We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

When a survivor eats more than hundred units of peanut butter in a day, he gets the “peanutbutter-sweat” mutation. He will slowly form a thick layer of peanut butter on his skin, which can only be removed with a butter knife and a glass jar. This makes it into a infinite food source. It is really gross though, so it has a huge morale penalty. And you have a chance to drop you weapon because of the grease. And a HUGE encumbrance penalty! And the smell attracts netherworld creatures! And you randomly catch on fire when close to a heat-source!

It’d be worth it though. :3

Eating a banana will produce a banana peel, which can be set as a trap for enemies to slip on. Watching an enemy slip on a banana peel will provide a small morale boost.

There should always be a 2% chance that a sleeping player character would be woken up by cat walking on him/her, no matter how sealed, secured or locked the sleeping space is. How did the cat get in? It’s a goddamn mystery.

And a .02% chance that the character will die from suffocation.

As far as horrible ideas go, I was thinking of two extra actions added to an item’s inventory description menu. “'C’raft into…” and “Use to 'c’raft…”, each bringing up a shortlist of crafting recipes for which the item in question is an ingredient or a tool, respectively. Add a more sensible way of getting at particular crafting recipes without having to open up and scan through the whole list of stuff.

Players should have the ability to disassemble a glass bottle of screwdriver cocktail into a glass bottle of cocktail and a screwdriver.

That’s actually not that bad an idea. At a bare minimum, a key for showing the full list of things you can craft with it would be useful for items where the list gets reduced to “you can think of dozens of things you can make with this” and such. A quick key for crafting though? A nifty shortcut, but not as essential. owo

op jet engines
because i want my command center to liftoff instead of slowly burning forest to go somewhere else

Sacrificial frames are the way to deal with annoying forests.

[quote=“Malkeus, post:2969, topic:3101”]Sacrificial frames are the way to deal with annoying forests.[/quote]But then what are you supposed to use the home-made explosives for?

I just had a great idea! Outhouse traps! It requires three walls, a door, a roof(all of the lowest quality), a seat and the means to make a hole in the seat, a large spider, a cover for the seat, an electrical circuit, and a large quantity of explosives(several kilograms?). Survivors will have an arbitrary urge to enter the outhouse, close the door, and then sit down. Sitting down will close the circuit between the seat, the cover, and the explosives, and detonate the explosives. It is pretty much always fatal except for a chance that, upon opening the door, the victim will be overcome with disgust and flee the area in a flurry of incoherent babbling and terrified screaming.

That’s the crappiest idea I’ve heard all day. I mean, really. Complete the circuit by putting down the seat? That’d mean you’d be able to see both sides of the connection before you put the seat down, and even if it didn’t, the seat goes up for a reason: some people don’t need it down to go! Furthermore, nobody with a lick of sense is gonna use an toilet without making sure there’s at least something to wipe with, first.

Add paper to the requirements and move the trigger to the door, so it’ll be completed when latched shut.

You should be able to spend several weeks painstakingly restoring water-pressure to a school just to flush timed-explosives down the toilets for a large morale buff.

Most professions should have a building associated with them. If a character destroys a building associated with their profession, then they should get a morale buff.

If a ‘mindless’ opponent is slower than you, then you should be able to automatically stay out of its reach(this would take time, and could be interrupted by things other than the target) while sticking a sticky bomb to it with a stick. You can then walk away from it and remote-detonate the bomb for a morale boost.

If you pile more than a megaton of explosives in a single location, then detonate it, it should provide a morale buff.

You should be able to combine several layers of advanced armour with a crude bomb-launcher to build a rudimentary orion-drive for vehicles.

You should be able to throw high-explosives into waterways for morale buffs and foraging.

You should be able to build orion-drive roller-skates.

You should be able to build reactive armour. You should be able to mount that reactive armour to conventional armour, you should be able to mount a plate of such a combination onto a heavy, rigid gauntlet. You should then have a specialised punch option.

You should be able to put anything you want into microwave-ovens and then put them on a timer…

You should be able to attach remote-detonated bombs on dogs.

You should be able to put magnetic-triggered anti-vehicle mines on dogs.

You should be able to put dogs into sealed reinforced-glass chambers and then expose them to various doses of glob or mutagen and observe the results.

Or maybe we just need a dog-deterrent that makes them want to leave the character alone.

You should be able to disable the arming sequence on a thermonuclear I.C.B.M. and launch it to a specific location for salvage.

You should be able to attach a thermonuclear warhead to a metal plate and a rigid gauntlet and put it on a hulk zlave’s favourite fist and then send it at a tankbot.

You should be able to use explosives and some basic chemistry to build fireworks that can provide a morale boost but tend to attract hordes, but the morale boost should have a massive range and the fireworks should be remote-activated.

Prepare for Terrible ideas!

Large Breasts/Testicles (Starts with a large amount of torso/leg encumbrance and needs special clothes)
Foreign (Doesnt know english and needs to read a special book to under stand it)

Terrorist (Stats with Normal clothes and a Suicide vest)
Tank commander (Starts with military gear and a tank outside)
Pilot (Has No useful skills whatsoever in the current game)
Flight Attendant (Same as pilot, But has speaking and bartering skills at lvl 2)

The binding of Cata (You can shoot tears and certain (More common) Mutagens will upgrade your tears)
Mayday! (Start as a passenger, Flight Attendant, Or pilot in a plane that had a person zombify on it)
100 Mutagen Challenge (One Syringe, One backpack, 100 Flasks of unmarked mutagen serum, What do you do? CHUGCHUGCHUG!)

Places and enemy’s
Stripclub (Watch undead strippers!)
Stripper Zombies (Spawns at stripclubs)
CATaclysm (A mutated cat thats stronger than 10 Amigara Horrors)

Eegh, I am a horrible person

[quote=“RAM, post:2972, topic:3101”]If a ‘mindless’ opponent is slower than you, then you should be able to automatically stay out of its reach(this would take time, and could be interrupted by things other than the target) while sticking a sticky bomb to it with a stick. You can then walk away from it and remote-detonate the bomb for a morale boost.

If you pile more than a megaton of explosives in a single location, then detonate it, it should provide a morale buff.

You should be able to throw high-explosives into waterways for morale buffs and foraging.

You should be able to put anything you want into microwave-ovens and then put them on a timer…

You should be able to attach remote-detonated bombs on dogs.

You should be able to put magnetic-triggered anti-vehicle mines on dogs.[/quote]

This is kind of a good idea maybe. A trait the player can pick during character creation which makes explosions provide morale boosts.

[quote=“A Blitzkried of Butts, post:2973, topic:3101”]Foreign (Doesnt know english and needs to read a special book to under stand it)

CATaclysm (A mutated cat thats stronger than 10 Amigara Horrors)

Eegh, I am a horrible person[/quote]
There is only the one logical conclusion…

The cat-aclysm should feature a cat on every second tile, and they should have a three-hundred thousand-line, poorly-optimised artificial intelligence, mostly to do with one another’s odours, that takes an hour for every cat in the vicinity to determine what the cat should do. And you should spawn as a level 1 Dungeons and Dragons civilian…

You are not nearly horrible enough for this thread. But do not despair, just spend some time tanking your morale at a school and you will be trading horrors with the best of them…

Can we get rip the supportive commentary that Defence of the Ancients provides to successful players and implement the same system to trigger when the survivor is on a school tile?

We need cheesy motivational posters in office buildings and school.

With layer upon layer of pun.

OR go for some dystopic and oppressive one-liners, such as

“You can tell your teacher whatever is bothering you.”
“Trust the authority.”
“U.S. is Love. U.S. is Life.”
“Be happy.”
“Serve with pleasure.”
“Enlist today.” (yes, let’s assume it’s an elementary school or junior high)
“It’s never too early to take a mortgage.”
“Friends help friends stay law-abiding citizens.”
“The police is your friend.”

I could’ve sworn that was normal grade-school stuff. Now it does sound more dystopian if it’s posted in a high school maybe, but in elementary school? :V

Also, dumb idea. At a certain weight threshold, vehicles become too heavy to cross bridges. Or they start to crack roads. Or become bogged down in dirt. Or SINK into dirt.

Oh that’s actually planned: I intend to add a traction system that will penalize vehicles with wheels too small relative to their mass. No change on solid concrete, but on dirt and especially on dirt during rain, those deathmobiles may start requiring a set of wide wheels on each side and then some.