We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

I want to train zombies to perform construction jobs. Then I want to start building a tower into the sky so that I can speak to the devs about getting all this cataclysm nonsense sorted out. Then I want to to find out that one zombie is moaning, another is grunting, then next is groaning, then one is howling, and none is them can understand one another and the production crawls to an end.

Of Cars and Men

  • Ever-increasing fuel prices at gas stations. Increase the price like $0.20 per day.
  • Automated road construction crews that would roam about in the world, blocking lanes and performing road repairs in the most inconvenient and unexpected spots. Naturally it would track the player’s driving behaviour and predict likely routes.
  • Robotic car drivers / car A.I. The player could set the A.I. on and it would do the driving… more or less succesfully. Sometimes the A.I. would turn itself on in the middle of driving, because A.I. “I’m sorry, I can’t let you do that”, it would say every now and then at the moment of takeover as it steers the vehicle in an unwanted direction. The A.I. would try to download updates… and fail every time, and it would always notify the player about the update failure. Audibly.
  • Navigators as vehicle parts. Turn. Left. 50 yards.
  • Windshields should catch blood and other vision-blocking gore. Introduce windshield wipers and wiper fluid. Of course the wipers are strong like toothpicks and the wiper fluid needs constant replacement.
  • Freezing weather would sometimes freeze the car door locks and the player would be unable to get in with a key, unless the ice in the lock is melted with proper thawing fluids. No idea why the player would bother to lock the car doors in the first place. Or does anyone use a key to open the door lock anyway these days?
  • Carwashes as locations, and not without some severe Breaking Bad references.
  • Human state troopers should appear in the game after 1 year of gameplay, to pull the player over and give speeding tickets.
  • 1 year after that, truck drivers, who would ferry goods in/out of the refugee center. Truckstops would start to pop up on the roadsides, and there would be… working ladies. To complete the trucking theme: trucker radio banter.

About a dozen more things like sinkholes in swamps that kill you immediately if you don’t have a certain, heavy, practically single-use item taking up space in your inventory.

Okay, this is actually a surprisingly good idea. I might be tempted to learn how to code just to put military zombies underneath crashed helicopters. Ya’know, to troll anyone who wants free military stuff just for playing zoomed all the way out 24/7

With the new minimap, you don’t even need to play zoomed out to view those rubble piles at a distance. And it makes fishing with dynamite a thing, which I enjoy immensely. :slight_smile:

[quote=“Theundyingcode, post:2667, topic:3101”][ul][li]Zombie hamsters- their corpse is used in crafting a hamster power generator. Doesn’t produce much power. Normally harnessing hamster power requires feeding them and letting them rest but zombies need neither food nor sleep. Great for powering your underground base. giant treehouse.

It is not completely free energy, you need to keep replacing the bait, or maybe find some other way to keep it fresh, I wonder how many preservatives can be added to a human brain before it becomes pickled…

Okay, this is actually a surprisingly good idea. I might be tempted to learn how to code just to put military zombies underneath crashed helicopters. Ya’know, to troll anyone who wants free military stuff just for playing zoomed all the way out 24/7[/quote]

Oh! Yes please! More free military stuff! 8D

I want an unhygienic trait that leaves a heavy scent trail and various worthless junk items and fluid splatters in your wake. Then there should be a mollusc mutation line that lupgrades it to leave a slime trail that can eventually be used to trap, poison, and dissolve/digest your enemies/coworkers.

The better to allow slime mutant characters to engulf targets. o3o

launcher welding npc!

MMO Cataclysm. Turn-advance capped at slowest player’s speed. Server slots: 1000

^Satan, is that… you? +1

More MMO Cataclysm:

  • Players are randomly chosen to be monsters and humans. Monster players appear to themselves as human, while all the others see them as monsters.
  • Those “monster” players can communicate, but anything they type will simply appear as “RAARGH” or “BLAARGH” to all the others, while the player himself sees exactly the phrase he typed.
  • Items’ values are chosen and shown randomly, rolled again every 2-4 views.
  • Any numbers that players type are intercepted and manipulated with a 10% probability. For example, a player might be willing to sell an item for $100, but the price that is shown to the buyer is $50… or $5000.
  • Some players’ guns misfire more often than other players’ guns. Admins and devs will deny everything.
  • The moose in the MMO version run twice as fast, deal more damage, and sometimes they hide in the trunks of vehicles.
  • The only hint that there is a moose in the trunk is when a player hits the trunk, a noise is made as the moose moves around restlessly in there.
  • Sometimes the moose grab players and seal them in vehicle trunks, trapping them in there until released. A trapped player has the option to bang and kick the trunk door from the inside.
  • On a rare occasion, players turn invisible to all the others. This happens more often to those who appear as monsters.
  • A gun will be more likely to misfire if a hulk is near, and if the gun is low on ammo.
  • The timers of explosives will receive some random variation.
  • The game will include smartphones and social networking, and you will have an app with which to query if there are drivers nearby to give you a ride.
  • Players will be forced to live two years of normal family life in the game prior to cataclysm. Failure to uphold a marriage, a steady job, or traditional family life will result in penalties. Because controversy.
  • The game will include RL election advertisements, potentially streamed into the game from outside sources.
  • The two year family life period will include election, and failure to achieve Registered Voter status, or failure to vote, will result in penalties.
  • If a player wishes to purchase a gun in the two year quiet period, he/she will be subjected to background checks.

Nice to see you running with it.

Next one: automatic weapons have level 1 food cooking quality. Must have foil in inventory.

Don’t forget the Glock brand Glock cake.

Getting tree trunks by smashing trees.But only when you don’t have items in your hand.

Hostile rifle-wielding NPCs with the rifles having sniper conversions and the marksmanship skills to add in said mod.

You’re shortcutting it through the woods, you spot an NPC… too late, you’re shot in the head by a .308 round.

If you get a tree smashed, then it should try to pick you up…

Frying pans, pots, kettles and other kitchenware get dirty with every use and need to be cleaned with water (and perhaps a new dishwashing liquid introduced with this system). Food cooked with dirty kitchenware can’t be distinguished from “clean” food and doesn’t give as big a morale boost that regular food does. Foods lowering morale cooked with dirty tools will lower it even further. Perhaps give “dirty” food a small chance to poison you as well.

Cleaning requires (1) charge of clean water per dish and takes 1-2 in-game minute(s).

^ Okay, this is just…wrong.

Motorized vehicles must have a transmission system to operate. These come in two main varieties:

  • Manual transmissions lower fuel efficiency while cruising and require periodic driving skill checks to avoid stalls and damage to the engine or transmission.
  • Automatic transmissions lower acceleration speed & fuel efficiency during acceleration, and are more fragile than manual transmissions, but do not require said skill checks.

Your transmission part must be adequate to the output of your engines, or they will strip, destroying the transmission.
Larger transmission systems are less efficient and require higher and more frequent skill checks to operate. Automatic transmissions become increasingly rare as tolerable power levels increase.
Multiple transmissions can be installed, but require 16 levels of mechanics skill per additional transmission.
Crafting blueprints for ultra efficient automatic continuously variable transmission systems and ultra-high-torque nested-sun-gear transmissions can be found in labs. These require CVD machines to craft and weigh several hundred pounds.

Repairing either variety of transmission requires 16+ mechanics, 8+ fabrication, 8+ bashing weapons, 12 intelligence, and a serrated disk per notch of health. Transmissions must also be provided with transmission fluid. With 8+ cooking, Lard or cooking grease can be substituted for transmission fluid, but reduces the hp of the part and adds a periodic check to see if the part bursts into flame during heavy operation.