We make bad suggestions and come up with horrible ideas

Calloused hands of the blind for the win! Because who needs hands that are sensitive to feel things?

Because reading braille off an ingot hot enough to hammer out sounds like a !!FUN!! idea.

Sentient Zombie hulks with flamethrowers.

A mountain with a deep hole in it, leading to some gloriously weird shit.


Maybe if you hold etched skulls long enough they give off insanity and all other sorts of nasties that involve your mind

Maybe spawn legions of my mother who yell at me for not calling her enough.


We already have The DRRening.

Hint, it involves demon flowers, motherly goat mages, and skeletons. o3o

I thought we already had the D.D.R.ening, which is why we get so many Thriller-based suggestions in here…
Oh wait that is a different thing…

When you hammer a solid block of hard concrete, it produces a certain sensation. When you hammer a solid block of fluffy mashed potato, it produces a different sensation. Blind blacksmithing is just a matter of training your indirect softness discernment…

New suggestion. Ability to forge mashed potato armor.

Car, (semi?)truck, and tank zombies (based off normal, brute and hulk respectively.)
A rare form of zombie that turned while inside of and embedded in wreckage.
A true merge of zombie and machine; One has new reason to fear those siren honks in the night.
Will accelerate at and try to ram things it doesn’t like (and everything in the way), and if the target is too close to accelerate at, will attempt to take swings and smashes at with twisted metal. The tank variant has even been known to take potshots at distant targets, though instead of explosives it shoots disgusting rotten blobs of itself that explode into a burst of napalm.
An extremely rare version has been rumored through the ramblings of a mad half burnt survivor of a firefighter truck and a shocker solar car, but shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Best way to fight them is probably either to get close before they can build up speed, or bait them into striking solid surfaces and then wade into the buildings before they can get unstuck.

Makes sense in lore if you read some of the lab notes, as the goo behind mutations and zombies was first the basis of cbms.

[quote=“Midaychi, post:2630, topic:3101”]Car, (semi?)truck, and tank zombies (based off normal, brute and hulk respectively.)
A rare form of zombie that turned while inside of and embedded in wreckage.
A true merge of zombie and machine; One has new reason to fear those siren honks in the night.
Will accelerate at and try to ram things it doesn’t like (and everything in the way), and if the target is too close to accelerate at, will attempt to take swings and smashes at with twisted metal. The tank variant has even been known to take potshots at distant targets, though instead of explosives it shoots disgusting rotten blobs of itself that explode into a burst of napalm.
An extremely rare version has been rumored through the ramblings of a mad half burnt survivor of a firefighter truck and a shocker solar car, but shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Best way to fight them is probably either to get close before they can build up speed, or bait them into striking solid surfaces and then wade into the buildings before they can get unstuck.

Makes sense in lore if you read some of the lab notes, as the goo behind mutations and zombies was first the basis of cbms.[/quote]

something like that? but with zombie instead of crab?

shocker hulk tank what have longer special attack reach and high armor (and hitpoints) at cost of lack of fling attack?
why not?

Add a special class of NPC or Tracking Friendly monster called “Annoying Fan” who follows you around if you have the Pretty trait. Occasionally spouts nonsense and annoying quips.

“By the cataclysm, by the cataclysm, by the cataclysm! It’s the Player Character! I can’t believe it’s you, standing here next to me!”

Also have NPCs have a chance of saying “You got a purdy mouth.” And then becoming instantly hostile if you have a Beautiful or better mutation.

There should be a lick command that will automatically lick whatever is in the tile in front of you.
Lick a pile of food: You gain a minor version of any malady from eating it but know if it is safe to eat, and it all gets identified as belonging to the player and N.P.C.s won’t want it anymore.
Lick a zombie: Automatic bite injury to tongue.
Lick a metal surface: Temperature dependant…

“You lick the bandit.”

By Azura! By Azura! By Azura!

We still need dorfs. owo

Here free dwarfs for you


New idea. A spinny cute to feed Litpunk to. =w=

One of these days, Litppunk…
One of these days…

This game needs a rod of wonders.