attack. (Spoiler: The Random moment is when you are sleeping. The random type is always “Hulk”).
#4: Cellars have a 25% chance of being infested with mutant black mould. This will infest the player if they are not wearing a dust mask or better, causing chronic coughing and sneezing, irritation to the eyes, mucus membranes of the nose and throat, rashes, chronic fatigue and persistent headaches that last for several hours.
#5: Badass Trait: You’re a real action hero. The lower your morale, the higher the bonus to your hit and damage bonus. Every time you kill an enemy you generate extra noise as you spout a kicking one liner. Unfortunately you may only walk away from primed explosive devices and cars with damaged fuel tanks.
#6: Webs no longer burn at all, rather, the individual web just shrivels away. Likewise, smashing webs carries a chance of disarming the player and leaving their weapon trapped in the web, or the player themselves if they were unarmed, while alerting all nearby spiders to the vibration.
#7: Forest tiles and fields may randomly spawn Poison Ivy and Poison Oak. Walking over or touching these (“E”) causes pain, swelling, blindness, and if the player is allergic, they swell up and die unless they take some antihistamines. If these plants catch fire, they produce toxic smoke that lasts longer and travels further than regular smoke, causing all of the same symptoms except worse.
#8: Walking on the same tile as nails, glass shards, splintered wood and similar hazards has a 5% chance of damaging the foot of the walker unless they have sufficient foot protection. Lego has a 100% chance and deals double the damage.
#9: The player must now balance “bladder” and “bowel” stats. Bladder may be "U"nloaded into bottles to provide urea (may be distilled into ammonia). Likewise, Bowels may be unloaded into toilets which the player may then expend water to flush, or pits, which may then cause nearby water sources to become contaminated.
The less that is said about the smell the better, but undealt with poop produces miasma, luring zombies from all around and lowering the player’s morale, particularly if they move over a square containing poop (see suggestion #8). Failure to eat enough plant marrow can cause the player to take additional time attempting to reduce their Bowel stat, with increasing chance of failure as symptoms worsen. Morale penalties increase if the player has eaten a burrito within the past twelve hours.
#10: Heelie CBM: Your heels have been replaced by two motorised ball bearings. So long as you are barefoot you may active “tween” mode to start skating.
#11: “Implants” CBM: Certain gross physical aspects of your anatomy have been been enhanced. You gain a bonus interacting with NPCs of the opposite sex.
#12: Mindful of such tricks being played against them in the past, security bots now are invisible in the dark, and periodically throw expended ammo to make them sound like they’re somewhere they’re not.
#13: “Immortal” Trait: You cannot die. Even after being reduced to 0 HP in all body parts, you are still alive, to be gnawed upon by whatever killed you for all eternity while you can do nothing but suffer.
#14: In order to resolve the inability of animals to ride in vehicles with you, special “open window” vehicle parts may be included. Dogs instantly gravitate to them, allowing them to ride in peace.
#15: Zombies reviving and leaving their clothing in a pile behind them now cause a morale penalty and nausea to the player on sight.
#16: Spitter zombies that move over a square containing a rubber hose turn into Sprinkler Zombies, constantly spraying acid into the air above where it falls on the surrounding area as acid rain.
#17: Cryby: Zombies that stay in houses and dark places. They make weeping sounds and ignore the player unless exposed to bright light or approached too closely, at which point they will begin to follow the player around, still crying and attracting other nearby zombies until the player provides them with 4 units of ice cream. Killing a Crying Zombie provides the same penalties as killing a neutral or friendly survivor. Note that ice cream has not been implemented.
#18: The explosions from a dying zombie grenadier now contain microscopic traces of C4-infused goo, turning any zombie injured or killed by the explosion into another zombie grenadier.
#19: Gunhacks: Like manhacks, but instead of a knife, they have a laser pistol. Self-destructs when destroyed.
#20: Carstacean: Appears to be a normal car, but when entered, the Carstacean closes and locks all of its doors before filling its heavily armoured interior with digestive juices. Inside the carstacean may be a large amount of valuable loot from previous victims, or just a single bag of marshmallows and pre-digested bones. You’ll never know until you get inside and actually check the trunk. Can be killed by smashing the correct part of the car, though this is random, and requires you successfully break through all the other parts first.
#21: Improvised two-way radio: By taking two cans and a piece of long string, the player may communicate with an NPC up to six spaces away.
#22: Each day after Spring 1st, newly spawned building squares have progressively less loot, and progressively more damage. By the end of the tenth year, every location spawns already on fire.
#23: Skipper zombies: Child zombies turned during delightful playground games, these zombies spawn with a skipping rope that they use to flagellate their victims from range, though they move slowly due to skipping everywhere they go.
#24: New Vehicle: Pogo Stick: Slower than walking, and significantly louder. When used on dirt tiles, increases the chance of graboids to spawn nearby.
#25: Human snails nearby one another gain the chance to merge, becoming a human centipede, if two centipedes merge, a human millipede, before finally turning into a jabberwock and wrecking your face.
#26: Fish threshold mutation - Aquatic: You may no longer breath out of water.
#27: Fungal Spires now fall in a random direction when felled, destroying all terrain and objects within fifteen squares. Bad luck if that direction happens to be yours.
#28: New enemy type: Biomass. Biomass is a meat-based lifeform that consumes any structures, items and lifeforms at its borders that aren’t made from metal or stone, converting them into more biomass. This includes non-metal weapons striking the biomass. No lifeforms spawn on the biomass, and it may be butchered by a properly prepared player to produce biomeat, which may be consumed or used to construct structures and equipment out of meat. This would potentially allow them to live in meat structures on the biomass, so long as they didn’t remove whatever metal protection they were using, at which point the biomass will eat them. Once the biomass reaches a large enough size it becomes self aware and starts using mental attacks on the player to induce them to remove their clothes and “join the party”.
#29: “Notepads”. Rather than carry around a library weighing thirty kilograms and 400 volume, the player may instead “write” specific recipes onto pieces of paper, and form them into notebooks of recipes. Those with the “bad handwriting” trait must make a perception roll or be unable to recover the recipe at a later date.
#30: All chilli dogs must be removed from the game and replaced by New York System hot weenies.
#31: Vehicle mounted water cannons may now be loaded with various types of mutagen, mutating friends and enemies for fun and profit.
#32: Rave zombies: Ex ravers, these zombies constantly dance to a beat only they can hear, their bionic glow sticks and headphones kept powered by their constant gyrations. Other zombies tend to congregate around them. If injured there is a chance that the cord falls out of their music player, subjecting everyone around them with two hundred decibel dirty dubstep, causing deafness and attracting zombies from all around. Drop Duct Tape and drug paraphernalia when killed. Auto hostile with cop zombies.
#33: The Burning Man: These flaming zombies are immune to fire damage. Which is just as well, since they start small fires wherever they step. Spawns inside gas stations and player bases.
#34: Trolling wildlife: Small animals now wait until you’re sleeping and steal food from your backpack and surrounding tiles. Raccoons can even open cans. Traps and barricades are now mandatory, if only to stop rats from crapping in your oatmeal and giant flies from vomiting on your jerky.
#35: Giant mosquitoes no longer wake you up when attacking in your sleep. Wind your windows up.
#36: Invisible spike strips now randomly spawn on all roads, explaining all those cars with destroyed tires that keep showing up. Also destroys the tires on the player’s car if driven over, obviously.
#37: Standing in the same place causes the player to develop varicose veins or bedsores, depending on location.
#38: Player now has a random chance of becoming car sick, gaining increasing nausea while riding in a vehicle, until finally vomiting and crashing.
#39: New Trait: Haemophobia: The player faints whenever they are injured with cutting damage, whenever someone else is injured with cutting damage, whenever a corpse is butchered, or in the presence of blood splatter. When they awaken, they may not move towards sources of blood, and faint again within ten turns unless they leave proximity or stem their own bleeding.
#40: Trait addendum: Schizophrenic players have a random chance of shouting “Pew pew pew!” every time they fire an energy weapon.