We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Oh that’s actually planned: I intend to add a traction system that will penalize vehicles with wheels too small relative to their mass. No change on solid concrete, but on dirt and especially on dirt during rain, those deathmobiles may start requiring a set of wide wheels on each side and then some.[/quote]
steel threads will be enought?

Oh that’s actually planned: I intend to add a traction system that will penalize vehicles with wheels too small relative to their mass. No change on solid concrete, but on dirt and especially on dirt during rain, those deathmobiles may start requiring a set of wide wheels on each side and then some.[/quote]

This leads me to the second half of my bad suggestion, or at least why this is a BAD suggestion.

Any initial implementation is guaranteed to be applied such that tanks will instantly sink into dirt, semis will collapse bridges, and in general cause more unrealistic bullshit than it’d solve. o3o

I dont even know half of what you said in that post xD

MGS’s codec system CBM

more memes

It’s like dakka. You can never have enough of it. o3o

We need more weather affects, nothing says !!!FUN!!! like a tornado crushing your base or flinging your deathmobile into the next town.

Would go hand-in-hand with Texas mode. Moar guns, moar trucks, glorious tornadoes, and every city that doesn’t spawn connected to an interstate highway generates as if city size was set to set its current setting. o3o

If you do not change your underwear once in six months then it should zombify. Turning it inside out should double this time, but double the power of the zombie.

Zombie elephants. Once they see you, they’ll keep chasing you. Even if you manage to drive about 20 map tiles long, they’ll eventually reach you if you stay in one spot, because they never forget.

Whenever the game detects that the player intends to settle down and build a house, it’ll send in…


Yes, sir. A large RV and/or a trailer, packed full of the worst white trash hillbillies, parks riiiight next to the player house. Commence barbequeing, forced socializing, loud conversations and 24/7 music. They’ll constantly pester you with the mundane, and their noisy kids will try to go through your stuff, often taking your items without your permission. Things start to go downhill fast when little Billy-Bob drinks all your mutagens while you’re asleep.

Having bionic claws/heat sink/electroshock unit active while having the faulty bionic itchy metal thing can lead to… unfortunate accidents.

It’s the apocalypse, we need to repopulate the earth. Impregnate all the npcs.

Roughly half of them would need some sort of a mutation to become impregnable.
Most likely a post-threshold one.

Roughly half of them would need some sort of a mutation to become impregnable.
Most likely a post-threshold one.[/quote]

But of course! How else are we to have adorable snake-mutant children? o3o

In the interest of realism, all genetic mutations affect only subsequent generations. Games will be played over the span of several generations. Whichever family accrues the greatest number of land titles, political influence, and piety after a couple hundred years is declared the victor.

There need to be withdrawal symptoms to caffeine, chocolate, and fried potato products.

If you get the Grackle a computer system with MOBA software downloaded, and set up a wireless network, you can train NPCs to start a new entertainment sport for your faction: League of Cataclysm. This would be late-game faction specific infrastructure, after you’ve restored a semblance of the internet.

10 foot pole. For touching things.

The spade mortar. Looks like this:

Mininuke manhack grenades. To make an esplode on everything.

Crayons. (A)ctivating them pushes one up your nose without a confirmation dialog, poking out your brain, dealing 200 damage to your head.

Cardborg armor. Made from cardboard boxes. When in a full suit of the stuff, makes you disguised as the robot faction to all mobs and NPCs. Watch out for hackers with screwdrivers.

Explosive barrels. Shoot them to explode. The game should arbitrarily prevent survivors from opening these barrels, because nobody bothered to really say what’s inside them, or give them a reason to be where they are.

Supermatter crystals. Large stone what makes radiation and heat in large amounts in it’s vicinity. anything that enters within a single tile range of it is erased from the game completely.

This already exist. It is terrifying.